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Demon Temple Abaddon (魔神殿アバドン)[edit]

Head up into the temple. As soon as you enter, walk to the right wall and head up. You should spot a chest on the right side. Now, from that chest, walk all the way over to the left wall. A few steps below you, you should see the wall's shadows invert to indicate a doorway. Pass through there and then walk all the way up to find another chest. Now head into the room to the left of you and up the stairs. Grab the chest and head back down. Exit out of this room and head all the way right, passing up the first staircase you see. Go up into the room here and grab the chest (the stairs are a dead end). Return to the stairs that you just passed a moment ago and ascend them.

Head through the door on the right and follow the path until you reach a room with a chest. From here, follow the path all the way south and then go right into the room at the end for another chest. Exit the room and head left into the next two rooms. Ignore the doors for just a second and head left one more time for a chest. Now you can proceed through the doors and up the stairs.

Go down through the doors. Go right at the fork to grab a chest. Continue on and at the first opportunity, head right and down into the room for another chest. Walk out and head left – ignoring the doors for right now. When you hit the left wall, head up for a chest. Now return to the previous doors and enter. Go right and follow the path to two chests, followed by the next staircase. From here, it's a short walk to another staircase. And the same thing back on this floor.

Follow the path to a split. Head right and up into the room for a chest. Now follow the path all the way down (ignoring two doorways) to find another chest. From here walk back up to the skull pillar, take a left and enter the doors. Follow to the next staircase.

There is a chest in the room above the stairs. To get it, loop around to the left. (down-left-up-right). Return to the doors by the stairs and head down, grabbing another chest along the way. At the split, go left for one more chest and then down again for the next staircase.

Head down and go left at the split for a chest. Continue the path up for another chest. Cross over two room to the right for yet one more chest, then back out and head up. You'll reach the demon statue, now destroyed, from the very beginning of the game. Proceed through the doors to find Gatou, who has now applied biomodifications to his body for the purpose of defeating Jay and company. Jay then asks what Siegbalt is up to. The scene then cuts to the emperor as he opens the door to the demon world, which has been closed for eons。Gatou says to give up on Siegbalt, as he is about to kill the party right here.

Boss Battle: Gatou Cyborg (ガトーサイボーグ)

After the battle, walk up to the magic door. A short scene where Hanzou teases Leila for being scared will play. Once their antics are over, head on through.

Labyrinth to the Devil World (魔界への迷宮)[edit]

Go up to Fork A, head right and follow the linear-ish path to a chest. Return to Fork A and head left to Fork B. Go down to the chest and then follow the path north from Fork B. You'll reach Fork C at the top-center of the map. Head down from here to nab the third chest and then start heading right. At Fork D, keep heading down to Fork E. Grab the chest to the south and continue on left. At Fork F, head left again. You'll find one more chest on your way to the staircase.

Down to Fork G, keep heading down. At Fork H, go right for a chest. Return to H and head left. At fork I, go up to Fork J. Detour left for a chest, and then continue up from J. Go up again at Fork K. Grab the chest on your way to Fork L. Continue right to Fork M. Go down, grabbing the chest on the right, and another chest a little further on. You will arrive at the next staircase.

Head up to Fork N. Go up the north-east path for a chest and then head left from N. Continue left at Fork O. Up again at Fork P. At Fork Q, head right for a chest and then continue on all the way up to the top of the map. Grab the chest on the way to Fork R. Follow the path down to Fork S. Head right for a chest and then back to S. Head left and follow the trail all the way to the next staircase.

Grab the chest on the way to Fork T. Head left for a chest and then continue down from T. At Fork U, head left. At Fork V, head up for a chest. Continue left from V to Fork W. Head up to Fork X. Go up to another chest, and then back to X. Now head right from X and follow the winding path, nabbing one more chest along the way, to the next staircase.

Up to Fork Y, head all the way right for a chest. Go left from Y and then up at Fork Z. (Double letter time). Go up once more at fork AA. At Fork BB, go left for a chest. Head right from BB, grabbing a chest on your way to Fork CC. Continue down to Fork DD. Head up to a chest and then continue left from DD. As you spiral around, you'll come to a wider area with two chests in it. Raid them and continue spiraling to the next staircase.

In this room, Jay will fall ill. Leila theorizes that the condition of his Bio Booster is not good and explains that the intolerance of the enhanced proliferation of cells may be making his body a ticking timebomb. Hanzou mentions that he once heard that Ragnarek had the power to absorb bioenergy. The party decides to seek out some when they reach the World of Devils.

