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Galactic Federation Data[edit]

Name Location found Log contents
Phazon G.F.S. Olympus
MedLab Delta
Phazon is a substance of extragalactic origin. It is a highly radioactive ore with extreme mutagenic properties. It has certain biological qualities, including the ability to reproduce itself. Exposure to Phazon often affects the brains of sentient beings, causing erratic, destructive behavior. It is also a potent source of energy, surpassing even Fuel Gel in pure output potential. It must be handled carefully, as it can cause "Phazon sickness" if used incorrectly.
Phazon Enhancement Device G.F.S. Olympus
MedLab Delta
The Phazon Enhancement Device is designed to harness the energy of Phazon minerals, originally discovered on Aether, for a new Federation weapon system. It is being tested by a GF Marine battalion stationed in the Norion system. Marines can initiate an energy siphon from a supply of Phazon carried in a backpack into their armorsuits. This allows them to temporarily enhance the exoskeletal and weapon systems of their armorsuits. To date, no marines have displayed signs of "Phazon sickness."
Planet Norion Norion
Cargo Dock B

Though located on the fringe of the Federation, the planet Norion is of great importance. The military maintains a strong presence in the sector, and the base on Norion is often the first line of defense against enemies that operate outside of GF space.

Originally a barren orb incapable of sustaining life, a sophisticated terraforming project designed by Aurora Unit 486 has turned Norion into a hardy forest world.

Planet Bryyo Norion
Data Storage

Federation scouts discovered the planet Bryyo ten years ago. The planet's alignment makes most of its surface uninhabitable: 48% of the world is always exposed to the sun, with another 48% shrouded in permanent night. The remaining 4% lies in an equatorial ring of fertile jungle, where the bulk of Bryyo's bioforms dwell.

Fuel Gel is common on Bryyo, which makes it extremely important to the Federation. The local bioforms are quite primitive, though there are ruins that indicate an advanced culture thrived on Bryyo in centuries past.

SkyTown Norion
Data Storage
SkyTown is a network of advanced structures floating in the atmosphere of planet Elysia. Most of the base is dedicated to research, from a local to interstellar level. The powerful sensors of SkyTown provide useful military intelligence data along with research information. An Aurora Unit analyzes the vast amount of data collected by the station: it is supported by the Elysians, a group of sentient mechanoids that live within the base.
Hunter Rundas Norion
Docking Hub Alpha
Subject is a native of Phrygis, a moon of planet Bes III known primarily for ice mining. The Phrygisian ability to manipulate and generate ice has come in handy in subject's career as a Bounty Hunter. Intel suggests he enjoys hunting, to the point where he keeps trophies from all of the targets he's successfully captured or killed in his career. Subject is proud, cocky, and arrogant, and considers himself without rivals in his field.
Hunter Ghor Norion
Munitions Storage

Subject is a veteran of the liberation war of Wotan VII. Only 6% of subject's birth-body remains: the rest is state-of-the-art cyberware. Despite his career and heavy cybernetic modification, subject is known for his high level of empathy and compassion. Ghor is rather gentle and approaches situations logically, but is not the most skilled of fighters. Intel suggests he even has a sense of humor. Subject has often championed the weak, poor, and downtrodden, working for free or giving bounty money earned to the victims of his targets.

Subject can merge his cybernetic body into larger mechanisms, including gunships and fightercraft. This merging will alter Ghor's personality, and he will become incredibly aggressive and violent. Data indicates a high proficiency with computer infiltration and manipulation. High level of mechanical empathy with artificial intelligence.

Hunter Gandrayda Norion
Munitions Storage

Subject homeworld unknown. Possesses metamorphic ability similar to the biomorphs of Jovia XII. Can assume the form and abilities of most living things, including bioforms considerable larger than the subject.

Scans are unable to determine subject's age, but psych eval suggests a high degree of youthfulness. Intel suggests that bounty hunting is akin to a sport for her, one she enjoys considerably. Subject perceives the veteran Hunter Samus Aran as her chief rival, a rival she intends to surpass as soon as possible.

