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This Walkthrough is designed to help players who can't read Japanese get through the game in the least number of steps. It does not go into great detail about every option available to you in every section of the game, as there is just too much to translate.

Note: Part of the requirements to complete the game is to divorce your wife. When you do, you lose 75% of the money that you are currently carrying. The first few steps of the walkthrough are designed to help you divorce your wife when you are completely broke, so that you won't lose any money in the process.

  1. Go to bank, close out account.
    • Walk out of the office where you start (to the right). Walk to the right to the end of the block and enter the last building which is the bank, a yellow building with a "東興銀行" sign above the door.
    • Talk to last lady, and choose top option (はい, yes) to close out your account and get $50,000.
  2. Go to BG Culture Club.
    • From the bank, walk to the left, past your office, and enter the building to the left with "カルチャークラブB.G" on the sign.
    • Learn how to play the Samisen: Choose third option (おんがく, music), choose fourth option (しゃみせん, samisen), agree to pay $45,000 (top option, ああ いいよ)
  3. Get drunk at the karaoke bar.
    • Enter the right block gate (よいよい横丁, good good alley), and continue right until you reach the karaoke bar, a tan building between two purple buildings, with the sign "カラオケスナックあぜ道".
    • Take a seat at the bar, choose any of the top three options (liquor, scotch, or brandy), but not the bottom option (water).
    • Each time you drink, you will be asked, in various ways, if you would like another. Keep selecting the top option to agree until you black out.
  4. Divorce your wife.
    • When you wake up, you will be at home. Be careful because both your wife and kids will attack you.
    • Approach to the right and a dialog will begin. Choose the last option (りこん してくれ, have a divorce). Then choose the top option (いしゃりょうを はらう, pay her consolidation money), and you will be divorced. Leave the house.
  5. Quit your job.
    • From your home, walk all the way to the right, to the end of the block. Pass the long building, and walk to the right of the orange building. At the edge of the screen, push up to return to the original block.
    • Return to your office (the light gray and blue building, with the "極東興業" sign), and enter your boss' office.
    • Talk to your boss and collect your $20,000 salary. Leave the room and return. This time choose the 1st option (じひょうを だす, give him a letter of resignation), and collect the $50,000 severance.
    • Finally, squat down by the potted plant in the main office to collect a $10,000 nest egg that you had been hiding. You should now have $80,000.
  6. Learn Hang Gliding and the Hintoba language.
    • Return to the BG Culture Club to the left.
    • Select the 2nd option (すぽーつ, sports), and then the 2nd option again (はんぐぐらいだー, Hang Glider), agree to pay $55,000 (top option, ああ いいよ). Leave a return (or just press Select).
    • Select the 1st option (ごがく, language study), and then the 4th option again (ひんたぼご, Hintoba language), agree to pay $50,000 (top option, ああ いいよ)
  7. Purchase a ticket to the South Pacific
    • Go to the left block gate (にこにこ銀座, Smiling Ginza [shopping district]). Walk to the travel agency (トラブ(ベ)ル玉川, Travel Tamagawa [Travel is initially misspelled as Trouble]). You'll have to jump over the door of the Pachinko Parlor to reach it.
    • Go inside, and choose the third option (みなみたいへいよう, South Pacific). Agree to pay $450,000 (top option, ああ いいよ)
  8. Earn a Samisen from the Pachinko Parlor.
    • Note: This is the first section of the game that requires that you use the microphone of the second controller. Alternatively, you can press Down dpad+A button on the second controller to manually activate speech. From that point forward, you only need to press the A button alone. You must do this before you sit down to play pachinko. This is also the scene of a big fight, so make sure you have a good amount of health.
    • Sit down at one of the pachinko machines. Choose the least amount of balls, 100 balls for $500 and a pachinko game will start. Tap A button to flick the balls onto the playfield so that they yield no extra balls. You actually want to run out of balls.
    • Just as you approach your last ball, start shouting into the mic, or press A button on the second controller to yell. If you do it correctly, the Yakuza that run the parlor will be upset with your yelling and come in to beat you up.
    • You can fight the Yakuza members, or cower behind the prize desk, but you must knock out at least one member. After some time, if you haven't been defeated, some one will talk with you and offer you 5000 balls to go away quietly.
    • (Once that happens, press Select and leave the sub menu, and the remaining attacking members will disappear). Approach the prize desk and trade 4000 balls for the Samisen (しゃみせん), and leave the parlor.
  9. Sing Karaoke to get a treasure map.
    • Return to the karaoke bar (Enter the right block gate (よいよい横丁, good good alley), and continue right until you reach the karaoke bar, a tan building between two purple buildings, with the sign "カラオケスナックあぜ道".)
    • Sit down at the bar. Agree to have one drink, and then agree to have another (top option), but refuse a third (bottom option). You will then be asked to give karaoke a try. Agree to do it (top option).
    • Note: Once again, you need to be able to use the microphone, or have the A button of the second controlelr set the speech. Walk over to the karaoke set, and then face left. You will be asked to select a song.
