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The Ghosts of Himuro Mansion

These are the spirits and demons that inhabit the Himuro Mansion in Fatal Frame. Not all of them attack you and some even help you but most are evil, having been corrupted by the dark energy that pours out from the Hell Gate known simply as The Malice.

Hatred Ghosts

These ghosts are the spirits of people who have been corrupted by The Malice. They wander endlessly and try to spread their pain and suffering to others. These ghosts will attack and kill you if given the chance. There are many other ghosts within the game besides these however hatred ghosts are the ones that will either attack or otherwise interact with you directly.

The Bound Man

  • Night(s) Encountered: Intro onward
  • Room First Encountered: Fireplace Room
  • Description: The first Ghost you encounter. You fight this ghost using Mafuyu during the games Intro. This ghost was a visitor to the Himuro Mansion who fell victim to the Mansion's curse and now hates all living things. It has been speculated by some that this ghost might be Dr. Aso the creator of the Camera Obscura.

The Female Head

  • Night(s) Encountered: Night One onward
  • Room First Encountered: Stairway Room
  • Description: The severed head of a woman, first seen rolling up the stairs in the Stairway room. She was slain while attempting to flee the Himuro Family Master. This spirit floats and attacks people in a desire to replace her body.

Man With Long Arms

  • Night(s) Encountered: 1 and 2
  • Room First Encountered: Walkway Room
  • Description: The spirit of a man whose daughter was taken to be sacrificed as a Rope Maiden. He's obssessed with getting his daughter back and as a result targets children as his victims, snatching them with his extremely long arms. This ghost killed all of Mikoto's friends while they were playing Demon Tag.

Broken Neck

  • Night(s) Encountered: Night One onward
  • Room First Encountered: Cherry Atrium
  • Description: The spirit of a woman who threw herself from the Moon Observatory in an attempt to escape from the Himuro Family Master. Her neck was broken in the fall and hangs limply upside down on her back.


  • Night(s) Encountered: Night 1
  • Room First Encountered: Kimono Room
  • Description: The ghost of Takamine's editor. He fell victim to the Mansion's curse and attempted to hide from Kirie in a closet where she then killed him. He doesn't realise he's dead and attacks Miku while trying to ask for help.


  • Night(s) Encountered: Night 1
  • Room First Encountered: Fish Tank Room
  • Description: The ghost of Takamine's assistant. She was psychic but ignored the warnings of her Sixth sense and went to the Himuro Mansion anyway where she fell victim to the curse. She wants you to tell Takamine how to break the curse.


  • Night(s) Encountered: Night 1
  • Room First Encountered: Narukami Shrine
  • Description: Ghost of the novelist Takamine. He went to the Mansion to do research for his next book and fell victim to the curse. He unlocked the clues to breaking the curse but was unable to use what he learned. He is now an evil spirit who feels nothing but hate towards everything.

Crawling Girl

  • Night(s) Encountered: 1 and 2
  • Room First Encountered: Doll Room
  • Description: The spirit of one of Mikoto's friends who was killed by The Man With Long Arms while she was playing Demon Tag. She was pulled through the wall in the Doll Room and attempts to play tag with you.

Boy Hiding

  • Night(s) Encountered: Night 2
  • Room First Encountered: Fireplace Room
  • Description: The ghost of one of Mikoto's friends who was killed by The Man With Long Arms while he was playing Demon Tag. He was pulled into the clock in the Fireplace Room. He steals a mirror piece from you and attempts to play tag with you.

Girl In Well

  • Night(s) Encountered: Night 2
  • Room First Encountered: Backyard
  • Description: The ghost of one of Mikoto's friends who was killed by The Man With Long Arms while she was playing Demon Tag. She was pulled into the well in the Backyard and attempts to play tag with you.

LongHaired Woman

  • Night(s) Encountered: Night 2 onward
  • Room First Encountered: Grand Hallway
  • Description: A demonic woman with long beautifull black hair. She attempts to drag people to hell.

Wandering Monk

  • Night(s) Encountered: Night 3
  • Room First Encountered: Fireplace Room
  • Description: The spirit of a monk who came to the Mansion to purify the area of evil and instead fell victim to its curse and now makes more ghosts like himself. His presence is heralded by shrine bells and it is best to run whenever he appears.

The Blinded

  • Night(s) Encountered: Night 2
  • Room First Encountered: Cherry Atrium
  • Description: Spirit of the woman who was put through the last blind Demon ritual. She is completely blind and attacks by sound alone. Many fans believe that she is actually Kirie's mother.