Olympus-Class Battleship G.F.S. Olympus
Security Station
The Olympus-class battleship is the first Federation capital ship designed to use an onboard Aurora Unit. They are the flagships of the fleets they serve in, usually commanded by an officer of flag rank. Battleships of this class have smaller crews than most ships of a similar size due to the presence of the Aurora Unit. The space saved in crew support is used for more battle systems. The enormous vessels are powered by Fuel Gel, making the scarce commodity of extreme value to the Federation military.
Tallon IV Incident G.F.S. Valhalla
Planet Tallon IV, formerly a Chozo colony, was struck by a stellar object 50 years ago. Object was later determined to contain large quantities of Phazon. The Chozo were able to stave off the spread of Phazon, at the cost of many Chozo lives. The survivors abandoned the planet, fleeing to an unknown location. Decades later, Hunter Samus Aran responded to a distress call in the sector and discovered a Space Pirate Phazon mining station there. Aran eliminated both the pirate and Phazon threat from the planet, though not without cost.
Valhalla Incident Norion
Munitions Storage
The G.F.S. Valhalla was on a training mission after receiving new crew at Tivus. We believe the Valhalla was ambushed en route to the training base by a fleet of pirate vessels. Data suggests the pirates were using upgraded starships powered by Phazon: that plus superior numbers were more than the Valhalla could handle. Current whereabouts of the Valhalla are unknown: she is presumed destroyed in action.
Anhur Incident G.F.S. Valhalla
Control Room

Planet Aether, home of the Luminoth, was struck by a "Phazon Meteor" five decades ago. The impact had catastrophic effects on the already unstable planet, creating a "dark twin" of the planet and a dire race known as the Ing. A brutal war between the win planets took place, with the Ing gaining the upper hand. The G.F.S. Tyr went to the sector to investigate pirate activity, but were forced to make an emergency landing on Aether. Shortly after, the entire crew of Tyr was attacked and annihilated by the Ing. Hunter Samus Aran was sent to investigate, and wound up entangled in the local conflict. Aran fought against both Space Pirates and Ing, and arose victorious. Aether's "dark twin" vanished, taking with it the Ing horde, and the planet's peace was finally restored.

After the Aether Incident, the Federation sent the G.F.S. Anhur back to Aether to deal with the pirate base. Upon arrival, the crew and marines of the Anhur assisted the native Luminoth in dismantling an abandoned Space Pirate mining facility. During the operation, the crew detected the presence of Phazon. The ship's crew investigated and collected several kilograms of ore, which would later lead to the development of the PED.

Bryyo Data[edit]

