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Akane Inuwaka[edit]

Special Attack
Tama Furi +
Kaze Harai +
Tori Gake +
Tsuki Kudaki +
Hana Nagi +
Hana Utsushi +
Kaze Mai +
Tsuki Hoe +
Fuumon or +
Super Attack
Mangetsu Otoshi +
Akane Bunshin no Jutsu +
Critical Heart
Shunkoku +

Angelia Avalon[edit]

Special Attack
The Sparkle of
Starlight (Forward)
└►Change Course any direction+
The Sparkle of
Starlight (Upward)
└►Change Course any direction+
The Sparkle of
Starlight (Downward)
└►Change Course any direction+
Prepare to be Blessed! +
Ending Sadness Hold
Come and Get Me! +
Super Attack
Moonlight Gaze
Moonlight Gaze (Upward) +
Lovable Merlin +
└►Catch a Shooting Star +
Critical Heart
A Maiden's
Heart is Fickle!

Catherine Kyoubashi[edit]

Special Attack
Launch Missile! +
Lariat Boom
Boom Boom!
Smash 'em Good! +
Sexy~Cute Hip Drop! +
The Sky is Mine!
└►Flight Control or
Super Attack
Launch All Missiles! +
Super Ridiculous
Spin Lariat!
The Hero,
Minigawa, Launch!
Tick-Tock Bombin' Time! +
Critical Heart
Centrifugal Force is
the Power of Spin!

Clarice di Lanza[edit]

Special Attack
La Granfia +
├►Tarda continue holding
└►Due or +
La Fala +
├►Tarda continue holding
└►Due or +
La Balestra +
La Brezza +
La Catena +
Super Attack
Il Fracco +
Il Chroma +
Il Tirone +
Il Rapimento +
├►La Vicenda +
└►La Repulsa +
Critical Heart
Il Risveglio (Il Rapimento) +

Dorothy Albright[edit]

Special Attack
Jack Rabbit +
└►Queen Bee
 └►King Cobra
Ground Ten +
Flying Ace +
Shuffle +
Fold (cards on screen)
Super Attack
Triple Face +
Ten of Spades + (hold)
Speculation +
Rifle Shuffle +
Misdirection or +
Critical Heart
Magician's Choice +


Special Attack
It's a Carriage~ +
My Princey~ +
I'll Draw~ +
It's a Present~ +
Super Attack
Let's Go to the Castle! +
Cinderella! +
Super Spinny! +
Let's Draw! +
Critical Heart
Gentlemen!! +
├►Special Attack A
├►Special Attack B
├►Special Attack C
├►Special Attack D
└►Special Attack E

Elsa la Conti[edit]

Special Attack
Sanctus +
Credo +
Gloria +
Kyrie +
Benedictus +
Agnus +
Communio +
Super Attack
Gladius +
└►Gladius II +
Securis +
└►Securis II +
Lanceola +
└►Lanceola II +
Critical Heart
Requiem (Agnus) +

Fiona Mayfield[edit]

Special Attack
Caledfwlch +
Collbrande +
Rhongomyniad +
Heaven's Fall +
Grand Divide +
└►Misty Chain +
 └►Angel Wing +
  └►Sacred Bringer
Super Attack
Sacred Punisher (Angel Wing)
Excalibur +
Gae Bolg +
Critical Heart
Wyneb Gwrthucher +
└►Angel Arrow +
 └►Sacred Slayer +

Heart Aino[edit]

Special Attack
Heartful Punch +
└►Additional Attack +
Iron Fist Punch +
Iron Fist Punch (Tumble) +
Ribbon Beam +
Special Kick +
Super Attack
Heartful Punch
Iron Fist Punch
of Love
+ (hold)
Special Kick of Love +
Critical Heart
Super Duper Amazing
Iron Fist Punch of Love

Kamui Tokinomiya[edit]

Special Attack
Kunugi +
Uruma +
Kagesuki (Kunugi) +
Habaki +
Kodama (Kunugi) +
Tenza +
Seizan (Kunugi) +
Kanna +
├►Slash Attack (multiple
inputs possible)
├►Hold Stance Hold
└►Cancel Stance Hold
Special Attack
Sazarashi (Kunugi) +
Chijou Koufu +
Kuchu Koufu + or
Wazabane +
Super Attack
Muon +
Horobi +
Critical Heart
Shimatsuri (block w/Chijou Koufu)