    • You will be offered a selection of five genres and five songs within each genre, but the bar only has four songs available. The crowd at the bar prefers Enka music (えんか, 1st option), and the only available Enka song is Rain of a New Frontier (あめの しんかいち, 2nd option).
    • The song will start, and you must sing well enough to get complimented three times. Since the game can't actually tell how well you sing, you only need to yell or blow very hard into the microphone, or tap A on the second controller periodically. It does not even have to be done to the beat of the song.
    • If you do well, you will be asked to sing one more song (you will see a 1 in the message). If you do not get this message, you are being asked to quit. Agree to quit (top option), and leave the bar and reenter to try again. Otherwise, agree to sing another song (top option). For the sake of convenience, just keep choosing the same song, the bar patrons don't care.
    • After you sing for a second and third time, they will ask you to sing another song at random. You are given two options. Choose the bottom option (けんかする, quarrel), and a fight will break out in the bar. Yakuza members will show up. You have to eliminate any hostess that is standing in the bar as that will prevent you from earning the treasure map.
    • After all of the women have been beaten up, lay low (literally squat down), and beat up one of the Yakuza members after a while so that an old man shows up. The old man will offer you a piece of paper.
  10. Reveal the treasure map.
    • Looking at the paper you receive from the old man, it is initially blank. You are given a set of choices regarding what to do with it. The third option is to soak it in water (みずに つける), and the fifth option is to expose it to sunlight (にっこうに さらす). Any other option will result in you losing the map.
    • If you choose the third option, to soak it in water, you must allow the game to sit for at least 5 minutes, but not more than 10, without touching the controller. After five minutes, you must "cry" into the microphone (or press A on the second controller), and the map will appear. If you wait more than 10 minutes, the map will disintegrate, and you will have to leave the bar and repeat the karaoke sequence.
    • If you choose the fifth option, to expose it to sunlight, you must allow the game to sit for 60 minutes without touching the controller. After sixty minutes, the map will appear. If touch the controller before the hour is up, you will lose the map and you will have to leave the bar and repeat the karaoke sequence.
    • Once the map appears, you will be back in the bar. You must beat up the old man who gave you the map (or presumably, he will beat you to obtaining the treasure.) This step is required.
  11. Head for the airport
    • If you happen to be in need of health, you can walk left from the Karaoke Bar to the "Gold Bar" and buy Tequilla (てきーら, 4th option), and agree to pay $8000 (top option, ああ いいよ). You will gain a little bit of health back for each drink. You only need about one heart.
    • Return to the bank where you withdrew your money. Walk to the right side of the bank, and push up to enter the Airport district. Continue to walk all the way to the right until you reach the airport.
    • Step inside the airport, and walk to the right to board your plane for the South Pacific. If you do not have the treasure map, or you purchased the wrong ticket, the plane will explode mid-flight and the game will end.
  12. Exchange your money.
    • After you flight, walk right to exit the airport, and you will appear in safari clothing.
    • Continue to walk right until you reach the BANK. Walk up to the desk and ask to have your money exchanged (りょうがえ してくれ, 1st option), then leave the bank.
  13. Regain all of your health.
    • Walk to the right to the HOTEL. Agree to stay in a room to regain your health. The goal is to reach 127. Each option on the menu is a different quality of room, from the lowest quality at the top, to the highest quality at the bottom. The quality affect the price and how much health you get back.
    • If you are really low on health, agree to stay at the highest quality room (last option) for $60,000 and regain 64 hit points. Do this twice and you will be at full strength.
  14. Purchase embroidery
    • Exit the hotel and walk right to the next building, MIYAGE.
    • Agree to purchase the Embroidery (ししゅう, 1st option) for $3000.
  15. Buy a Canteen and Gun.
    • Walk to the right past the CASINO to the EQUIPMENT store (You only need to enter the Casino if you are low on money, but that shouldn't be a problem if you follow this walkthrough).
    • Enter the EQUIPMENT store and agree to purchase the canteen (すいとう, 2nd option) for $4000, and a gun (じゅう, 3rd option) for $20,000
    • After you purchase the gun, you can set it as your attack weapon by entering the subscreen, and selecting the fourth option (こうげき, attack).
  16. Enter Resort Center, select Hang Glider (5th option).
  17. Land carefully on the fourth island.
  18. Go to last hut before jungle. Enter it, say anything, get thrown in pot. Then play Samisen (2nd option) to be released, and told to visit hermit.
  19. Walk right through jungle all the way to hut on top of a hill. Choose give present (4th option), and then canteen (5th option).
  20. Walk back to the chief's hut, choose give present (2nd option), and then embroidery (3rd option), to get special item handed down from generation to generation: a stone. (You can set stone to attack.)
  21. Return to the right, and jump up to the top of the large hill. Squat down slightly to the right of the left small stone.
  22. Navigate through all four floors of the cave to find the treasure on the bottom floor.