Name Location found Log contents
Golden Age Bryyo
Reliquary II
Look now to the past, and to the time of peace on Bryyo. See the age of gold, when our world was a paradise unrivaled. Hear the songs of joy fill the streets of the Royal City, as the people honor the coming of Bryyus the First, the Liberator. Behold the launch of our first ship to the stars on that day, and witness the rise of Science, of a New Bryyo. See this, and see the beginning of our downfall.
Age of Science Bryyo
Grand Court
The ships of Bryyo sped to the stars, in all directions, bearing the banner of peace. Soon we found stellar brethren in the Chozo, the Luminoth, and the Vlla. Starborne knowledge came to Bryyo, and we gladly sent our wisdom to our new friends in return. The hearts of Bryyo were filled with pride, and they honored the Lords of Science for all the wonders we provided. As the time of New Bryyo came to be, the old ways faded. The cries of joy from those who honored Science covered the angry shouts of those who mourned the old ways, the Primal Traditions.
Age of Schism Bryyo
Main Lift
In time, the wonders of Science were not enough for those who held the Primal Traditions in their hearts. The warnings of the Chozo--to seek balance between old and new ways--were not heeded by the Lords of Science, myself included. We forged on, ignorant of the rage in the hearts of the Primals. The time came when Sfimas, First Lord of Science, denounced the Primals and their Traditions in the center of the Royal City. It was as flame to a dry forest. The Age of Science ended, and the Age of Schism was born.
Age of War Bryyo
Gel Processing Site
In the beginning, the conflicts were small, out of sight for most on Bryyo. But they grew, slowly but as steady as the coming sun. Diplomacy gave way to brutality, and war came to our world. The Lords of Science turned their minds from exploration to destruction, and unleashed horrors unknown upon their Primal enemies. In retaliation, the Primals turned to the darkest of ancient powers, cursing us, the Science Lords, and all who served our cause. Friends from the stars tried desperately to end the conflict, all in vain. The people of war would not be denied.
Downfall Bryyo
Temple Generator
Look now to the time of battle, tribe against tribe. See fertile land swept clean of all living things by arcane nightmares or the hellish blasts of Science. See the giant stone Mogenars do battle, destroying the land with their titanic blows. And hear the undying scream of a planet wracked by darkest war. The battles waged endlessly, and the resources needed to sustain our war machines were great. Bryyo too had become a casualty of the war: the air was filled with the smoke of battle and the soil soaked with the toxins of pollution. Calamity after calamity visited the folk of Bryyo, until a world once known for wonders became a scarred husk under the stars. Only a small region remained habitable, and to it the survivors went, bringing the war with them.
Victory Bryyo
Hall of the Golems
We, the Lords of Science, mishandled the use of our knowledge. The devastation of the war robbed us of the rare resources necessary to fuel our war engines. Without our machines we were unable to stand up to the Primal armies, and they overran the enclaves of many Science Lords. What few remained fled into dark places, polluted wastelands even the bravest of Primal warriors would not dare enter. Whatever joy there may have been amongst the victorious was quickly stamped out by the grim reality surrounding them. Bryyo, their cradle, their sacred home...was on the verge of death.
Struggle of Exiles Bryyo
As the followers of the Primal Traditions celebrated their victory, a number of surviving Science Lords gathered in a hidden sanctuary. It was there that our foolishness became obvious, and we regretted ignoring the Chozo's warning. We realized the folly of following the ways of Science with blind faith--and the peril of all Bryyo. The contamination left from the battles was spreading, and would soon scour the remaining fertile lands, leaving naught but ash. If left unaided, Bryyo would lose what few safe lands and water remained. Once more, our great minds turned to a grand task...planetary salvation. As our enemies searched the lands for us, the last Lords of Science, we created our final machines and launched them into the heavens.
Salvation Bryyo
Hidden Court Hall

The great machines of the Science Lords performed flawlessly. They absorbed the toxins and pollution in the air and soil, preserving the remaining fertile land of Bryyo. Yet the planet's climate was forever changed, leaving one side eternally scorched by the sun, the other forever in the icy grasp of darkness.

The launch of the machines revealed the hidden enclave of the Science Lords to their former enemies. The bright lights in the skies caused by the decontamination equipment stirred old hatred in the hearts of the Primals. Fearing a new attack, the Primals sent their warriors forth to hunt their hated foes. We were now marked for death.

The Hunted Bryyo
Jungle Generator

The Primals crafted new magics to protect their warriors, and sent them into the burning wastelands to hunt the Lords of Science hiding there. Though we tried to avoid contact, many Science Lords were found and ended by Primal war bands.

I was but the sole survivor, the last remaining Lord of Science. In order to protect myself, I adopted the wisdom once shared by the Chozo. I merged the ways of the new--Science--with the ways of old--Magic. I built mighty Mogenars out of stone, and placed them outside the walls of my home, there to silently protect me from all enemies.

Decline Bryyo
Colossus Vista

Forgotten in exile, a creature of myth, I, the last Lord of Science, worked tirelessly to protect myself and this world. I crafted magics and machines to bring life back to the wastelands. I found a new source of natural energy in the land and called it Fuel Gel. I vowed to atone for the devastation inflicted upon Bryyo, caused by both science and war.

Yet, while I toiled, the Primals slipped slowly into barbarism. With no Science Lords to hunt, they turned on each other, tribe against tribe. Magic was lost to them, and they became as savage as the predator beasts of the wild.