Kira Daidouji[edit]

Special Attack
Kira Driver +
Flying Kira Driver +
Bunker Buster
or +
└►Crowning Suplex
Ekoda Style Cluster +
Ekoda Style Grenade +
Ekoda Style Rocket Launcher +
Ekoda Style Landmine +
Super Attack
Armageddon Buster +
Flying Armageddon +
Critical Heart
Last Armageddon


Special Attack
Shuriken +
└►Number 2
 └►Number 3
Kunai +
Hayate Tsuki +
├►Upper Thrust
├►Sky Vanish
├►Earth Vanish +
├►Forward Thrust
└►Hammer Strike +
Takinobori +
└►Doton no Jutsu (before kick) +
Konoha Kakure no Jutsu - Chi +
Konoha Kakure no Jutsu - Ten +
Kawarimi no Jutsu +
Doton no Jutsu +
├►End Technique
├►Move underground or
├►Hayabusa Geri
Special Attack
Musasabi no Jutsu +
├►End Technique
└►Control Movement or
Izuna Otoshi no Jutsu +
Hayabusa Geri +
├►Korogari +
└►Doton no Jutsu +
Super Attack
Konoha Hyaku
Bunshin no Jutsu
Konoha Otoshi
no Jutsu
Konoha Midare
Kunai no Jutsu
Critical Heart
Konoha Special +

Lieselotte Achenbach[edit]

Special Attack
Scarlet Eyed Ratsel +
Severed Seele (doll sealed) +
Trifling Bahre (doll deployed) + (hold)
Cruel Geissel (doll sealed)
└►Unending Trene +
Leere Shackles (doll deployed)
Resistable Beugen +
Maddening Bellen +
Time for Anfall +
Pure Laden +
Smile of the Wächter +
Cruel is the Welt +
Super Attack
Red Tears of Betrug +
Death Invitation
Geschick the
Blood Linchpin
(doll deployed)
Critical Heart
Crimson Metzeln Stained Night (1 marking placed, doll sealed)

Lilica Felchenerow[edit]

Special Attack
Tornado Edge +
└►Tornado Edge Second +
 └►Tornado Edge Final +
Drive Edge +
Screw Edge★● (forward or back step)
├►Screw Edge α +
└►Screw Edge β +
Speed Blade★ (forward or back step)
Heel Cutter★● (forward or back step)
Wall Step +
Special Attack
Flip Throw +
Boomerang Glide● (during ●) +
Quick Air★ (during ★) +
Wall Step★ (during ★) +
Rapid Turn★ (during ★) +
Super Attack
Hurricane Spiral +
Cyclone Storm +
Night Stream +
Critical Heart
Cross Edge
(after 3 follow-ups, during ★)

Maori Kasuga[edit]

Special Attack
Sekka no Mai +
└►Gekka no Mai +
Ouka no Mai +
Tsumujikake +
Raishin Otoshi +
Hikejikake or +
Gagaku Sonae or +
Super Attack
no Mai
(Gekka no Mai) +
Hama no Shishiku +
Taima no Zuikaku +
Karaito no Ya +
├►Misogi +
 └►Harai +
└►Kobu (before firing) +
Critical Heart
Kamakura (Kobu, before firing)


Special Attack
Byakko Houken +
Seiryu Kouzan +
Xuan Wu Ta Zhen +
└►Second Attack +
 └►Third Attack +
Suzaku Hourin +
Chikatsu Tenshin +
Super Attack
Shisei Oudo +
Tenbu Senshou +
Kaiten Enbu +
Qilin Hougeki +
├►Taihou Senkou +
└►Houou Hougeki +
Critical Heart
Funha (Houou Hougeki)

Minori Amanohara[edit]

Special Attack
Dragon Rush +
Strike Dragon +
Assault Dragon +
Rising Dragon +
Dragon Roar Bouhler +
Dragon Split Buch +
Dragon Spirit Amann +
Super Attack
Accel Dragon Rush +
Strike Dragon Impact +
Dragon Curse
Critical Heart
Dragon Legend
(Dragon Spirit Amann)

Nazuna Inuwaka[edit]