Woman Hanging(Yae)

  • Night(s) Encountered: Night 2
  • Room First Encountered: Cherry Atrium
  • Description: The ghost of Yae Munakata. She moved to the Mansion with her husband Ryozo and daughter Mikoto. She was driven mad by the power of the Camera Obscura and after her daughter disappeared, committed suicide by hanging herself from the tree in the Cherry Atrium. Yae is also mentioned in game 2, Crimson Butterfly, but is not a ghost there.


  • Night(s) Encountered: 2
  • Room First Encountered: Buddha Room
  • Description: Yae's husband Ryozo, a folklorist who moved to Himuro Mansion to do research on the rituals performed there. He was killed by Kirie but still attempts to solve the mysteries of the Mansion. His body is the only one that can actually be found.

Floating Face

  • Night(s) Encountered: Night 3
  • Room First Encountered: Corridor
  • Description: The spirit of a man killed by The Malice. He's so old that he has lost his form and now appears only as that of a floating misty face.

People Killed

  • Night(s) Encountered: Night 3
  • Room First Encountered: Banned Path
  • Description: The Himuro Family members who witnessed the Calamity and were either killed by The Malice or the Himuro Family Master. They always appear in groups of three.

Shrine Maiden

  • Night(s) Encountered: 3 and 4
  • Room First Encountered: Random Encounter
  • Description: The spirit of the Rope Maiden before Kirie. She was dragged back by The Malice and now wanders the Mansion in agony.

Headless Priests

  • Night(s) Encountered: Night 3
  • Room First Encountered: Cherry Atrium, Square Garden, The Abyss, Backyard
  • Description: The spirits of the four family priests who were beheaded by the Family Master. They have symbols painted on their faces and must be defeated to open the Moon Well.

The Himuro Family Master

  • Night(s) Encountered: Night 3
  • Room First Encountered: Buddha Room
  • Description: The Himuro Family Master. He was driven mad by The Malice and slaughtered everyone within the mansion before killing himself. He wears a devil mask and weilds a katana. Many fans believe that Kirie was his daughter.


  • Night(s) Encountered: Night 4
  • Room First Encountered: The Abyss
  • Description: A samurai warrior who fell in love with a Rope Shrine Maiden and tried to convince her to escape with him. When she refused he was captured and forced to kill himself for his shame. He visited Kirie in her dreams often trying to convince her to run away from her duty but she refused. This ghost only appears in the X-box version of the game.

Malice Kirie

  • Night(s) Encountered: 1,2,3 and 4
  • Room First Encountered: Narukami Shrine
  • Description: The spirit of the Rope Shrine Maiden, Kirie in her adult form. Her spirit has been twisted and possessed by the evil Malice. She is the source of the curse within Himuro Mansion and wishes for everyone else to share her pain. She can kill with one hit.

Young Kirie

  • Night(s) Encountered: 1,2,3, and 4
  • Room First Encountered: Fireplace Room
  • Description: The spirit of Kirie's child self. This is Kirie's more innocent form and the personifacation of her need to fullfill her duty as a Rope Shrine Maiden. She appears to you as a guide and points out things that are important. She wishes to stop her other self and break the curse.

Spirits of All God's Village

These are the sprits that wander the Lost Village, in Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly, which have been corrupted by the Darkness that spewed forth from the Hellish Abyss.

Hatred Spirits

Like in the first game these are the spirits who have been twisted and turned evil by the Darkness and seek to spread their pain and suffering to the living. There are many more spirits in the game other then these but these are the ones that will attack or otherwise interact directly with you.

The Wanderer(Miyako)

  • Chapter First Encountered: 1
  • Area First Encountered: Osaka House, 2nd Floor Study
  • Description: The spirit of Miyako Sudo. She came to the Village in search of her Boy Friend, Masumi. She and Masumi became trapped in the Village and shortly after Miyako was strangled to death by Masumi who had been killed by The Kusabi and had become a spirit. Now she wanders endlessly within Osaka House in search of Masumi. Any time you enter Osaka House there is the chance of a random encounter with Miyako.

Woman In Box

  • Chapter First Encountered: 2
  • Area First Encountered: Osaka House, 1st Floor Kimono Room
  • Description: The spirit of a woman who hid in a box when the Darkness came in an attempt to save her baby. Now she haunts the box where she died. Sometimes the sound of a baby crying can be heard when fighting her. She can only be found in three places, The Osaka kimono room, the undergound well in the Kurosawa house, and the 2nd floor flickering room in the Kurosawa House. This ghost is speculated to be based off of Sadako(Samara) from the movie Ringu(The Ring), however many argue that it is just a mere coincidence.