Prophecy Bryyo
Refinery Access
As time slowly passed, I grew old: even the combined power of magic and science couldn't cheat death forever. In order to preserve Bryyo's environment, I would need a successor. Finding one was a daunting task, for most of the folk saw me as a monster. Time passed quickly as I searched, and my efforts appeared to be in vain. Seemingly by chance, I found a young Primal wondering the wastelands and rescued her. But this was not a chance encounter. She was a prophetess, tirelessly searching for the last Lord of Science to speak to about her visions. In her dreams, she saw a starborne death coming to Bryyo, and with her vision came a plea to save her world. Based on her information, I began work on improving the existing decontamination equipment to help prepare a defense for Bryyo against the eventual catastrophe.
Our Plea Bryyo
Imperial Caverns

Sadly, disaster came to us before we could finish our work. An accident caused our supply of Fuel Gel to explode, sending fire to the sky and exposing our position. It was not long before a Primal war band saw the great fire, and rushed to attack. Without a way to power my great Mogenars, I had no way to defend myself from their assault.

Fleeing would only drive them to pursue us to no end, and they would show no mercy to either one of us once caught. I had no other choice except to stand my ground while the prophetess fled to safety. With her I sent my records of the past, in hopes they would both find sanctuary.

You now read my last words, etched in stone and placed by the prophetess. We speak to you from beyond the grave, to plead with you... Save our world from the starborne plague. Lift the veil of hate from the eyes of our people. May our remaining relics serve you well in this struggle.

SkyTown Data[edit]

Name Location found Log contents
Creators SkyTown
Main Docking Bay

I am Elysian, descendent of both the Chozo and the First. I am facing the last moments of my life and transferring my memory to the data pod.

In a way, our chronicle begins nearly 1500 years ago. That was when our noble creators, the Chozo, began to build that which would become our home. A place of exploration and knowledge, floating in the clouds of planet Elysia, a fitting home for its great Chozo builders. They built many linked, hovering pods: in time they formed a net in the skies across the globe, instruments peering out in all directions, studying the cosmos.

We did not exist then: only the Chozo walked these hallowed halls. To the distant stars they looked, and a great many things they discovered--including that which would later spell grim disaster for all.

Gift SkyTown
Arrival Station
Several decades passed for the Chozo here at Elysia. The harsh winds and storms began to take their toll on the station, and upkeep began to take up more and more of their precious time. Seeing a need for assistance, they created us. The first Elysian, built by Chozo hands, stepped out of the mechanicreche 1,450.82 years ago. Crude by our current standards, the First was soon given the greatest gift of all by the Chozo. To better assist the creators, the First was given self-awareness. To all other Elysians, the First shared the Chozo gift. This event marks year One of the Elysian reckoning.
Discovery SkyTown
Barracks Lift

The Chozo were watchers, studying the depths of space tirelessly to quench their thirst for knowledge. From this facility they launched observation satellites, firing them into the heavens toward distant worlds. These satellites returned information that allowed them to analyze the various phenomenon occurring across the cosmos. Through this process they were able to satisfy their intellectual appetite, one planet at a time.

One day, a Chozo Searcher happened upon a very rare discovery. A once- thought-lost satellite delivered information on a distant world. It was incredibly far away, even by Chozo reckoning. Study of the stellar object revealed that is was, in many ways, a planet--and yet also sentient. Alive. This chance event was brief, and the information being collected was lost before the true identity of the planet was revealed.

Alone SkyTown
Landing Site A
In the year 400 of Elysian reckoning, the time for our Chozo creators to leave had arrived. To us they entrusted the station and its purpose. We were to stand vigil and watch over the station until the time when others seeking knowledge and enlightenment arrived. With their departure came one last request from the Chozo Searcher--to continue exploring the skies for the answers to the mysterious planet. We gave her our word and resumed her tireless search. Day after day we hunted for the answers she desperately sought, but our efforts yielded nothing. We failed.
Slumber SkyTown
Ballista Lift

By the year 600, we of Elysia were low on critical supplies and fuel. We created smaller mechanoids to process fuel from the atmosphere of Elysia, but they proved unable to produce a sufficient supply. Unable to secure the necessary resources to sustain ourselves, we entered a state of hibernation to preserve our remaining stores of energy and parts. While we slumbered, the data collected by the station's equipment was fed to us in dreams.