Special Attack
Jojutsu - Makana +
└►Activate Staff
Jojutsu - Tamakiwa +
Kemonojutsu - Kagiroi +
Torijutsu - Nuedori (Standby) +
Torijutsu - Haitake (Remote) +
Torijutsu - Azusayumi + (hold)
Torijutsu - Shiramayumi + (hold) • input directions
Shoukan - Tenrou +
Shoukan - Gyokuto +
Shoukan - Suzubachi +
Reijutsu - Asatsuyu +
Super Attack
Seijou - Masokagami +
Choujuu - Ioenami +
Kaihou -
Critical Heart
Fuuju -

Petra Johanna Lagerkvist[edit]

Special Attack
L.G.A Charge-X +
L.G.A Fire Type-α +
L.G.A Fire Type-α` +
L.G.A Fire Type-β or or +
L.G.A Fire Type-β' +
L.G.A Assault +
├►L.G.A Strike Fire
└►L.G.A Intense Reject
L.G.A Dodge
└►L.G.A Counter Fire
Super Attack
L.G.A Rapid Charge +
L.G.A Combination Fire +
Oh Dear, Did
I Do That?
Critical Heart
L.G.A Superior Fire (Ether stock max)

Saki Tsuzura[edit]

Special Attack
Claimh Solais +
Brionac +
Gorm Glas +
Orna +
Fragarach +
Luath +
└►Additional Attack +
Gaeassail +
Super Attack
Liath Fail +
Areadbhar +
Critical Heart


Special Attack
Chain - Fulcrum Schlinge +
Chain - Quick Binding Ketten (chain near Fulcrum) hold
Chain - Binding
(Fulcrum placed)
Chain - Exploding
(chain bound)
Chain - Swinging
(chain bound)
Chain - Laufen (chain bound)
Chain - End Warten (chain bound)
Chain - Attacking Schwanz +
Chain - Armored
Super Attack
Murder Chain -
Strangling Schmerz
Madness Chain -
Frenzy Frevel
Critical Heart
Unleashed - War
Chain Wolkenkretzer
(2 Fulcrum placed)


Special Attack
Sword - Charging Gleiten +
Sword - Piercing Fleigen +
Sword - Equip Sein +
Sword - Set Minen +
Sword - Release
(Set Minen) +
└►Sword - Follow Jurgen +
Sword - Legion Greifen +
Super Attack
Assault Sword -
Changing Zahlreich
Drill Sword -
Piercing Zentrum
Cavalry Sword -
Giant Meteore
Critical Heart
Unleashed - War
Sword Himmelfahrt
(Equip Sein)

Yoriko Yasuzumi[edit]

Special Attack
Punishing Assault
from Hell
Rising Anguish
of the Underworld
+ (hold)
Raining Vengeance
of Hades
Ancient Talisman +
└►Triangle or
or or
Super Attack
The Power of the
World Conquering
Demon King
The Forbidden Sorcery
that Controls
Life and Death
Impervious Shelter
for Summoning an
Ancient Talisman
Critical Heart
The Inferno from
the Demon World
that Scorches Both
Heaven and Earth
(Ancient Talisman)


Zenia Valov[edit]

Special Attack
Howling Black Uragan +
Raging Dark Shkval +
Golden Edinorog
+ (hold)
Golden Edinorog
+ (hold)
Golden Edinorog
(Air Strike)
+ (hold)
Conquering Vihr +
├►Disturbing Poryv
 └►Disturbing Poryv II (from Disturbing Poryv)
└►Pierce the
Midnight Kolokol
Super Attack
Distant Zolotoe Kol'co +
War Resounding
Unstoppable Toreador +
Critical Heart
Final Razdelerie (Conquering Vihr)

DLC characters[edit]

Dark Heart[edit]

Special Attack
Parallel Link after specific attacks
Hiyokuzan +
└►Ninohane +
Touga +
└►Ni no Kiba +
Tengougeki +
Paradox Infiltration +
Super Attack
Hiyoku Tengen'ha +
Gouden Messenga +
Critical Heart
Gokusou Zekka-ryouran (Infiltrate gauge extremely high or low)


Special Attack
Dunkle Pressure +
Octopus Wave +
Shark Crush +
①Discharge Break +
②Frilled Shark Venom + or
Super Attack
Triple Octopus Wave +
Voltec Shark Crush +
Shark Tornado (during ①, after ②)
Critical Heart
Mega-beast-lodon (during ①)



