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Enemy Name Points
Babito (ばびっと) 100
Mino Mushi (みのむし) 200
Green Kumo (クモ・緑) 400
Red Kumo (クモ・赤) 400
Ninjin (にんじん) 100
White Eirian (エイリアン・白) 1000
Iris (アイリス) 300
Fire Eyes (ファイヤアイズ) 400
Kuwagata Mushi (クワガタムシ) 100
Green Eirian (エイリアン・緑) 1000

BOSS: Triple-Eye (トリプルアイ) - This enormous three-eyed spider attacks by firing orange balls, that transform into webs, from his three eyes (which you will have the chance to destroy with your own shots for 50 extra points apiece); therefore, it is advisable to aim for his "arms" first (which are both worth 2000 points when destroyed) as he uses them to shield his aforementioned eyes (which are worth 10000 points when destroyed). Once you have destroyed his eyes, he will no longer be able to fire any more orange balls from them, so you should then aim for his tail (which is also worth 2000 points when destroyed), to finish him off - and once you've done so, he will emit a scream of death and explode, and you shall also receive 20000 more points as that text of "DESTROYED THE TARGET!!" appears on the screen. It is also possible to aim for one of the two groups of three legs, on his sides, to defeat him instantly (without having to destroy his "arms", eyes or tail); however, he, and all other subsequent bosses in the game (apart from Danger-Seed himself) will retreat if you take too long over defeating him and the text "MISSED THE TARGET ENEMY!!" will appear on the screen (you shan't incur any penalty, if this happens).



Welcome to the game. Once the screen has faded in, eight Babito will come flying towards you, from the right side of the screen; once you have fired a shot at each of these, to kill them, eight more Babito will come flying towards you from the left side of the screen. Once you have fired a shot at each of them to kill them, you shall come up to two Mino Mushi and two Green Kumo which are firing projectiles at you from their positions upon the left side of the screen; once you have fired a shot at both of them to kill them, eight more Babito will come flying towards you from the left side of the screen. Once you have fired a shot at each of them to kill them, eight more Babito shall come flying towards you from the right side of the screen as you come to two Red Kumo which are firing projectiles at you from their positions on the right side of the screen - and once you have fired a shot at each of these, to kill them, you'll come to seven more Mino Mushi, two more Green Kumo, and two more Red Kumo which are firing projectiles at you from their positions in the centre of the screen. Once you have fired a shot at each of them to kill them you will come to a green (or blue if Alpha Ship has been destroyed, or red if both Alpha and Beta Ship have been destroyed) Turtle, on the left side of the screen; once you have fired a shot at it to destroy it, it shall leave a Ring-Laser (or Melt-Missile if Alpha Ship has been destroyed, or Hyper-Bomb if both Alpha and Beta Ship have been destroyed), behind for you. Once you've collected the Ring-Laser (or Melt-Missile, or Hyper-Bomb), twelve more Babito will come flying towards you from the right side of the screen, as you come to three more Mino Mushi, a fifth Green Kumo, and a fifth Red Kumo which are firing projectiles at you from their positions on the left side of the screen - and once you've fired a shot at all of them to kill them, twelve more Babito will come flying towards you from the left side of the screen, as you come to four more Mino Mushi which are firing projectiles at you from their positions on the right side of the screen. Once you have fired a shot at each of them to kill them, twelve Ninjin will fly towards you while firing projectiles at you, as you come to a sixth Red Kumo and two more Green Kumo which are firing projectiles at you from their positions on the left side of the screen; once you've fired a shot at each of them to kill them a Green Eirian will drop down from the top of the screen, then proceed to fire three orange beams at you (which can be blocked by your own shots for 50 extra points apiece). Once you've fired enough shots at him to defeat him he will explode - and you will now come to a yellow Turtle on the right side of the screen. Once you've fired a shot at it to destroy it it will leave an Energy-Capsule (which looks somewhat like a gold Warp Capsule from Namco's own Galaga '88) behind for you; once you've collected it, you'll come to seven Irises and two Fire Eyes, which are firing projectiles at you from their positions in the centre of the screen. Once you have fired off a shot at all of these enemies to kill them, you will come to another green (or blue if Alpha Ship has been destroyed, or red if both Alpha and Beta Ship have been destroyed) Turtle on the right side of the screen - and once you fire a shot at it to destroy it, it will leave a second Ring-Laser (or Melt-Missile if Alpha Ship has been destroyed, or Hyper-Bomb if Alpha and Beta Ship have been destroyed) behind for you. Once you've collected this second Ring-Laser (or Melt-Missile, or Hyper-Bomb), four Kuwagata Mushi will come flying towards you while firing projectiles at you; once you have fired a shot at each of them to kill them, the song that you had been hearing from the Yamaha YM-2151 will fade out.

Once Triple-Eye's theme starts to be heard from the Yamaha YM-2151, a White Eirian shall drop down from the top of the screen, then proceed to fire three orange beams at you (which, like those that were fired at you by that Green Eirian, can be blocked by your own shots for 50 extra points apiece); once you've fired enough shots at him to defeat him, he'll explode, and sixteen more Kuwagata Mushi will fly towards you while firing projectiles at you. Once you've fired a shot at each of them to kill them, you will come to Triple-Eye himself - an enormous three-eyed spider who attacks by firing orange balls that transform into webs from his eyes (which, like the beams that were fired at you by the Green and White Eirian, may get blocked by your own shots for 50 extra points apiece). Therefore, it is advisable to aim for his "arms" first (which are worth 2000 points when destroyed) as he uses them to shield his aforementioned eyes (which are worth 10000 points when destroyed); once you've destroyed his eyes, he shall no longer be able to fire any more orange balls from them, so you should then aim for his tail (which is also worth 2000 points when destroyed), to finish him off. Once you've done so, he will emit a scream of death and explode - and you will also receive 20000 more points once he has done so as "DESTROYED THE TARGET!!" appears on the screen. You can also aim for one of the two pairs of three legs on his sides to defeat him instantly without having to destroy his "arms", eyes, or tail; however, if you take too long over defeating him, he will retreat and the text "MISSED THE TARGET ENEMY!!" will appear on the screen. All subsequent bosses for this game (apart from Danger-Seed) shall retreat if you take too long to defeat them as well - but, regardless of whether you managed to defeat this first one or not, you shall proceed to the second stage once the screen has faded out. The next two targets are the Strike-Ants.