During this long period of sleep, we had many dreams. Countless great events came to us, including a reunion with our creators, who had come to call a new planet their home. It was not long before disaster struck. A stellar object hit planet Tallon IV, bringing with it a catastrophic corruption that sent the Chozo world into chaos. We watched helplessly as our creators perished, the few survivors fleeing to an unknown location. Powerless, we slept, and in our dreams we lamented the deaths of our creators. This was our final vision, after which we were never able to see our creators again.

Federation SkyTown
Maintenance Shaft TA
Time passed slowly as we suffered through our bad dreams. We endured their visions until finally, in year 1435, our automated defense systems were triggered. A number of aliens, well armed and armored, had penetrated our battle screens and entered Elysia Station. Per protocol, we were revived from stasis to defend our home. As we mustered for battle, the aliens communicated with us and declared themselves to be under the banner of peace. A truce was called, and soon we began negotiations with the Galactic Federation. The Treaty of Elysia began a new era of prosperity for us.
Agreement SkyTown
SkyTown Federation Landing Site
The treaty brought us new supplies, fuel, and parts from the Federation. In return, we allowed them to use Elysia Station as they saw fit. They were glad to use the station's powerful scientific systems, and gleaned a great deal of knowledge from our data banks. Unfortunately, the harsh atmosphere of our world was dangerous for the Federation researchers. They proposed to replace the humanoids with a single artificial intelligence unit, which they called Aurora.
Aurora SkyTown
Broken Lift

Aurora was placed within one of our floating pods and connected into the station's network. This connection allowed Aurora to control not only the facility, but us as well. Our link allowed us to reap the benefits of the Aurora's own connection to the Federation's Aurora network. The units were capable of communication with one another regardless of the distance, and vast amounts of information were passed down to us.

As the years went by we aided the Aurora and our Federation allies in their research. We studied potential enemy threats and collected data on their activities. It was, in some small way, a means to atone for our inability to help our creators years ago. Through our alliance with the Federation we were able to prevent many disasters, and bring an end to numerous threats in the cosmos. We are not certain if that was what our creators would have wished to happen, but it was certainly a peaceful life.

Loss SkyTown
Concourse Access B

It was approximately five months ago that our systems detected a meteor-like object collide with a planet in a nearby galaxy. The impact was followed by a spreading corruption, identical to the one we saw devour our creators' planet. More so than ever, we were determined to aid the Aurora and discover the source of these objects. Months passed before we could uncover its origin--it had come through a wormhole from an incredibly distant planet. We studied this link between the tear in space and the location it was connected to. As we delved deeper it became clear to us that this was the mysterious planet the Chozo Searcher had been seeking. The living planet was aggressively attacking other worlds, hurtling parts of itself across the cosmos like missiles. We had finally discovered the source of these corrupted meteors.

It was about one month ago that we made our revelation, but all attempts at transmitting the critical data to the Federation were unsuccessful. It appeared that the Aurora Unit had become disabled. We tried desperately to restore the Aurora, but it had been corrupted by an unknown virus. Our only means of communication with the Federation were severed.

Phazon SkyTown
Construction Bay
One week after we had lost communication with the Aurora Unit, we witnessed the living planet strike again. It sent forth several stellar objects, one aimed directly at us. It streaked through the clouds of Elysia, destroying a large portion of our home, ultimately striking the distant core below. Soon our sensors detected the presence of strange energy. Our readings matched with the Federation's data--this was the same toxin that corrupted countless other planets and our creators' world--the galactic scourge called Phazon.
Invader SkyTown
Hoverplat Docking Site

We watched as Elysia fell victim to the meteor's corruption, its Phazon beginning to consume her. High above the noxious surface, we continued to collect data on the object. It was not long before we met a new enemy. Space Pirates, hostile alien life-forms and sworn enemies of the Federation, entered the station and attacked.

