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Yew region

Iolo's hut

You start the game in Iolo's hut. Iolo and Shamino are your teammates. Press Z and check your team. Shamino is heavily wounded, and he is left with 5 Health Points only. The nearest place where you can heal him is Empath Abbey, to the north-west.

There is not much to do in Iolo's hut, so leave.

Castle of Empath Abbey

Travel to the north-west until you get to a river, then continue to the north. Soon you wil get to Empath Abbey.

Eight people live in the Abbey, plus six guards and two injured men.

Character Quests/function Location
Hardluck - Courtyard
Jessip Healer North wing
Cory Free food West wing, ground floor
Tim Sandalwood box Roof
Lord Michael Shadowlords West wing, floor 1
Barbra Endgame West wing, floor 1
Toshi Companion West wing, floor 1
Julia Companion West wing, floor 1
Quests started elsewhere
Lord Michael Stonegate (grapple) West wing, floor 1

Unlike in the previous and subsequent titles in the series, in Ultima 5 there is no penalty on virtue/karma for taking items that belong not to you:

  • Search the barrels at the healers for a yellow healing potion
  • Search the barrels in the kitchen for 20 food

First thing to do, is a visit to Jessip the healer; it is on the north side of the castle. Heal Shamino for 65 Gold.

In the east wing of the castle you can find the dining room. Talk to the chef Cory. Ask her repeatedly for "squid" and/or "shark", and she will give you several free meals.

Climb the stairs and go north, to the room of Lord Michael. He will give vital information, and suggest you go to the eastern desert. Barbra, in the same room, gives you a hint about the endgame. On the roof, Tim the bard sets you on a quest that will lead to one of the four items of Lord British.

Talking to Hardluck the jester has little consequence.

You can sleep in the southernmost bed at the healer's, but this way you will not restore health points.

The next morning, recruit Julia and Toshi, then leave the castle.

Town of Yew

Leave the castle of Empath Abbey and follow the road to the east. After a clearing in the Deep Forest, the road continues to Yew.

If a Shadowlord is in town, leave and come back the next morning.

Character Quests/function Location
Ronan Armory Armory
Duclas Tavern Tavern
Madam Pendra Apothecary Apothecary
Greymarch Stonegate (sceptre) Prison
Aleyn Karma+ Stocks
Mario Karma+ Stocks
Jaana Companion Underground
Quests started elsewhere
Jerone Mantra Prison
Jeremy Mantra, keys Tavern
Chamfort Mantra, Resistance Armory
Landon Resistance Underground
Felespar Dungeons, Resistance Prison
Judge Dryden Oppression Hall of Justice

Yew is one of the most populous towns in Ultima V': it has 13 inhabitants (plus four guards and a nameless prisoner).

In every town, including Yew, there are guards at the gate and guards patroling the town square. The gate guards are usually mute, but beware of the patrol guards: if you talk to them they will ask to pay a heavy tax. If you refuse, you will end up in a cell in Yew. All your keys have been confiscated. Talk to Jerone, your cell mate, and he will tell you about his brother Jeremy, who comes at 10 AM and 10 PM. You can buy 5 keys for 50 GP from him. While you are waiting, check carefully the walls of the cell: there are three secret doors. When you buy the keys from Jeremy, why should you leave from the main door? Leave from the back door, and explore the underground passages of Yew!

In the underground passages you can recruit Jaana. Ignite a torch pressing "I". Explore the underground passages and meet Jaana and Landon. * Also note that in the upper-right dead end there is another secret passage; it leads to a room with rats and a barrel; search the barrel for a silver sword. You can then exit climbing a ladder in the south-west and walking through a fireplace.

There are three prisoners in stocks or chains: Mario, Aleyn and a prisoner in the cell with Greymarch. Use a key to free them and earn Karma +2 from each. You will need 4 keys in total. Talk to Greymarch and learn about his son.

There are three services in Yew: an in run by Duclas, a magic shop run by Madame Pendra, a weapon shop run by Ronan. Anyway, save your money this early in the game.

There are more people in town, but they are not imprtant yet. You can now leave Yew.

Items to collect:

  • Search the bookshelf in Madame Pendra's apothecary for a green poison potion.
  • Search the bookshelf in Chamfort's rooms for a In Quas Wis scroll (map/gem).
  • Search the barrel in Judge Dryden backroom and get a club.

Britain region

Leave Yew and walk straight south. When you get between rivers to the west and mountains to the east, turn east and cross the mountains. Proceed to the southwest until you reach the town of Britain.

