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There are 12 tricks your pet can be taught; you can see them at the bottom of the screen if you click on the tricks icon. Click on one of the icons to command your pet to do the action; however they may not understand you.

Teaching your pet Tricks are essential if you want to enter them into Competitions. When you first get your puppy, you will have the Beginner's Book of Tricks in My Stuff, but there are also three other trick books you can buy from the Store.

Tricks are done by clicking or dragging the mouse over a certain part of your pet. After it has performed the action, a button will appear in the centre of the screen. Click it, and you will say the word for the trick it is doing. Then you need to give your pet a treat. If you don't have any, give it love instead. For the first trick you try, it will take your pet one go to learn it. The second trick needs two goes, the third needs three, and so on. Because of this, it is easier to teach your pet the hardest tricks first.

Some Tricks (such as Walk Around) require your pet to be standing sideways. To get your pet to turn left or right, click and drag the cursor along its head in the direction you want it to turn. Do this again if you want it to stand facing away from you.

Beginner's Tricks[edit]

These Tricks are in the Beginner's Book of Tricks.


Click on your pet's head and drag the cursor downwards. Your pet will then sit. Teach it the command.

Lie Down[edit]

Tell your pet to sit and then use the same action as you used to learn that trick. Your pet will lie down.

Walk Around[edit]

First you need to get your pet to face either side, and then click on it's back. It will walk around in a circle. This trick must be learnt to gain entry to any Talent Shows, as it is needed in the second round.


Click on your pet's head. Your pet will then "speak".

Advanced Tricks[edit]

These tricks are in the Advanced Book of Tricks.

Give Paw[edit]

Get your pet to sit and tap on either paw (whichever paw you tap, your pet will always lift the left one). Your pet will lift up it's paw for a few seconds.


Get your pet to sit and click on it's legs. Then drag the mouse to the left or right and let go. Your pet will then beg.

Roll Over[edit]

Get your pet to turn to one side, then to lie down. Click on it's back and drag the mouse to the left or right and your pet will roll over.


Get your pet to lie down and tap on it's head. It will then cover it's eyes with it's paw.

Expert Tricks[edit]

These Tricks are in the Expert Book of Tricks. Try to teach your pet these first, so you wn't have the difficulty of getting your pet to perform them lots of times.


Get your pet to sit, then quickly click on it's head, then click again and drag the mouse up or down. Your pet will nod.


Get your pet to sit, then quickly click on it's head and click and drag left or right. Your pet will then shake.


Click on your pet's head and drag the mouse up. Then click again. Your pet will jump up into the air.

Stand High[edit]

Click on your pet's tail and then click on it's head and drag the mouse upwards. As long as you were quick enough, your pet will stand on it's hind legs!

Secret Tricks[edit]

The Tricks in the Secret Book of Tricks require you to use tricks you've already learnt to get them to perform another one. Your pet cannot actually "learn" these tricks however; you just need to remember the right order to command the tricks to your pet.

Play Dead[edit]

Command your pet to Roll Over, and then while it is doing that command it to Lie Down. Your pet will then lie on it's side and play dead!

Wave Paw[edit]

Command your dog to Give Paw and then Shake while it is doing this. Your pet will then wave it's paw up and down, as if it were waving at you.


First command your pet to Stand High and then Jump. Your pet will then do a backflip! However, since the two commands used for this trick are the hardest ones for your pet to do, they may not be able to do it very often.


Command your pet to Beg and then to Nod. Your pet will then take a bow. Perfect to end any show.