The pirate forces struck swiftly, their numbers and weapons dwarfing our own. After their initial assault, they began construction of a massive energy shield around the meteor. They referred to the fallen object as a "Seed" and quickly built the protective barrier. Any resistance they met from us was crushed, and the massive shield was built without interruption.

Our attention then turned to the pirates themselves. If we could not stop them through combat, perhaps there was another way. Our studies quickly yielded unexpected results. All of the Space Pirates were corrupted with Phazon, but unlike other life-forms, they were actually being sustained by it. This Phazon kept them alive, and it appeared to control their minds with a will of its own.

Defeat SkyTown

The two weeks following the Seed's impact were disastrous. Like the Aurora Unit, we too were infected with a Phazon-based virus. The spreading corruption consumed many of us, putting us under Space Pirate control. It was not long before only a handful of us remained.

During this time there was but a moment that we received aid. Ghor, the Hunter dispatched by the Federation, arrived here to restore the Aurora Unit. Our hope quickly vanished as he too was corrupted by Phazon and lost his own will. He now leads the assault on the remaining survivors, taking more and more of the station over with each passing day.

There is no hope left for us. Soon, we too will be among the enemy forces. The last of us now stand before the brink of our history's end, silently waiting out our final hours.

I am Elysian, descendent of both the Chozo and the First. I am facing the last moments of my life and transferring my memory to the data pod.

Space Pirate Data[edit]

Name Location found Log contents
Our Mission Pirate Homeworld
Lift Hub
Phazon was discovered two stellar years ago, and since that moment, Command has been driven to control it all. Two operations have been established, at tremendous cost. Both have failed, thanks to the accursed Hunter, Samus Aran. Her Federation allies now move to secure what little Phazon remains on the planet Aether. This we cannot allow. We, the crew of the battleship Colossus, swear to take that Phazon or die trying.
Stowaway Pirate Homeworld
Command Station

Our attempts to intercept the Federation ship departing Aether were unsuccessful. With them went a collection of Phazon, the first to fall into Federation hands. They foolishly left most of the Phazon behind, allowing us to quickly collect what we could. But in our haste we took more than mere Phazon. Our scanners have detected the remains of Dark Samus, who has revived herself within our Phazon storage.

Surely, we are cursed.

The fiendish shrew consumed all of the Phazon, then wiped out a third of the crew in a matter of minutes. Now she moves at will through the halls of Colossus, using her witchery to beguile the minds of the crew. We are unable to call for aid, and only a few of us remain to stand against her. All is lost.

First Disciples Pirate Homeworld
Processing Access
Our struggles have ended. She has shown us the error of our ways. The way is now clear. All previous vows of fealty have been forsworn: we now pledge sole allegiance to our liberator, the great one, Dark Samus. We bear a singular honor, we lucky few, for we are her first disciples. Our burden is a happy one, for we will pave the way to her glorious victory and cosmic rule. Let the light of Phazon lead us!
The Source Discovered Pirate Homeworld

After our liberation, she left us adrift. We thought this a test of our loyalty, and so we endured. Some said she abandoned us. They were promptly shot. Disciples do not doubt their leader.

When she returned, it was on the back of a titanic starborne beast! As we groveled in awe, she ordered us to follow the beast through a rift in space, a wormhole. Some refused to follow, afraid of the unknown. They too were shot. Disciples must be fearless.

Once through the rift, we saw a singular wonder...Phaaze, the source of all Phazon in the cosmos. Phaaze, the home of our glorious leader!

The Leviathan Pirate Homeworld
Transit Station 1-A

Our leader provided us with great wisdom on many subjects, including the improvement of our mighty battleship, Colossus. We followed her teachings, and turned our vessel into a ship without peer. But more work remained!

Dark Samus required a mighty flagship, one to strike terror in the hearts of her enemies. The might of Colossus was not enough. She demanded more! Her solution was unique and most excellent.

We took her great star-beast and fitted it with cybernetic weapon systems. Crew quarters and command consoles were placed within the beast's skull. In time, we created a mighty dreadnaught, and called it Leviathan. The great leader was pleased.

