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Glass Joe

Glass Joe can be defeated by blind aggression. If he blocks your punch, just switch your guard and keep pounding. He likely won't give you any trouble at all once you're familiar with the controls. Knock him down within the first minute or so and he won't even get up!

Piston Hurricane

Most people think of Piston Hurricane as a character in the SNES game Super Punch-Out!! who is a ripoff of Piston Honda in Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!... as you can see here, Piston Hurricane was around first!

Piston Hurricane tends to leave his body open more often than his head, and will sometimes duck your jabs, so you can keep pounding away at his body.

Piston's signature move is his Hurricane Rush. When he does this, he will jump away, then back toward the center. Then he will unleash a flurry of alternating high and low punches, although they're easy to block. Don't try dodging them. He then finishes the series with an uppercut (telegraphed by squatting). The best way to counter the Hurricane Rush is to punch him -- either a jab or body blow will work -- just as he hops back into the center. He will fall down. If you hit him on his first Hurricane Rush with the clock showing exactly 2:30, he won't get up! (He also won't get up if you manage to knock him down before his first Hurricane Rush.)

If Piston gets up, his first move when he gets up will be an uppercut. Dodge it and continue pounding on him.

Bald Bull

Bald Bull is middle-of-the-road: pretty easy to defeat, but probably a tough opponent the first few times. This is where the game starts getting harder, since you cannot just keep pounding him into submission. You have two options: waiting for him to make a move, dodging, and countering with jabs to the face, or throw a punch you know he will block, hoping it will induce him to make a move which you can dodge and counter. For instance if you punch at him and he ducks, you know you should dodge immediately because he will throw an uppercut.

His special move is the Bull Charge. This move will automatically knock you down if it connects. You have two options: dodge it and then throw a jab at him, or jab him right after his second hop. Body blows actually will knock him out of the bull charge, but the timing is slightly different. Err on the side of punching too late rather than too early, but you don't have too much room to make a mistake. It is still not difficult to do once you know the timing. If your punch connects it will knock him down. This makes him pretty easy to beat if you can get the timing right consistently.

One final note: Bald Bull will often punish you for throwing a knockout punch when he's not stunned. He will often duck and retaliate before you can move. You will also encounter this difficulty with Pizza Pasta, then every boxer throughout the rest of the game.

Kid Quick

Kid Quick is tough. He is not physically dangerous, especially when you get used to his timing. He can still knock you out, of course, but your big danger against him is running out of time. He does not provide too many opportunities to pound at him, and he has no special move that you can hit him out of to knock him down.

Kid Quick tends to leave his body open more than his face. He will usually throw jabs in series of three. You can tell when he is about to jab because he raises his gloves, which allows you to hit him with a body blow. Alternatively, you can dodge his jab and try to hit him back. He sometimes follows the series with a hook.

The easiest way to get a few hits on him after his hook. He will raise his gloves in a specific way, different from the jab. Dodge it and throw a couple of left jabs. He will often let you get in a couple of extra jabs even after he is no longer stunned. Whatever you do, don't use body blows in this situation, because he will block and no longer be stunned. You can get away with making your first punch a body blow, but once he's stunned you must use jabs.

The breakthrough in a given match against Kid Quick will probably be when you finally get your KO meter full. He will often stand there and let you hit him multiple times. Don't stop unless he starts fighting back against them -- like Bald Bull he will sometimes. If you get really lucky you can fill up your KO meter and knock him down very fast at the start of the fight, and he might not even get up!

You may remember that sometimes Bald Bull will block and react to a left jab in such a way that it opens him to attack. Kid Quick will not fall for that trick. He will, however, fall for the same thing with right jabs. Sometimes he will counter with a body blow to your right (dodging left is much easier than dodging right), but most often he will duck your jab and throw a hook. Now you can get in at least two jabs, or a jab and a hook.

Alterate Approach to Defeating Kid Quick: This guy is actually the easiest person to beat in the game. Throw a right to his head and it will force him to retaliate with a hook. Dodge to the right and then follow with 3 left jabs to the face. Repeat this pattern and he goes down in about 30 seconds. This is touched on above, but with this method you are forcing him to throw a hook at you vs waiting for him to do it on his own.

Pizza Pasta

How's that name for a national stereotype? ;)

Pizza Pasta can be very tough if you don't know a trick to defeating him. This trick will work pretty much every time, but may take a little practice. Keep throwing left jabs. Sometimes he will just block them, but sometimes you can see him prepare for a hook as he blocks. When he does, dodge and counter with jabs. Also, sometimes he will duck your jab. Dodge his uppercut and counter with jabs. You can use a knockout punch when he's stunned, too. That's pretty much it... until he grabs you.

His grab will not hurt you, but will drain a substantial portion of your KO meter. Hold right (not left!) while you're in his grasp and you will automatically dodge the following uppercut. Then you will get to throw lots of left jabs at his face and you will probably refill your KO meter. Give him a hook or two and if you've been doing well, he will probably fall down.

The second time he grabs you and you beat him up, you might not be in a position to knock him down. Afterward, he will likely begin a fast flurry of punches. This will be somewhat like Piston Hurricane's rush, with a twist: instead of alternating high and low, he will punch wherever you're not guarding. You must switch your guard with just the right timing. He might knock you down, and that's OK... you can get back to your old pattern when you get back up.

