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StrategyWiki offers live help in the form of IRC.

Connecting to the network

Joining StrategyWiki's IRC channels are fairly easy. Simply connect to the network irc:// and join either #strategywiki for live support with StrategyWiki-related questions, or #abxy for gaming chat and socialization. If you do not have an IRC client, you may use this Java client (it will automatically join #strategywiki for you, but you may switch it to #abxy in the advanced page).

To connect to ABXY's IRC network via a secure connection (SSL), configure your IRC client to use port 6697.

Using the network

Once you have connected, join either #strategywiki or #abxy by typing /join #strategywiki or /join #abxy, respectively. There are many other channels that you may join as well, but those two are the main ones. As stated above, #strategywiki is for help with StrategyWiki-related things, and #abxy is for gaming chat and socialization. Once you have joined the channel, simply type something in the input box and hit your Enter or Return key to say it. Everyone currently in that channel will be able to see what you have typed.


IRC Commands are typed in just like you would type to say something in a channel, except they are prefixed by a forward slash "/". Some commonly-used commands are detailed below (parameters wrapped in <> are required, those in [] are optional):

Common commands
Command Description
/nick <newnick> Changes your nickname (the name that is displayed when you say something) to "newnick" (Some characters, like spaces and asterisks, are disallowed. Also, you cannot change your nickname to one already being used).
/join <#channel> Makes you join the given channel. You may be in more than one channel at a time
/part [#channel [reason]] If you have not specified a channel, it will make you leave the current channel. Otherwise, you will leave the specified channel with the optional reason being shown in your "part message."
/me <text> Performs an "action" on the current channel. This puts an asterisk in place of your nickname and makes your nickname the first part of the text submitted to the channel (the text supplied coming after it)
/whois <nick> Displays information about a given nickname.
/quit [message] Makes you leave the entire network. The optional message is what is displayed to others when you use the command.
/kick <nick> [message] Kicks (removes) the nick from the channel, providing message as the reason if it is set. Requires halfop (+h) or above on the channel you want to kick the user in.
/msg <nick> <message> Sends a private message to the given nick.
/mode <nick or channel> <+/- modes> [parameters] Sets various modes on yourself of the channel.
/topic <#channel> [topic] If topic wasn't specified, displays the topic of #channel, otherwise it sets the topic of #channel to topic. The latter use may be restricted.

For a list of every command that may be used, type /helpop usercmds, or /helpop <command> for help on a specific command.


Modes are added or removed using the /mode command. Below are some of the commonly used user and channel modes that you may encounter or set.

Channel Modes

The "Req." section states the mode you need to have in order to set this mode. +h requires at least halfop, +o requires at least chanop, and +q requires owner.

Remember that the command to add channel modes is /mode #channel-name <+/- modes>

Commonly-Used Channel Modes
Mode Description Req.
+v <nick> Gives Voice to the user (May talk if channel is +m) +h
+h <nick> Gives HalfOp status to the user (Limited op access) +o
+o <nick> Gives Operator status to the user +o
+a <nick> Gives Channel Admin to the user +q
+q <nick> Gives Owner status to the user +q
+b <nick!ident@host> Bans the nick!ident@host from the channel, see /helpop extbans for info on extended bantypes +h
+t Only +hoaq may change the topic +h
+m Moderated channel (only +vhoaq users may speak) +h
+r This channel is registered (settable by services only)
+n Users outside the channel can not send PRIVMSGs to the channel +h

For a list of every channel mode, type /helpop chmodes

User Modes

These are some modes that you may want to set on yourself. You cannot set modes on nicks other than your own.

Remember that the command to add channel modes is /mode Your-name <+/- modes>

Commonly-Used User Modes
Mode Description
+i Invisible (Not shown in /WHO searches)
+p Hide all channels in /whois and /who
+r Identifies the nick as being Registered (settable by services only)
+x Gives the user Hidden Hostname (security)
+s <+/- snomasks> Can listen to Server notices, type /helpop snomasks for notice types you can receive, note that most are restricted

For a list of every user mode, type /helpop umodes


"Services" are a part of IRC that helps maintain nicknames and channels, among other things. Our IRC Network has 6 publicly-accessible services, which can be accessed the same way as performing a normal command, in particular /msg <service name> <command>. These six services are HelpServ, ChanServ, NickServ, BotServ, MemoServ, and HostServ. Common commands for each of them are detailed in the table below (please note that the /msg xxxxserv in the command name is assumed to preserve space):

Commonly-Used Services and their Commands
Command Description
register <password> <email> Registers your nickname with Services, which allows you to have vHosts and be placed on channel access lists (among other things). It also prevents others that try to use your nick from gaining those abilities as well.
identify <password> Makes Services recognize you as the owner of the nick, thus giving you full access to it.
set <option> <params> Sets various options for your nick. Type /msg nickserv help set for all the usable options
Command Description
register <channel> <password> <description> Registers a channel under your name. You must be a channel operator (+o) and have a registered nick to use this command.
set <channel> <option> <parameters> Sets various channel modes. Type /msg chanserv help set for a full list.
access, SOP, AOP, HOP, and VOP Modify the channel access or view the list. The SOP, AOP, HOP, and VOP commands only work if the xOP system is set on (see set above). Type /msg chanserv help <command> for more info on each and their parameters
invite <channel> Invites you into the given channel, provided you have enough access to do so (useful on +i channels)
unban <channel> Unbans yourself on the given channel, provided you have enough access to do so
Command Description
send <nick or channel> <memo text> Sends a memo to the nick or channel. The nick or channel must be registered.
read [channel] <num> Reads the memo numbered num for you or the given channel
del [channel] <num> Deletes the memo numbered num for you or the given channel
Command Description
request <host> Requests a vHost for your nick (vHosts mask the IP found after the @ in your /whois). You must have a registered nick before you may do this, and your host must be approved by a Services Administrator.
Command Description
assign <channel> <bot> Assigns the bot named "bot" to the given channel, provided you have enough access
say <channel> <text> Makes the bot say "text" in the given channel
act <channel> <text> Makes the bot do a /me command with "text" in the given channel
unassign <channel> Removes the bot from the channel

A list of every command that may be used is found here.