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Welcome to the game. Once Huey and Siria have appeared at the bottom of the screen, they will start moving forward, as the stage's main theme starts to be heard from the Yamaha YM-2151 and eight Tombows come zigzagging towards them, on the left side of the screen; once you have shot a Level-1 flame at each of them to kill them, eight more Tombows will come zigzagging towards you, on the right side of the screen. Once you have shot a Level-1 flame at each of them to kill them, eight more Tombows will come zigzagging towards you upon the right side of the screen - and once you have shot off a Level-1 flame at each of them to kill them, three Sea Spiders will emerge from the water and spit projectiles at you. Once you have dropped a bomb on each of them to kill them, five Graia (the second of whom is flashing) will come flying towards you from the top of the screen; once you have shot a Level-1 flame at each of them to kill them, the second one will send a randomly-generated powerup flying towards Huey and Siria. Once you have collected it, it will take its effect on Huey (or Siria) - and you will then come to five Tobo on the right side of the screen who are jumping into the air and flying towards you. Once you've shot off a Level-1 flame at each of them to kill them ten more Graia will come flying down towards you from the top of the screen; once you have shot a Level-1 flame at each of them to kill them you will come to three more Tobo upon the left side of the screen who are jumping into the air and flying towards you. Once you've shot a Level-1 flame at each of these to kill them, three Sea Worms will emerge from the water, and spit projectiles at you - and once you have dropped a bomb upon each of these to kill them, you will come to an Orange Egg upon the left side of the screen. Once you have dropped a bomb on it to destroy it, an orange orb with a claw print on it will come flying out of it towards Huey and Siria; once you have collected it, Huey (or Siria) shall turn cyan as it takes its effects upon him. Two more Graia shall then come flying towards you, from the right side of the screen - and once you have shot an Orange (or Level-1) flame at both of them to kill them an Insect will come flying towards you from the left side of the screen while sending Baby Insects flying towards you. The Baby Insects can be killed for 50 extra points apiece, but once you have shot enough Orange (or Level-1) flames at the Insect himself to kill him two more Graia will come flying towards you from the left side of the screen; once you have shot off an Orange (or Level-1) flame at both of them to kill them, you will come to a Blue Egg on the right side of the screen. Once you have dropped a bomb on it to destroy it, a blue orb with a trident on it will come flying out of it towards Huey and Siria - and once you have collected it Huey (or Siria) will grow a second head on the right side of his initial one. You'll then come up to four more Tobo on the right side of the screen, who are jumping into the air and flying towards you; once you have shot off an Orange (or Level-1) flame at each of these to kill them two more Graia will come flying towards you from the top of the screen. Once you have shot off an Orange (or Level-1) flame at each of these to kill them, two more Sea Spiders will emerge from the water, and spit projectiles at you - and once you have dropped a bomb on both of these ones to kill them, four more Sea Worms will emerge from the waters and spit projectiles at you. Once you have dropped a bomb on each of these to kill them, you will come to two more Tobo on that right side of the screen, who are jumping into the air and flying towards you; once you have shot an Orange (or Level-1) flame at both of them to kill them, five more Graia will come flying towards you from the right side of the screen. Once you have shot off an Orange (or Level-1) flame at each of them to kill them, you will come to another Blue Egg on the right side of the screen - and once you have dropped a bomb on it to destroy it, a second blue orb with a trident on it will come flying out of it towards Huey and Siria. Once you have collected this Huey (or Siria) will grow a third (or second) head upon the right side of his second (or initial) one; two more Insects will then come flying towards you from that left side of the screen, while sending Baby Insects flying towards you. Again, the Baby Insects can be killed for 50 extra points apiece, but once you've shot enough Orange (or Level-1) flames at the Insects themselves to kill them, you will come to another Orange Egg on the left side of the screen - and once you have dropped a bomb upon this one to destroy it, another orange orb with a claw print on it will come flying out of it towards Huey and Siria. Once you've collected it Huey (or Siria) will turn cyan as it takes its effects upon him (unless he was already that colour as a result of collecting the first orange orb); you will then come to five more Tobo upon the left side of the screen that are jumping into the air and flying towards you. Once you've shot a Orange (or Level-1) flame at each of them to kill them, sixteen more Tombows will come zigzagging towards you on the left and right sides of the screen - and once you have shot a Orange (or Level-1) flame at each of them to kill them, five more Graia will come flying towards you from that left side of the screen. Once you've shot an Orange (or Level-1) flame at each of these to kill them, three more Sea Spiders will emerge from the water, and spit projectiles at you; once you have dropped a bomb upon each of these to kill them, five more Graia (the thirty-fifth of whom is flashing) will come flying towards you from the top of the screen. Once you have shot an Orange (or Level-1) flame at each of them to kill them, the thirty-fifth one will send another randomly-generated powerup flying towards Huey and Siria - and once you have collected this one, it will again take its effects on Huey (or Siria). An island which has eight more Tobo on it will then come floating into view, from that left side of the screen; once the Tobo have seen Huey and Siria they will jump into the air and fly towards them. Once you have shot an Orange (or Level-1) flame at each of them to kill them, seven Semi will come flying towards you on the left side of the screen while sending Baby Semi flying towards you (which can, like the Baby Insects, be killed for 50 extra points apiece) - and once you've shot a Orange (or Level-1) flame at each of the Semi themselves to kill them sixteen more Tombows (the fifty-sixth of whom is flashing) will come zigzagging towards you, on the left and right sides of the screen. Once you have shot an Orange (or Level-1) flame at each of these ones to kill them, the fifty-sixth one will send a third randomly-generated powerup flying toward Huey and Siria; once you have collected it, it will once again take its effects on Huey (or Siria). Four more Sea Worms will then emerge from the water, and spit projectiles at you - and once you have dropped a bomb on each of these, to kill them, fourteen more Semi will come flying towards you on the left and right sides of the screen while sending Baby Semi flying towards you (which can, again, be killed for 50 extra points apiece). Once you've shot one Orange (or Level-1) flame at each of these Semi themselves to kill them, fourteen more Semi will come flying towards you from the top of the screen while sending Baby Semi flying towards you (which can once again be killed for 50 extra points apiece); once you've shot Orange (or Level-1) flame at each of the Semi themselves to kill them, eight more Graia will come flying towards you, from the left and right sides of the screen. Once you have shot an Orange (or Level-1) flame at each of them to kill them, the main theme that you had been hearing from the Yamaha YM-2151 will fade out as you come to Akira (who is sleeping but spitting shurikens at you from his three enormous mouths), and Huey and Siria stop moving forward for a first time in the game (both at that same time).

The game's first "boss" theme will then start to be heard from the Yamaha YM-2151 as Akira opens up his singular enormous eye and starts extending it randomly around the screen, while continuing to spit shurikens at Huey and Siria from his three aforementioned enormous mouths; he is the first ground-based boss of the game, but his aforementioned singular enormous eye (this is his only vulnerable point) reaches up to Huey and Siria's levels in the air, so he is classed as an air-based enemy. Also, while Huey and Siria are shooting Orange (or Level-1) flames at that eye to weaken it, he will summon an infinite amount of smaller eye-like jellyfish to emerge from the water and fly up towards Huey and Siria (which can be killed for 100 extra points apiece) - but once you have shot enough Orange (or Level-1) flames at the eye to defeat it, it will explode and Huey and Siria will proceed on to the second stage.