Passive Effect
Lioa (hold)
Frjosa or + (hold)
Special Attack
Nal + (hold)
Klua +
Super Attack
Sprengja +
Kuldi +
Extend Force
Vetur Heimur
Arcana Eclipse
Furzlegranal +
Arcana Blaze
Verold +


Passive Effect
Jinsen no I
Kokuu no I +
Inga no I or + (hold)
Special Attack
Ribaku no I +
Super Attack
Muryokou no I +
Extend Force
Ringonsetsu no I
Arcana Eclipse
Mukujin no I +
Arcana Blaze
Honfujou no I +


Passive Effect
Devouring Fang -
or + (hold)
Special Attack
Speed Cannon -
Heavy Cannon - Duse +
Scatter Cannon - Falk +
Super Attack
Giant Cannon -
War Cannon -
Extend Force
Baldur - Fenrir
Arcana Eclipse
Burning Cannon -
Arcana Blaze
God Cannon -


Passive Effect
Fairim or + (hold)
Special Attack
Scairt Airm +
Claiomh (Attack Intersect) +
Super Attack
Fearg Lorg or + (hold)
Iomlan Ionad +
Extend Force
Ceairt Vearsa
Arcana Eclipse
Artor Diela +
Arcana Blaze
Broduil Anam +

Dieu Mort[edit]

Passive Effect
Rancoeur or + (hold)
Special Attack
Empooisonner +
Dechirure or + • any direction
Super Attack
Sacrifons +
Miroir +
Invalider +
Extend Force
Arcana Eclipse
Condanacion +
Arcana Blaze
Execution +


Passive Effect
Atzen or + (hold)
Special Attack
Sichel +
Schere +
Fallen +
Super Attack
Martern +
Extend Force
Arcana Eclipse
Feadelp +
Arcana Blaze
Schwur +


Passive Effect
Speed Sword -
or + (hold)
Special Attack
Piercing Sword -
Launching Sword - Rohm +
Super Attack
Sword - Kruger
Barrier Sword - Daluege +
Extend Force
Fusion Sword - Feder
Arcana Eclipse
Rapid Sword - Shutrasa +
Arcana Blaze
Gottfried - Try +


Passive Effect
Deflexio or + (hold)
Special Attack
Phasma +
Speculum +
Super Attack
Phantasia +
Extend Force
Arcana Eclipse
Mysteria +
Arcana Blaze
Prisma +


Passive Effect
Pascha during Arcana Gauge auto-recovery
Kalyterevei when performing special attacks
Sfygmos or + (hold)
Special Attack
Kyma +
Aima +
Super Attack
Kymatodis +
Apopkries +
Extend Force
Arcana Eclipse
Taragmenos +
Arcana Blaze
Theofaneia +


Passive Effect
Mamori no Hanabira activates when you are counterhit by opponent
Roka or + (hold)
Special Attack
Hitoezaki + • any+
└►Hana ni Arashi +
Maboroshi no Hana +
└►Tsumika (Yume no Hana) +
Super Attack
Yaebeni Higan +
Yume no Hana +
Extend Force
Utsuroi no Hikari
Arcana Eclipse
Yayoi no Sora +
Arcana Blaze
Sakura Mori +


Passive Effect
Sinij or + (hold)
Special Attack
Shtyk +
Mech +
Dogadka +
Super Attack
Dujel +
Prognozirovanie +
Extend Force
Arcana Eclipse
Napadieni +
Arcana Blaze
Smertnyj +


Passive Effect
Cao Huo Jiang or + (hold)
Special Attack
Huo Xian Yi +
Huo Gong Yan + (hold)
Super Attack
Hong Tian Jiao +
Huo Kong Ba +
Extend Force
Cao Huo Tong Shuai
Arcana Eclipse
Shouka Taisei +
Arcana Blaze
Cha Chi Da Sheng +


Passive Effect
Anarrichisi activates when you
fall from a great height
Fylakas (while blocking) +
Poiein or + (hold)
Special Attack
Skandalon +
Organon +
Super Attack
Melancholia +
Symposio +
Extend Force
Arcana Eclipse
Amuntecon +
Arcana Blaze
Hupermegalos +