Man In Dark

  • Chapter First Encountered: 2
  • Area First Encountered: Osaka House, Sunken Fireplace Room
  • Description: The spirit of a man killed by The Darkness. He is always engulfed in darkness and feels no pain. This spirit can be encountered anywhere within the village.


  • Chapter First Encountered: 2
  • Area First Encountered: Outside The gate leading to the Whisper Bridge
  • Description: The spirit of one of the men sent out to capture Yae and Sae but failed in his duty and now searches enternaly. He carries a torch and always tends to appear with two other ghosts. Is a random encounter type ghost found outside the houses except for one point within the Tachibana House.

Pole Bearer

  • Chapter First Encountered: 2
  • Area First Encountered: Outside The gate leading to the Whisper Bridge
  • Description: The spirit of one of the men sent out to capture Yae and Sae but failed in his duty and now searches enternaly. He carries a long pole and always tends to appear with two other ghosts. Is a random encounter type ghost found outside the houses except for one point within the Tachibana House.

Sickle Bearer

  • Chapter First Encountered: 2
  • Area First Encountered: Outside The gate leading to the Whisper Bridge
  • Description: The spirit of one of the men sent out to capture Yae and Sae but failed in his duty and now searches enternaly. He carries sickle and always tends to appear with two other ghosts. Is a random encounter type ghost found outside the houses except for one point within the Tachibana House.

Sunken Woman(Drowned Woman)

  • Chapter First Encountered: 2
  • Area First Encountered: Whisper Bridge
  • Description: The spirit of a woman who became trapped in the Lost Village. She was dragged to her death by the spirits within the water and now haunts Whisper Bridge. She can only be encountered on Whisper Bridge.

Limbo Man

  • Chapter First Encountered: 3
  • Area First Encountered: Kurosawa House, Dirt-Floor Passage
  • Description: Spirit of a man killed by The Kusabi. He's horribly cut up. Save one encounter, this spirit is a random encounter found only in the Kurosawa House.

Limbo Woman

  • Chapter First Encountered: 3
  • Area First Encountered: Kurosawa House, Dirt-Floor Passage
  • Description: Spirit of a woman killed by The Kusabi. She's horribly cut up and is missing both of her arms. This spirit is a random encounter ghost found only in the Kurosawa House.

The Kusabi(Seijiro)

  • Chapter First Encountered: 3
  • Area First Encountered: Kurosawa House, 1st Floor Great Hall
  • Description: The spirit of Seijiro Makabe after he was turned into The Kusabi. His spirit is filled with hatred and he will kill any living creature in his path the same way he was killed. All of his victims are horribly cut up. He is, up until the end of the game, unbeatable and can kill you in one hit. When fighting him he is surrounded by floating heads that will chase after you.

Veiled Priest

  • Chapter First Encountered: 4
  • Area First Encountered: Kurosawa House, Underground Cellar
  • Description: One of the many Village Priests killed during The Calamity. They attack Mio and Mayu in an attempt to keep them from escaping and to get them to do the ritual.

Woman In Dark

  • Chapter First Encountered: All
  • Area First Encountered: Anywhere
  • Description: Spirit of a woman killed by the Darkness. She wanders in enternal darkness and feels no pain. She is a completely random encounter and players may not encounter her at all.

Unrest In Peace(Masumi)

  • Chapter First Encountered: 5
  • Area First Encountered: Osaka House, 1st Floor Back Room
  • Description: The spirit of Masumi Makimura, Miyako Sudo's boyfriend. He came to the Lost Village as a surveyor and became trapped. While searching for a way to escape he was killed by The Kusabi inside the Kurosawa House. The bloody closet within the Kurosawa Great Hall was where he finally died. His last thoughts were that he had to give Miyako the engagement ring he had bought her. Unfortunately when he did return to her he was a ghost and instead of giving her a ring he strangled her to death instead. This ghost can only be encountered after completeing the Surveyor's Notes quest. When you fight him he will also be accompanied by Miyako making it a difficult fight indeed.

The Mourner

  • Chapter First Encountered: 5
  • Area First Encountered: Osaka House, Basement Passageway
  • Description: Spirits of villagers punished with the duty of looking after The Hellish Abyss. They were forced to sew their own eyes shut to prevent them from looking into the Hellish Abyss so they are completely blind. Moving too much will cause them to attack. The spirits are random encounters any time you are underground.

Broken Neck Woman

  • Chapter First Encountered: 5
  • Area First Encountered: 2nd Floor Connecting Corridor
  • Description: Spirit of a woman who jumped from the Heaven Corridor that connects Tachibana House and Kiryu House above ground. Her neck is broken and dangels loosely on one shoulder. She is a random encounter ghost most of the time you see her. Seems to enjoy tipping the player off about her presence by activating the projector in the Kiryu house.