Like Bald Bull, Pizza Pasta will often counter a KO punch if you throw one while he's not stunned. Your best bet is to throw a left jab (to induce an attack), dodge, jab him once, then hook him. If you jab twice you leave yourself open to retaliation. But do throw all the KO punches you want after hitting him after he grabs you.

Be warned that toward the end of the fight Pizza Pasta might catch onto your pattern, and hit you while you are dodging. As soon as this happens you need to give up and switch to a strategy of waiting for him to attack and then dodging.

Mr. Sandman

You can use exactly the same technique against Mr. Sandman as you did against Pizza Pasta. He will usually duck and then uppercut. However, this pattern is much more risky against Mr. Sandman. Sometimes he will catch on and will block your counter punch, and when he does he might not fall for it again until one of you is knocked down. If you get lucky with this pattern, you can have him out cold in under a minute. If you get unlucky, you might be the one on the canvas. Pay attention to how he's reacting to your moves.

Mr. Sandman is tough to defeat when he won't fall for this basic pattern. His most dangerous attack is an uppercut he throws without ducking first, as it is difficult to see in advance.

Defending your title

After you defeat Mr. Sandman, you must defend your title. You will fight all of your old enemies again except for Kid Quick. This time around they will all be ranked #1 in the world, as you were when you fought Mr. Sandman. They will be significantly harder, their moves and patterns will be a little different, and their eyes will not turn yellow to telegraph punches. They also wear blue gloves which apparently signifies their status as the challenger.

If you lose a fight -- and be warned that even Glass Joe can be tough to somebody new to this part of the game -- you will as usual get the opportunity to rematch if you hadn't lost a fight yet. When you do, your opponent becomes champion and you will be fighting to get your belt back. Your opponent's gloves will switch back from blue to their standard color, his eyes will turn yellow in advance again, and he will be a bit easier to defeat, but your opponent will still be tougher than when you first fought him.

In this part of the game, your opponents will now tend to punish a jab with an unavoidable counterpunch. Even Glass Joe is lightning fast with the counter. Therefore, inducing mistakes by throwing a left jab will no longer work reliably and is actually dangerous. This is now a game of watching your opponent and reacting.

Unfortunately, this breakdown is tentative. For opponents not yet covered be warned that the normal strategies for these opponents do not necessarily work as well or at all.

Glass Joe #2

Glass Joe is no longer trivial to defeat. He has some of the same traits, such as being too slow to act. He has all the same moves, except he has a new response to a left jab: a lightning-fast right cross that you will be unable to block or dodge. He will not always throw it, especially early on, but leading with a left jab is just too risky now.

Unfortunately, Glass Joe will not leave himself open so much anymore. If you don't know what to do, you can easily go two minutes without knocking him down once. It's still relatively safe to throw body blows, but he will often block them. It may be best to hit him with a body blow when he jabs (before he can actually throw it) and possibly when he's about to throw a hook.

Glass Joe's biggest vulnerability is KO punches. He won't dodge or counter them too often, so you're relatively safe throwing a few of them although he will hit you with counters sometimes.

Piston Hurricane #2

Piston is much more annoying this time around. He doesn't leave himself open a lot. Now he's more like Kid Quick but without an obvious pattern to bring him down.

He still does his Hurricane Rush, but it's more difficult to defend against. First, he varies his timing when he jumps back in, usually doing two hops and pausing between them. It's much more difficult to just whack him and send him to the canvas when he jumps in. You might end up getting a hit, but a little too late, then he'll just continue his rush. You can still take him down with one hit when he runs at you, it's just harder. If he's gone into the rush, you're in trouble. The biggest problem is he will sustain it for much longer than before and you cannot get him out of it. Afterward, he will throw two relatively quick uppercuts (without ducking, Mr. Sandman style), followed by his normal uppercut.

Piston does not have the right cross, so it is safe to lead with your left against him, but except early in the fight it will not be very helpful.

Bald Bull #2

If you can beat Piston Hurricane again, Bald Bull's not so tough. His telegraphs are pretty easy to spot and they are the key to bringing him down: just hit him while he's doing a telegraph, or dodge and punch. He will only do his Bull Charge one time and it has a slight change: sometimes after the first hop he will hop back instead. Throw your punch as soon as you see him hop forward a second time. It's much harder to time correctly than before unless he doesn't hop back.

Pizza Pasta #2

Pizza Pasta can be defeated the same way as before, but not as easily and he can fight back sometimes. Be warned that his timing is more erratic.

Mr. Sandman #2

The only advice we can offer right now is: get lucky. ;)

Still defending your title

After you beat Mr. Sandman a second time, Pizza Pasta will be removed from the lineup, the game will get yet harder, and Glass Joe is moved to before Mr. Sandman, making the new order Piston Hurricane, Bald Bull, Glass Joe, and Mr. Sandman. After defeating Mr. Sandman this part of the game repeats until you finally lose. The game still gets progressively harder each time but not as noticeably, and it is possible to continue for hundreds of fights.