Town of Britain

Character Quests/function Location
Gwenneth Armorer Armory
Donya Innkeeper Inn, ground floor
Tika Barmaid Inn, ground floor
Terrance Resistance, free food Orchard
Greyson Mantra Fountain
Annon Dungeons Inn, floor 1
Justin Glass swords Inn, ground floor
Eb Glass swords Inn, ground floor
Gwenno Companion Armory
Quests started elsewhere
Telila Mystic Arms Inn, ground floor

Talk to Terrance in the orchard. If you say you have little food, he will give you some. Furthermore, he will mention the Resistance, and relay you back to Yew. Let's visit it later.

Greyson explains you how to meditate at the Shrines of Virtue, and he will also teach you the Mantra of Compassion. Similarly, Annon explains who are the Council Members and what are the Words of Power for. He known the word for dungeon Despise, and gives you a hint about finding the word for dungeon Wrong (in Minoc, later).

The Wayfarer's Inn is located in the north part of town. There, buy a meal from Justin, and he will start the track about glass swords. The first hint relays you to Eb, in the same inn. The trail continues later, in Moonglow.

Gwenno can join you, if you have less than six companions in your party. In fact, you met all the Bard-Companions in the game already. You can leave some of them at the inn, but take their equipment first! Who shall we leave at the inn? Julia has highest overall power, but she also has the lowest dexterity: this is very bad for a class focused on dexterity. Gwenno, on the other hand, is the bard with top dexterity but lowest strength: she is unbalanced, too. Iolo and Toshi are left, and Iolo is superior to Toshi in all attributes. Summarizing: keep Iolo and leave Julia, Toshi and Gwenno at the inn.

If you want to buy food, Tika sells the cheapest rations in Britannia mainland. At the armory, buy slings from Gwenneth for all your party members.

Items to get in Britain:

  • Search the weaposmith for a main gauche knife.
  • Search the tavern for 5 food.
  • Search a locked room on the upper floor of the inn for a ring of protection

Britanny Villages

These are three villages surrounding the Castle.

Talk to Kurt in North Britanny and start the trail about the magic carpet. No need to buy any horse, as you will learn later, in Minoc. He is the only significan character, for the time being.

Search the dead tree in North Britanny and get three gems.

Inhabitants of West Britanny
Character Quests/function Location
Camile - West fields
Phillip - East fields
Cristopher - East fields
Jaymes Barkeep North building
Quests started elsewhere
Inhabitants of North Britanny
Character Quests/function Location
Kurt Magic carpet Stables
Terbor Innkeeper Inn
Theoan Stablekeeper Stables
Quests started elsewhere
Vigil Resistance West fields
Thentis Resistance East fields
Joshua Resistance, Shadowlords East fields
Leof Resistance, Stonegate West fields
Inhabitants of East Britanny
Character Quests/function Location
Flint - North building
Sir Adam the Torch - North building
Squire Jimmy Cape ship plans North building
Master Hawkins Shipwright North building
Milan Healer East building
Quests started elsewhere

Castle Britannia

Surprisingly, most people in the Castle of Lord British give no information of any usefulness. Alistair, Stephen, Margaret and Chuckles give no relevant information at all ("cantabrigian" means "from/about Cambridge"). The prisoner Drudgeworth will even attack you if he is freed!

Desiree sets you on a trail for an extra spell, called "create food".

Still, there is one trail started elsewhere: Kurt from North Britanny told you to speak to Treanna about Valorian horses. The stable girl will relay you to Bandaii in Paws.

Character Quests/function Location
Alistair - Ground floor
Stephen - Ground floor
Chuckles - Ground floor
Max Engel Armorer Basement
Drudgeworth Enemy!! Basement
Desiree More magic Floor 1
Margaret - Floor 1
Stillwelt Obstacle Roof
Quests started elsewhere
Treanna Stonegate (flying carpet) Ground floor
Saduj Companion Roof
  • Search the wardrobes in the guards' room on the ground floor and get four different armors: cloth, leather, ring and scale.
  • Search the trunks in the guards' room on the first floor and get a long sword.
  • Search the barrels in Saduj's room in the basement, and get 7 keys.
  • Search the trunks in a locked room in the basement for a ring of regeneration.

Trinsic region

Paws village

Seach the stump and find a ring of invisibility.

Town of Trinsic

Greyhaven lighthouse

There is a room on the ground floor full of barrels and footlockers. Search and push all the items and collect a bag of gold and 5 gems.

Minoc region

On your way back from Trinsic towards Minoc, remember to stop in East Britanny. Pick the lock in the shipwright and search the wardrobes: you can get three Rel Hur scroll (Wind Change) and the plans for His Majesty's Ship Cape.

Town of Minoc

Stormcrow lighthouse

Shrine of Sacrifice

Sin'Vraal's hut