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Local dogs

  • Station:Alsation
  • Park:Whippet
  • Centre: Greyhound

The Finale

This part catches everybody out. Once you have got past the dog pound area, you will go into Miss Peaches House place, and that's where she's hiding Daisy. Press a button on the wall, and the door will open to the room with 'the big machine.' Go along the balcony area, and down the first slope. There is a button, so press it. The first part of the machine will turn off. Now run back up the slope, run along the balcony until you get to a second slope. Down here, you will find another button, so press that one, and it will turn off one of the grinder things. The thing that some people don't realise is that there's actually another switch nearly next to it. It's a bit to the left, and you can tell where it is because there's a stripy square on the ground in front of it. once you have pressed both the buttons, run back up the slope and keep going along the balcony. You will soon find a third slope, go down it, and you will find a slope going up, and next to it is a lever. Pull on the lever, and run up the slope. You will pass a big green circular area, but you don't need to do anything here. Eventually you will come to a pile of boxes, and there will be an arrow pointing to one of them, so jump on top of it, and then onto the one next to it, and you will find another part of the balcony. Jump down onto it, and you may or may not see a switch, it's hard to miss if you don't know it's there. press it, and carry on along the balcony. After passing another round green area with smoke coming out, you will find yet another slope. There is a U-turn on the ground, so follow the arrow, and there's probably another switch here. Press it, and ignore the box of cat food on the floor. keep following the arrows, and press any buttons you pass. Eventually, you will come to the end of the balcony, and a pile of wrenches on the floor. Pick one up, and throw it off the edge of the balcony and into the machine. When you have thrown in three wrenches, you will see the final cutscene, Daisy will be saved, and you will have finished the game.