Passive Effect
Light Velocity
Luster Force or + (hold)
Special Attack
Luster Force (Angelic Halo)
Royal Optics +
Noble Photon +
Judgement Ray +
Super Attack
Celestial Gate +
Imperial Division +
Extend Force
Angelic Halo
Arcana Eclipse
Last Salvation +
Arcana Blaze
Divine Breath +


Passive Effect
Sesshu or + (hold)
Special Attack
Tsuta or +
Tanemaki + (hold)
Super Attack
Hana Mankai +
Extend Force
Megumi no Hikari
Arcana Eclipse
Shokuji +
Arcana Blaze
Kindan no Mi to Hana +


Passive Effect
Pugnaculum activates when you
block an attack
Cadus or + (hold)
Special Attack
Pluvia +
├►Stiria (Pluvia on screen)
└►Catarakuta (Pluvia on screen)
Super Attack
Nitrum +
Perpluvium +
Extend Force
Arcana Eclipse
Anprula +
Arcana Blaze
Regnum +


Passive Effect
Iwato +
Banjaku or + (hold)
Special Attack
Kaname Ishi +
Kaichimon +
Super Attack
Kaichimon Sakkidou +
Kaitenfu Mekkijin +
Extend Force
Chireison Ikusabugyou
Arcana Eclipse
Kaichimon Seshoudan +
Arcana Blaze
Ohtsuchi no Kami
Charae no Kotoba


Passive Effect
Energeia + (hold)
Onyx or + (hold)
Special Attack
Xiphos + • any direction
Pteryga +
Super Attack
Epidosis +
Dikaios + • any direction
Extend Force
Elysion Pedion
Arcana Eclipse
Kryupton Kelas +
Arcana Blaze
Eskaton +


Passive Effect
Trapezio (after double jump) (hold)
Fegkari or + (hold)
Special Attack
Roz Sfaira +
Roz Toxo +
Rox Kyklos + (hold)
Super Attack
Tria Sfaira +
Ouranio Toxo +
Extend Force
Arcana Eclipse
Elpis Tokso +
Arcana Blaze
Ilios Sfaira +


Passive Effect
Unisonus or + (hold)
Special Attack
Canon +
Accentus +
Echo +
Super Attack
Vivo +
Cantilena +
Tacet +
Extend Force
Ars Antiqua
Arcana Eclipse
Ad Livtum +
Arcana Blaze
Alleluja +


Passive Effect
Manyu may activate when
you hit your opponent
Tapas may activate when you are hit
Pushan may activate when
you take fatal damage
Savitri or + (hold)
Special Attack
Sani or +
Soma +
Super Attack
Mitra + (hold)
Bhadra Soma +
Extend Force
Arcana Eclipse
Chandra +
Arcana Blaze
Saligrama +


Passive Effect
Terpenie activates when you
use an arcana special
Krasnyj or + (hold)
Special Attack
Bol +
Osada +
Zasada +
Super Attack
Sleza +
Krovi +
Extend Force
Arcana Eclipse
Kriuchak +
Arcana Blaze
Prigovor +


Passive Effect
Aura (Third
Air Jump)
(after double jump)
or or
Aura (Second
Air Dash)
(after aerial dash)
Velox +
Scutum (while blocking) +
Fortia or + (hold)
Special Attack
Sicilis +
Vertex +
Super Attack
Falx +
Extend Force
Arcana Eclipse
Torens +
Arcana Blaze
Aboleo +


Passive Effect
Baptism activates when
you take damage
Crusade or + (hold)
Special Attack
Holy Voice +
Javelin +
Bless +
Super Attack
Holy Song +
Phalanx +
Extend Force
Holy Land
Arcana Eclipse
Sanctuary +
Arcana Blaze
Gospel +

DLC Arcana[edit]

Parace L'sia[edit]

Passive Effect
Regeneration always active
Uberdosis always active
Resistenz activates when hit
with arcana move
Element or + (hold)
Special Attack
Anasthesie +
Mattigkeit +
Prophylaxe Z +
Super Attack
Lebensgefahr +
└►Feldlager Salamander +
Starke Arznei Sich +
Extend Force
Elixier Katalysator
Arcana Eclipse
Isolierung +
Arcana Blaze
Stein der Weisen +