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The ship approaches the Watchtower, its owner introducing himself as Brainiac, a knowledgeable android and maniacal collector. He has found that collecting cities was losing its luster, and plans to add entire worlds into his collection, with his current target being Earth! Brainiac doesn't fear the Justice League, but intends to take them out to keep them from interfering with his plans. There must be something on the Watchtower that can stop him!

  • Characters Unlocked: Cheetah, Joker, Lex Luthor, Killer Croc, Solomon Grundy, Artic Suit, Flower Suit
  • True Hero: 170,000
  • Minikit Figure: Brainiac's Ship
  • Character Tokens: Beast Boy, The Atom, Stargirl
  • Red Brick: Score x10

To the weapons lab[edit]

You're back on the main hub of the Watchtower, but your goal is at the left end of the hall, a door leading to the containment cells. You'll find yourself in the room where you fought Joker and Luthor. Switch to the Electricity Suit to approach the malfunctioning EMP generator. Smash the machine apart to find a portal underneath, which Martian Manhunter can warp through. Mind control the henchman near the portal's other end and have him pull the lever to turn off the force field surrounding the area. Head to the center top region of the room and use the Power Suit to blow up the metal containers. Laser a bat symbol out of the wall behind them and head through!

Part 1: Green dome escape[edit]

  • 4 Minikits, 2 Character Tokens, Adam West

Batman, Robin, The Flash, Cyborg and Martian Manhunter enter the weapons lab only to be trapped inside a hypnotized Green Lantern's construct dome. He also destroys the plasma cannons, so you'll need to find another way to deal with Brainiac. First things first, you need to find a way out of the dome. Use super senses where the swarm of bats are to uncover a blue lever just outside of the dome. Use the Magnet Suit to pull on the lever, which causes a crane carrying toxic materials to move near. The janitor that was cleaning it will follow, getting close enough for you to use Martian Manhunter's mind control.

With the custodian under your control, head to the right and move upstairs to reach a computer terminal. Operate the terminal to reach a security screen, upon which you must clear a simple minigame. You'll see three movable parts with scrambled colors on them. You can select each of the parts to rotate them, and your objective is to align the colored sections on the parts to the same colored boxes at the perimeter. Do this three times to reach the Watchtower controls. Select the currently highlighted option to close the window, cutting off Green Lantern's ray.

Now that the Watchtower's weapons are disabled, Brainiac focuses the combined energy of the Lanterns' Power Rings into a crystal to create a planetary shrink ray! Superman immediately rushes out to stop him, while Batman and Luthor agrees to prepare a backup plan. They will use the Watchtower's grappler to latch on to Brainiac's ship and take it down from inside. Heroes and villains must now work together to save the world they share!

Part 2: Triggering the grappler[edit]

  • 6 Minikits, 1 Character Token, Red Brick

You start off with a team of Wonder Woman, Flash, and Cheetah. As you head forward, Brainiac starts to attack the space station, wreaking havoc with giant robotic tentacles, as well as sending henchmen your way. Cheetah's claws make great shovels, so you can use her to dig up the dirt pile left by the tentacles' attack. You'll unearth some loose blocks, which will build into a Flash pad. Use The Flash while standing on it and highlight the glowing items to create a knife and sawblade combo, slicing the tentacles into giant sushi. Head to the back and have all three characters step on the floor buttons to ascend to the next floor, where you'll catch a glimpse of Batman, Cyborg and Joker passing by.

Move along the walkway and fight some more of Brainiac's warriors, then climb up the stairs. As you try to move forward, Brainiac will strike again, tearing up a piece of the walkway. Head back and use Wonder Woman to pull out the spinning generator, which unlocks the room below. Head into the room and smash everything to find parts to build a treadmill. Run on the treadmill as the Flash to power up the plasma cannons on the floor above. Get back upstairs and stand on the shield pad as Wonder Woman. Use her armlets to deflect the lasers at the gold parts of the tentacles, destroying them and letting you progress. Use the loose blocks to assemble a lever next to the completed one, then have two characters pull on both levers simultaneously to activate the elevator.

Now you're in control of Batman, Cyborg and Joker. Head down and defeat the Brainiac soldiers. Use the Sensor Suit to see through the green wall, behind which you will find a large ring surrounded by two smaller wheels. Rotate the wheels so that the colors facing the ring is the same as the color on the ring closest to them. After doing so, hit the big red button that appears to move the pistons above. Switch to Cyborg and use his Stealth Suit to sneak past the camera and into the area behind the glass screen. Whenever you reach a piston in your way, switch back to Batman and hit the button again to alternate the pistons until Cyborg reaches the end. Defeat Brainiac's minions here, then operate the control panel to align a couple of platforms to the right and drop all the pistons.

Batman and Joker can advance using the platforms, but Cyborg is trapped for now. On the other side, use Batman's Space Suit to cut a hole in the gold wall with your laser, then use the Joker's Magnet Suit to pull down the massive lever to deactivate the adjacent force field. Move Cyborg to the right and drop down to rejoin the party. Pull out the locked door with the green handles as Giant Suit Cyborg to progress. Take out more of Brainiac's warriors and head to the end of the hallway.

More tentacles block the stairs forward. Use the Sensor Suit to see through the green screen and align the cylinders to the middle to get a crate delivered to you. Pry it open with a grappling hook to find Batman's Artic Suit inside, which can freeze certain puddles of water. Use the Power Suit to blow up the metal cover on one of the pipes next to the tentacles, leaking water all over them. Switch to the Artic Suit and aim your beam at the puddle to freeze the tentacles. One punch from Cyborg's Giant Suit is all it takes to shatter the frozen tentacles.