Walk south to exit the labyrinth.

Abaddon (アバドン)[edit]

You're on a new overworld now, but our next destination is just a few short steps away. Head into the other cave to the east to enter the final village in the game.

Noteable Villager Gossip:

  • A place called "Dragon's Nest" is located in the mountain behind the village, but the elder's permission is needed to access the area.
  • A mysterious armor, called the "Armor of Laguna" is enshrined in Dragon's Nest. It is named after its previous wearer.
  • The armor is said to have the power to change biological energy into combat power. However, if a weak person acquires it, it will drain their life. Only the strongest of warriors can safely equip it.
  • There are five towers located to the west; named after the five wise men who built them.
  • The sea of the devil world is one of poison. No living thing can survive in it.
  • The townspeople are confused as to why Gehenna has returned, and wonder if someone has undone the seal which once trapped the evil god.

Go to the elder's house at the very top of the village. As you step inside, Jay's symptoms will worsen. Leila explains that he is leaking bioenergy and asks about the Armor of Laguna. The elder says that it can be found in the Dragon's Nest in the mountain, but that it is a very dangerous place. Nevertheless, he agrees to open the gate.

Go through the doors at the end of the Elder's home. Now follow a long path up to another pair of doors. Now back on the overworld, head north towards the Dragon's Nest.

Dragon's Nest (竜の巣)[edit]

Starting at Fork A, head left into the cave. Follow the path to a chest and then return to A. Go right, nab the chest in the southeast and move up to Fork B. Go left and into the cave. Walk through the tunnel, nabbing two chests, and then come out the other side. You'll be close to Fork B once again. Go into the door to the left. Grab the two chests in here and head back out. Go right and up the slope and then into the next cave door you see. Another long tunnel. Grab the first chest along the way, and then when you reach Fork C, go right for the other. Return to C and head down to outside.

Go up the slope on the right and then take the door on the right. At Fork D, head left. Grab the chest along the way to Fork E. Here, follow the path left. Grab the chest on your way and you'll arrive at Fork F. Before going down the stairs, go right a little ways to get one more chest. Now you can descend.

On this floor, grab the chest and follow the path out the cave. Head all the way right, pass the slope, for a chest. Now return to the slope and go up. Head into the door on the left. Go up and proceed through the doors. In here you will find the Armor of Laguna. The party encourages Jay to put it on right away. FMV time.

The new armor is now permanently equipped and is now reflected on Jay's sprite. Walk back to Abaddon. Heal up and save while you're here, and then exit back out into the overworld. It is now time to begin dismantling Gehenna's defense system. Head northwest to the five towers forming the shape of a pentagram.

The Five Towers[edit]

In order to enter Gehenna's Castle, you must first disable the protective barrier which is being strengthened by the five surrounding towers. You can do the towers in any order you wish and while the floor layout is different within each, they all have the same overall tower structure.

  • The goal of the first floor in each tower is simply to nab chests and locate the stairs to 2F.
  • For the second floor, you must find five switches marked by pentagrams and trigger them. They control doors on 3F as well as the door which leads to 3F.
  • On the third floor, you will find doors that are marked with circles that are of five possible colors. Following circles that are of the tower itself leads you to the boss, while the other four colors lead to chests and dead ends. For example, you would follow the red circles while in Guren Tower if you want to reach the boss.
  • Finally, the fourth floor contains a boss who guards the seal for that particular tower. After defeating each one, head up to the terminal found behind the boss and undo the seal.


  • Guren Tower (紅蓮の塔) - Obsess & Skull (オブセス&スカル)
  • Shiroku Tower (四緑の塔) - Ghost Ride, Wolf Geist and Greed Eagle (ゴーストライド、ウルフガイスト、グリードイーグル)
  • Murasakien Tower (紫炎の塔) - Triple Visage & Append (トリプルヴィサージュ&アペンド)
  • Yomi Tower (黄泉の塔) - Demon Prince & Blaze Dragon (デーモンプリンス&ブレイズドラゴン)
  • Aoba Tower (蒼馬の塔) - Guilt Angel (ギルトエンジェル)

The towers are fairly easy to traverse, especially compared to some of the more recent dungeons. Once all five seals are undone, you will have access to the castle in the center.