Twin's Spirit and Twin Doll

  • Chapter First Encountered: 6
  • Area First Encountered: Kiryu House, Hallway of Contrasts
  • Description: The spirit of Azami Kiryu and the possessed doll of her twin Akane Kiryu. After she had to kill her sister Akane, Azami's father made for her a doll that looked exactly like her dead sister. Unfortunately an evil spirit possessed the doll and took control of Azami. The doll made Azami kill her own father before the two were taken and hanged in the Kurosawa House. After The Calamity the two reapeared in the Kiryu House. They always attack together and only the spirit of Azami can be damaged.

Fallen Woman(Broken Woman)

  • Chapter First Encountered: 6
  • Area First Encountered: Kiryu House, Clock Hall
  • Description: Spirit of a woman who somehow managed to drink The Darkness. It drove her mad and she dove off of the stairwell with the thought that she could fly away from The Darkness. Instead she crashed head first into the floor and her body was horribly twisted and broken.

Doll Maker

  • Chapter First Encountered: 6
  • Area First Encountered: Kiryu House, Hanging Doll Room
  • Description: The spirit of Azami and Akanes father, Yoshitatsu Kiryu. He was a doll maker in life and was killed by his daughter after she was possessed by the Doll he made for her. As a ghost he is still trying to destroy the possessed Doll. When he attacks you he uses floating dolls to hurt you and rarely attacks you himself.

Bloody Kimono(Sae)

  • Chapter First Encountered: 7
  • Area First Encountered: Tachibana House, 2nd Floor
  • Description: The spirit of Sae Kurosawa and the source of the curse in All God's Village. She fled the Crimson Ceremony with her sister Yae but fell down a cliff and recaptured alone. Yae never returned for her and she was sacrificed alone. This angered the Hellish Abyss and caused The Calamity. Sae returned with The Darkness and The Kusabi and stood by laughing as The Kusabi slaughtered the surviving villagers. Sae feels anger and greif that her sister never came back for her and also severe guilt for the death of her childhood friend, and possible lover, Itsuki whome she feels died because of herself and her sister. When Mio and Mayu enter the Village Sae possesses Mayu and reffers to Mio as Yae. She is invincible and kills with one hit. You only get to fight her during Nightmare mode (Fatal mode on X-box).

Crimson Kimono(Chitose)

  • Chapter First Encountered: 7
  • Area First Encountered: Tachibana House, 2nd Floor Stairway Room
  • Description: The spirit of Itsuki's little sister Chitose. She's nervous and can't see well. She hid in a closet when the Darkness came and became trapped there, most likely starving to death. She can be found hiding in the various closets within Tachibana house and is heralded by the sound of small bells. She mistakes Mio for Yae and blames her for the fact that Itsuki is locked up in the Storehouse. When fighting her she often cries out for Itsuki. She is also carrying a key to Itsuki's room.

Kid's Playing Tag

  • Chapter First Encountered: 5
  • Area First Encountered: Kurosawa House, Family Altar Room
  • Description: The spirits of three children from the village who were playing tag when the Darkness came. They don't realise they are dead and continue to play tag even in death. They try to get you to play with them.

Ceremony Master(Ryokan Kurosawa)

  • Chapter First Encountered: Final Chapter
  • Area First Encountered: Kurosawa House, Rope Temple
  • Description: The spirit of Yae and Sae's father and the Ceremony Master of the village. He had a twin when he was younger but killed him in the Crimson Ceremony. He is ashamed of the fact that his daughters tried to run and that Itsuki helped them. When the Darkness came his features were so baddly destroyed that he now appears as little more then a blackened skelatal man dressed in sacred robes. He was also the one who sacrificed Seijiro Makabe and turned him into The Kusabi.

Trapped Boy(Itsuki)

  • Chapter First Encountered: 2
  • Area First Encountered: Storehouse Back
  • Description: Spirit of the White Haired boy Istuki Tachibana. He killed his twin brother during the Crimson Ceremony and tried to help Yae and Sae escape the village and was locked up within the village storehouse for it. Tortured with guilt for having killed his brother, he hung himself from the storehouse ceiling. As a ghost, Itsuki does not seem aware that he is dead and mistakes Mio and Mayu for Yae and Sae. He gives tips and tries to help you escape. While he doesn't seem to be aware of his death at first, later it seems that he is the only spirit aware of what is going on at all. This is a spirit that you do not fight. If you are ever confused or lost, seek him out.