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The map of the Embassy (the hostage deposit area is marked with an X)
The terrorist list added to the NES version.

You'll now change to the third stage, a first- and third-person exploration mode in the manner of Dungeon Master (the perspective used is chosen based on what room you are in). The embassy has three floors, just as you saw in sniper mode. You also have a mini-map, showing you rooms, stairs, terrorists, and hostages (on higher difficulty levels not all terrorists and hostages show up on the map); terrorists are yellow dots (green on the NES version) while hostages are white (blue on the NES version), and your position and perspective is shown as a red arrow. The NES version also has a useful list of the number of terrorists on each floor as well as a total. Moving and turning changes the entire view, rather than gradually moving the camera as in an FPS. The movement and firing controls work as you would expect. Just like the sniper placement mode you don't have health, so it only takes a few hits from the terrorists to take you down. If all three SWAT members die it's game over.

Doors are always shut but can be moved through at will; the exception is if a terrorist is trying to go through the door at the same time as you (in which case neither will get through and you will have to choose another way into that room). In addition you can aim your gun around the room by holding the fire button and using the movement controls. Note that the terrorists can shoot you from a distance or when your back is turned; if you don't want to hunt them down a reasonable solution is to choose a place where they aren't likely to come around behind you and let them come to you. You can also change to other men at any time through the map or function keys to have multiple men in the building or even snipe off targets you can see on the mini-map, but you may find it's better to control one at a time so the terrorists can kill your men when you're not looking. It takes a while for your men to die so it is possible to leave one somewhere and quickly bring in backup if necessary, but you have to know exactly where you're going to and how to get there in time. Note that if you enter sniping mode while you have men in the building their shadows will show up just the same as terrorists and hostages, so be careful not to kill them. When one of your men is being attacked by the terrorists his name will flash rapidly whether you are controlling him or not, and on the computer versions it will also be displayed in sniping/rappelling mode along with the function key used to quickly jump to him.

A terrorist and a hostage
A terrorist and a hostage

Terrorists move freely about the building and between floors, but hostages stay where they are unless moved by you or a terrorist. When leading a hostage, the terrorist will use him as a human shield. Terrorists take a few shots before they die but hostages don't take as many. When you go meet a hostage he will follow along behind you, and it is up to you to lead him to safety (note that you can only lead one hostage at a time). In order to rescue the hostages you must lead them one by one to the small room in the upper right corner of the third floor (this room has no windows). Once there he will stop following you. Note that once you have moved a hostage there a terrorist may decide to go there to secure the hostage, in which case you will have to fight him while trying not to hit any hostages you have already left there. To make matters worse if you are leading a hostage when you enter the room he will join in the human shield around the terrorist.

To win the game either rescue all the hostages or kill all the terrorists. You will be shown a picture of the outcome. Push  Space  to advance to the outcome (the NES version advances automatically).

Aftermath: The press[edit]

After the photo you will see a newspaper (except for the Training mission) describing how successful you were, how much time you took, and how many men and hostages you lost (if any). Killing hostages or losing men reflects badly on the outcome. On very rare occasions the terrorists will leave hostages in rooms with windows so there is a small chance you have unknowingly killed a hostage. If you did a perfect job the newspaper will say "total victory!" If you failed the mission you will be able to start over from Stage 2 to try again.