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The story so far

Present Day

An exclusive interview with reclusive former FBI director Alexander Leland Cayne lures First Edition reporter Rick Henderson to Cayne's estate. But Cayne dismisses Henderson's questions, claiming the interview is a cover for a much bigger story...

February 28th, 2004

47 receives an all-expenses paid trip to Chile for a day. Sadly, it's all business and little pleasure, as a client has requested a hit on a wine trader turned drug maker.

Target: Don Fernando Delgado

Following a downturn in his wine business, Delgado secretly turned to the much more profitable cocaine industry.


SAF sub-machine gun

All the VIP guards patrolling the hacienda, hangar, and drug lab carry this weapon visibly.

Snub-nosed revolver

On the Don. Usually, you'll be able to get it off his body but if you shove him out the window there's a chance he'll fall onto the rocks and the gun will be out of reach. Oh well, that's what replays are for.

TMP sub-machine gun

Manuel has it. You should still have the one from the tutorial if you followed the walkthrough.


Also found in the tutorial. If you must have another, all the outdoor and wine cellar guards carry them.


  • The cameramen mentioned in the briefing are irrelevant, as you can beat the mission without ever entering the party.
  • The actor, Stanton, and his agent don't appear to be useful.
  • You can poison several wine casks, but there doesn't seem to be a way to get the poison to Manuel short of directly pumping it into him with the syringe.
  • You can hide bodies in the wine vats if you don't mind killing hapless guards. I think it only counts as an accident, but it's the principle of the thing.

SA Walkthrough

Needed Equipment

Just the standard stuff, really. You might want a pistol to make your life easier, but none of the guns are essential.

Suiting Up

  • At the start, run around the left side of the building, then make your way past the lone hombre to the ramp that leads down to the docks.
  • Run down the long ramp. Stop when you're in earshot of the worker on the dock.
  • A ways to the north of the worker, there is a guard standing by an elevator. Occasionally, a worker will come down the elevator, satisfy himself that no-one's dead or KOed, and then return. Hide in the nook just south of the elevator and wait for the paranoid worker to arrive, look around, and leave.
  • As soon as the elevator starts up, sneak up behind the VIP guard. If you have a pistol, take him hostage, drag him behind the crates on the other side of the bridge, and conk him on the noggin. If you only have the standard equipment, simply sedate the poor fool and drag his body to the crates. In any case, once he's out of sight, relieve him of his clothes and his gun. You are now inconspicuous.

Don Cry for Me, Chile

  • Take the elevator up to the drug lab. Exit the elevator, turn right, walk through the door, and climb up the stairs into the house.
  • Enter the small room on the other side of the ground floor hallway. There is a sleeping guard in here. Quickly and quietly pick the lock on the other door in this room.
  • Dash up the stairs into the small study. Save your game here.
  • Open the door and walk to the other end of the hall. Once both the patrolling guard and the stationary guard have their attention elsewhere, pick the lock on either door. This is tricky and requires exact timing.
  • You are now inside the Don's inner sanctum. Sneak around to his left side, making sure to keep out of sight, and toss a coin onto the balcony. The Don should go to investigate. Shove him over the edge. SPLAT. Objective complete. Since no-one knows you did it you can easily retrace your steps to the elevator without much trouble.

Manuel Labor

  • Go through the drug lab and open the hollowed-out wine cask. You'll be in the wine cellar. Walk forward into the room with the coke and shotgun shells on the table and go through the door. Head up the stairs to the top. SAVE.
  • There are two ways to kill Manuel, both of which will probably require lots of restarting (hence the terrible pun in the section title). The convoluted method involves a lift with several barrels on it, which Manuel will stand under for a good ten seconds, practically screaming, "Please drop the barrels on me!" The problem is that the bomb itself has to be planted on the winch, which means that when you blow it anearby guard will probably die in the explosion, and while squishing Manuel with the elevator will count as accidental, blowing up the guard (which actually IS an accident) will count as a kill. None of the ways of getting this guy to move are flawless--when he goes to check the bottom of the stairs, Manuel usually isn't in place; if you shove him over the railing, the guards may get suspicious; if you take him hostage, you need to get all the way down the stairs and into the coke room to hide the body.
  • The simple but inconsistent method is just that--when Manuel comes into the cellar, shove him down the first flight of stairs. Depending on what platform you're playing the game on, this could be difficult as the karma physics engine is very different on PC, PS2, and Xbox. The one time I tried it on PC, he fell about halfway down, his body slid slowly down the steps, hitting each individual step, and when he hit the bottom, the game told me that Manuel was dead. This is probably the way to go.

De plane, boss!

  • Go back down the elevator to the hangar. If you want the Don's gun, go get it before you change back into your suit, which is right where you left it when you stripped the VIP guard. Once you're ready, just walk over to the plane and press the action key. Mission complete!