Up ahead, you'll be attacked by several waves of Brainiac warriors. After you wipe them out, use the Magnet Suit to pull up the blue cover, then pull on the lever behind it. Doing so will shut off some lasers to the left, where you'll find Joker's Flower Suit. The Flower Suit gives Joker the same mind control powers as Martian Manhunter, which you must use on the henchman behind the glass screen. Make the henchman pull the lever to let Robin, Killer Croc and Luthor through.

Your perspective now shifts to Robin's group. Go to the center of the room and fight off the Brainiac warriors, then smash the green boxes when you're done. Use the pieces to build a fuel station which you can use to refuel Lex Luthor's Space Suit. Rocket up to the platform on the right and break the minions that spawn. Head to the computer terminal and operate it using Luthor's own Techno Suit. Hit the buttons based on the color code at the bottom to create some holographic platforms. After that, use the Space Suit's laser to break the gold cover, revealing a hook Robin can grapple on to.

Drop down and head to the right access port using the holographic bridges. Interact with the port with the Techno Suit to activate the first grappler. Next, switch to Killer Croc and hop into the left pool of water. Swim to the green handles and pull out that section of the wall, then smash the generator behind it to open a door above, revealing a dark room behind it. As Robin, grapple on to the right platform and lift the blue cover using the Magnet Suit. Charge up your Illumination Suit with the recharge station and return to the dark room. Use the loose parts to build a ceiling lamp, then switch to the Techno Suit and use the access port to activate the left grappler.

With the grapplers online, return to the center and step on the floor button to be taken to the high platform. Operate the control panel to direct the grapplers. Here, you must move the crosshairs on the window on to Brainiac's spaceship. The detection is oddly strict, but you've succeeded once you see the crosshairs become green. With two massive "hands" of its own, the Watchtower latches on to the skull ship!



  1. (Free Play only) While trapped in the dome, there is a Plastic Man grate which you can warp through to reach the full area. Not only is this needed to get most of the collectables here, you'll also collect a Minikit while passing through.
  2. (Free Play only) Activate super senses near the grate to find some loose blocks. Build a Power Ring pad from the blocks, then use a Lantern on it to construct a power tool, which unscrews the cover of a nearby screen, revealing a green wall underneath. See through the wall and cut off power from the four wires to shut the machine down, causing the Minikit to pop out.
  3. (Free Play only) At the left half of the room outside the dome, use a grappling tool to pull down the crane, dropping its toxic load and spreading hazardous waste on the floor as well as starting a small fire. Put out the fire with a character's freeze ability to get the Minikit within it.
  4. After gaining access to the Watchtower controls with the computer terminal, you can scroll across the menu to find a Minikit option. Select it to start another minigame. You must select each of the nine blocks to switch the image on them, until they all collectively form a picture of a Minikit. The actual Minikit will appear out of a hologram nearby.
  5. Once the robotic tentacles have been sliced into sushi, smash all four of the giant sushi dishes to get the Minikit.
  6. (Free Play only) Near the laser cannons is a green wall that you can see through. Peer behind it and move each of the mirrors inside once to reflect the beam of light to its receiver. Doing so causes an arm to extend out of a machine, which slowly generates a Minikit for you.
  7. (Free Play only) Use the Techno Suit to activate the access port near the laser cannons, causing a golden box to rise out of the ground. Burn a hole in the box with a laser to grab the Minikit inside.
  8. At the pistons, use the Magnet Suit to walk up the blue pipes. Switch to the Electricity Suit to pass through the electric field, then use the Giant Suit to tear apart the barrier. Finally, switch to the Sonar Suit to shatter the glass box on the wall, letting you snag the Minikit.
  9. (Free Play only) After moving through the electric field in Minikit No. 8, use the Electricity Suit on the generator to sap its power and disable the electric field. Once you reach the last area, release the electricity on the outlet to power up a robot that flies off, leaving a Minikit behind.
  10. (Free Play only) With the Scuba Suit or the Dive Suit, dive into the right pool of water in the final area and pull the lever to drain the water out. Use explosives to destroy the metal cap on the floor, revealing the Minikit underneath.

Character Tokens[edit]

  • Beast Boy: (Free Play only) This level's Bat-Mite can be found near a space jet outside the green dome, requesting you to find a remote. The object in question is hidden in a safe close to the grate you used to escape the dome. Simply operate the control panel to open the safe and get the remote inside. Give it to Bat-Mite to get the token.
  • The Atom: (Free Play only) Near the window are some metal wreckage that you can destroy with explosives. After blowing them up, use the debris to construct an odd contraption. Pull down the toxic canisters as described in Minikit No. 3 to cause a cleanup vehicle to drop from above. Use the vehicle to clean all four toxic puddles on the ground, then park it on the contraption to have it pump toxic goop into the machine. This will cause two levers to rise, and pulling them both makes the token pop out for you to collect.
  • Stargirl: (Free Play only) Below the upper platform at the right side of the final area, use the Magnet Suit to pull a container down from the ceiling. After that, use a sonic ray to shatter the glass container, letting you access the token inside.

Red Brick[edit]

(Free Play only) Beside the laser cannons, break the canisters on either side of the shield pad to get some loose parts which you can use to assemble a Plastic Man pad. Interact with it as Plastic Man to have him shapeshift into a fishing pole, pulling up a Red Brick from the deep. This Red Brick gives you the Score x10 extra, the largest and most expensive stud multiplier. With all of the multipliers active, you'll have a ridiculous 3840x multiplier active. You'll have no trouble saving up for anything else by then!

Adam West in Peril[edit]

(Free Play only) Adam West can be found on the upper-left corner of the hall after you escape the dome, surrounded by flames. Simply use a character with a freeze ability to put out the fires and free him.