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In Match Race mode, you must defeat a computer controlled rival across twenty different tracks in several countries. You must come in first place, or you will lose the game, and you are only given one opportunity to continue throughout the entire game. After you lose a second time, you are returned to the title screen.

Winning strategies[edit]

There are two key tactics to winning the Match Race mode of Final Lap: taking a turn properly, and learning how to drive defensively (or offensively, depending on how you look at it.)

Taking a turn[edit]

All racing games are based on this principal: When taking a sharp turn, the best approach is to start on the outside lane of the turn, cut across the lanes to the inside at the peak of the turn, and then exit back out to the outside lane. The idea is to minimize the angle at which you have to turn your car. The sharper the turn, the more you either have to slow down, or the more you will lose your grip on the road and slide back off to the outside. Cutting from the outside to the inside and back to the outside decreases the sharpness of your turn, and makes it easier to take the turn without losing too much time.

In addition to know which line to take, it's also a good idea to have a good feel for when to stay on the gas, when to let off the gas, and when to actually apply the brake. Brakes should really only be applied as a last resort. Therefore, if you're taking a turn, and your car is starting to slide to the outside, it's a good idea to let off the gas, and allow your car to return to a controllable speed. You can also tap the gas intermittently to maintain a certain level of speed without going over the threshold that would make you start sliding again. Braking should be reserved when you are worried about crashing into a CPU controlled green car, or a sign on the edge of the road.

Driving defensively[edit]

Final Lap's focus on one particular rival opponent forces you to pay more attention to his particular vehicle, and do what you can to interfere with his ability to pass you. This can be done in a number of ways. The first is to simply drive directly in front of him. On straightaways, the computer will rarely try to pass you, and will usually stay parked right behind your bumper. However, this tactic will rarely result in any distance put between the two of you.

The next tactic is to use the CPU controlled green cars to your advantage. Driving in the proximity of a green car has an unfortunate slowing effect on a vehicle. If you can force the computer into a situation where you are passing a green car, and the computer, in an effort to try and pass you, ends up getting stuck behind the green car, you can temporarily slow down your opponent while you put a little distance between the two of you. Once again, while this tactic is useful, it still only briefly solves the problem.

Finally, you may choose to directly influence the direction of your opponent's car by driving right into it, and potentially forcing it off the road. Unfortunately, the effect of this is somewhat minimal, as it doesn't allow your opponent to pass you easily, but it doesn't necessarily slow them down either. However, this maneuver can set you up very well for the ultimate technique, which is to force your opponent to collide with a road sign. This actually stops your opponent very briefly, but this has a much greater impact on your ability to get ahead of your opponent than any other tactic listed here. In fact, if you wish to win the final three heats, you are almost required to employ this technique.

Heat breakdown[edit]

Heat 1 Heat 2
This simple oval track is as basic as it gets. Max out your engine, and put the remaining points in tires, and you should have no problem defeating your opponent, and earning the extra garage point.
Just a slight twist on the previous track, there are a few more bends, but nothing too difficult. Learn how to take the turns, and save your Nitro for the straightaways.
Heat 3 Heat 4
This is the first track to feature hairpin turns, including one right after the starting line. You should allot four points to the engine, and three to the tires, but you may want to experiment with switching them.
This track also has hairpin turns, but it is generally easier than the previous track. With a maxed out engine, your opponent should hardly be able to keep up with you.
Heat 5 Heat 6
Though not the first track with hairpin turns, this is the first time that your opponent will actually start to challenge you as you go through them. Practice your technique and keep your opponent behind you.
By this heat, your opponents will do much better keeping up with you. If you've gotten every point so far, you should max out your engine and tires, and start improving your Nitro supply.
Heat 7 Heat 8
Mostly composed of straightaways, you'll need to start driving defensively from here on. The computer has a tendency to crash into the signpost at the lower-left corner of the track.
Your opponents will start to have comparable vehicles to yours, so it becomes more important to get out ahead and stay ahead. If you fall behind, it's not impossible to catch up, but it soon will be.
Heat 9 Heat 10
You may need to start intentionally pushing your opponent around. The computer is particularly susceptible to being pushed into the left sign coming out of the bump along the bottom of the track.
In this race, your opponent will have a slower engine, but more Nitro than you. You can experiment with giving your engine three points and your Nitro four points, but you may find this more difficult.
Heat 11 Heat 12
In the second half, the races get much tougher. Your opponent has much more Nitro than you, so you need to save your Nitro for the straightaways like the long one on the bottom, to get the most use out of it.
By now you can max out your engine, tires, and Nitro. Even so, your opponents car will be faster, but you will have more Nitro. Anticipate when you'll need to turn, and block your opponent from passing.
Heat 13 Heat 14
From this point on, you need to get out ahead, and stay ahead. Once you lose your lead, it will be near impossible to get it back. Launch off the starting line with Nitro enabled.
Your vehicle will be about even with your opponent's in this race. You'll need to anticipate the three hairpin turns on this track and position yourself to block your opponent while you're on them.
Heat 15 Heat 16
A giant straightaway along the top is the perfect Nitro using opportunity. The Namcot brand adorns one of the hills in the background.
Your opponent has less Nitro than you do, but his car goes faster than yours without it. Try to use the CPU controlled green cars to prevent your opponent from passing you.
Heat 17 Heat 18
Your opponents car is slow than yours. Rather than using Nitro on the bottom, the CPU chooses to use it along the top. Try to run your opponent off the road on the third lap when he's out of Nitro.
From this race on, you'll have to drive your opponent off the road if you want to have any chance to win. Once your opponents gets out ahead, it's pretty much over, and there are few good opportunities to use Nitro.
Heat 19 Heat 20
The last race in Japan takes place on the Suzuka track where the arcade version of Final Lap occurs. You'll need to force your opponent off the road a few times in order to maintain a lead and win.
If you've made it this far, you have the skill to win, you just need the luck. Even if you've earned every single point, and maxed out your vehicle, your opponent's is still better. Good luck!