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Pain Plaza 1[edit]

The level begins with a cut scene demonstrating eerie calm and empty streets with just a car producing Shout It Out Loud Kiss song. You next destination is the fountain with poisonous water, but for now you must reach the city streets first.

Walk down the corridor and deal with some weak Headless. Follow the corridor until you see a dead end. Pick up a few items and backtrack to the room with crates. Destroy the wooden ones to climb up to the neighboring room.

Be prepared since when you leave the room, a Spawner to the right will start producing Headless, and a few Stumps will appear behind you. You can rush forward through a crack in the wall but better not leave enemies behind.

Follow the corridor down the stairs and you will see some green slime shooting purple projectiles. It can’t be killed, but you can easily jump over it. Follow the stairs until you see a narrow corridor with two open doors. Now this part is really hard.

Two Spawners will start creating Stumps. You can find a Spawner behind each of the open doors. Jump on Stumps and walk on their heads to get to any Spawner as quick as possible. If you’re low on health, start from the furthest Spawner which is to the right.

As you continue down the corridor and turn to the right, you will see another Spawner, but compared to the previous ones this one’s a piece of cake. Destroy it and you will hear a chime. A few Stumps will attack you from behind. Now the way to the room nearby is open. When you’re finished, head in there.

As you walk in, the way behind you will close and a few Gasbags will appear. You will hear some barking from Stumps meaning that you will have to fight two nasty types of enemies at the same time.

See the belt on the upper floor? You need to use the lever on the lower floor to reach it. Once you pull the lever, the room will be swarmed with Headless and Gasbags. Head up the stairs for the third piece of armor when ready. As soon as you pick up the belt, the elevator will take you down.

In the new room a bunch of Headless will be continuously appearing. This part is not hard, just annoying. Once you deal with all the enemies, you will hear a chime, and the door will open revealing a few more Stumps.

You will find yourself in some sort of a supply closet. Turn the wheel, and a Blademaster will break the window and assault you. Just climb the pipes and get through the window.

Pain Plaza 2[edit]

Now you have to find the library the gypsy told you about. Clear the streets. Luckily, there are not so many enemies there. Eventually you will find a library with purple wallpapers visible through a widely open door. Go to the library and pick up the Key.

Secret: From the room where you’ve picked up the Key head down the stairs. Destroy the steps which look like rotten wood and jump down. There you will find a small room with two Spawners which are quite dangerous due to a lack of space to maneuver. It’s hard to survive down there but if you succeed you’ll be rewarded with a Blood Rose.

Head up the stairs and open the door. In the room with some crates with stars you will find a Spawner and a Windblade. Now go to the street and head to the next library. As you open the door with the Key and make a few steps, some Stumps will attack you.

Pass the room with the shelves to your right and you will find yourself in a hall with Gasbags and a Blademaster. There’s not much space for Gasbags to maneuver so you will easily get rid of them. The door on the ground floor is where you need to go now, but don’t forget to pick up some items on the second floor before proceeding.

Alright, you’re on a giant bookshelf now. Pass an open book and head up the stairs. Don’t miss two Jacks In The Box in the middle of the ladder. When you reach the top, prepare to fight Gasbags. You’ve heard them when you were climbing up, haven’t you? Destroy the next Spawner keeping the distance.

When you will be walking to the next ladder don’t forget to look to the right since there might be goodies between the books. Not far from the second ladder you will find one more Spawner. When it’s done with, climb all the way to the bottom for some items. After that leave the ladder on the middle floor (shelf?).

You will see the next armor piece but as soon as you will come to it, a Spawner to the left will wake up. You can just run past it and pick up the armor you need. Anyway, a book will open and you will be teleported back. The giant shelf will be unavailable from now on.

You will find yourself in a secret room in the library behind the shelf. An Arachniclown will assault you and a Spawner is hidden in a niche. Once you deal with these enemies, turn the valve to reveal a secret entrance in the fountain. You will hear a familiar laughter.

Now your path is quite obvious. Head back to the fountain killing or avoiding the foes. Of course, you will find an Arachniclown who was laughing in the previous cut scene. Jump into the fountain which is dry now.

Pain Plaza 3[edit]

As soon as the level starts, you will meet another enemy, quite a tough one. Use your Zero Cannon and a Windblade against it. You need to beat Unipsycho to proceed forward.

You will see a narrow stream of purple poisonous water, harmless for now. As soon as you see a Spawner, Stumps will ambush you from behind. Just follow the path until you come to a vast hall with a few purple waterfalls and wooden crates. There’s nothing you can do now but to drop down.

There’s not much interesting in crates but Headless. But more important thing is that two Blademasters will spawn on different sides of the hall. When you get rid of them climb the ladder on the right. It’s the only ladder in this hall.

Secret: As soon as you appear on the top floor, turn around. Jump to the wooden ledge and to where the second Blademaster was. Return back.

There’s a short corridor to the right which leads to some items to pick including a Health Potion. Anyway, head through the corridor with two Spawners. Take them out from afar hiding behind the corner or dash and kill them point-blank. Proceed forward and up the slope.

Secret: When you get up on the slope, turn around and quickly destroy the Blademaster. Jump on the ledge where he was and pick up some items including a Blood Rose. It’s not much of a secret since the Blademaster attacks you drawing your attention to where him.

You’ll find yourself in a warehouse or something. You can search the crates to your right for some valuables. Beware of the monsters which appear there.

As soon as you’ve done, go to the left side of the warehouse and use the valve. The poisonous water will fill the room killing the monsters near the crates and preventing you from grabbing goodies near the crates at the same time.

Backtrack your way to the hall with the four tiny poisonous waterfalls, jump down and enter the door which is open now. Leap on the lowest platform, and the water level will start rising. Use the platforms to reach the upper part of this well and try not to fall into the poisonous liquid.

There’s nowhere to retreat but you can hide behind the corner. Gasbags and Stumps you’ll encounter won’t bother you if you get rid of them but Headless will be continuously appearing because of a Spawner on top of the stairs.

Head up and enter the mirror. You don’t even have to kill the Spawner if you don’t want to since using the mirror will instantly end the level.