Taking Valhalla Pirate Homeworld
Creche Transit

The vision of our leader is vast indeed. As we prepared for war with the hated Galactic Federation, she decided she required one of their great machines to better control her living planet. We then set out to bring an Aurora Unit to Dark Samus.

Bribes led us to the location of our prize: the battleship Valhalla. Crewed with green recruits on a training mission, she was ours for the taking. One of the mightiest ships in the cosmos was no match for the Phazon-powered weapons of the Colossus. We rendered Valhalla helpless, then sent raider to claim our prize. The Aurora was ours!

There was no mercy for the Federation dogs. At the command of Dark Samus, we jettisoned the crew into the frigid depths of space, leaving the wreck of Valhalla as a warning to the Federation. Let them tremble before our might!

Purification Pirate Homeworld
Skyway Access

Our great leader, with the aid of our captured Aurora Unit, has discovered many of Phaaze's secrets. Dark Samus can now command the living world to send forth Phazon Seeds! She was eager to test this new power. When we heard the first world to receive this blessing was our Homeworld, we rejoiced.

The Seed was sent into the void, and quickly made its way to our Homeworld. Our brethren foolishly tried to repel it, but their efforts were in vain. To think, once we were as pathetic as them!

Now the deed is done, and slowly, our Homeworld becomes like Phaaze. Soon, there will be two living planets, two Phazon sources for our great leader to use as she sees fit. Soon, there will be thousands of new disciples for her to command.

Vanguard Pirate Homeworld
Mine Lift

The time has come. Our leader commands. We go to war at last!

Three worlds will be attacked, each important to the Federation. We shall destroy the spy base at Elysia, the fuel production of Bryyo, and the naval station at Norion. Each of those wretched worlds will become as Phaaze...each a foothold into the territory of the hated Federation. From those worlds, our vanguard will go forth. At long last, our enemies will be humbled, then enslaved.

Three Phazon Seeds will be sent, and an armada will accompany each of them. Dark Samus herself will lead the attack on Norion. Victory is ours for the taking!

Victory and Loss Pirate Homeworld
Drill Shaft 1

Today is a day of celebration and woe. Our forces have taken planet Bryyo, leaving the Federation outpost there in cinders. Though we missed their spy base at Elysia, the planet itself was struck with a Phazon Seed. But Norion...Norion was a failure...all thanks to the accursed Hunter, Samus Aran.

All is not lost, however. Our great leader defeated Aran and her mongrel allies in battle. If they aren't dead, they'll soon wish they were. Each of them bears her mark of corruption. Soon they, like we disciples, will bow to her will.

Bryyo Falls Pirate Homeworld
Phazon Mine Entry

Command has received disturbing reports from Bryyo. Contact with our outpost there has been terminated. A coded bliptrans showing Commander Rundas falling in battle to Samus has arrived. Worst of all, the Bryyonian Seed has been demolished. The Hunter's might is great, and she is as efficient as ever when it comes to disrupting our operations.

Our spies within the Federation tell us she travels to Elysia soon. We plan on having an appropriate welcoming party in place for her when she arrives. Commander Ghor is a very...accommodating host.

Disaster at Elysia Pirate Homeworld
Command Courtyard

The march of the Hunter continues, much to our dismay. She has smashed our line at Elysia, taking down Commander Ghor in the process. The accursed Elysian machines were no match for Aran's guns, and now the Federation has control of their spy station once again.

It is only a matter of time before they find the location of the Phazon source and send their fleets to lay siege. Our great leader does not seem to mind these setbacks. If Samus comes to our Homeworld, she will find us ready.

Mistress Gandrayda Pirate Homeworld
Transit Tunnel P70

Mistress Gandrayda is the last of our leader's field commanders. We hope that she will succeed where the others have not. We hope that she will slay the wretched Hunter!

Gandrayda tests our mettle often. She moves among us in our form, watching us, looking for signs of weakness. Several unfaithful disciples have been ended...violently. Those who survive will be stronger, ready for the Hunter that comes for them from the void. Gandrayda has vowed to present Aran's bloody helmet to Dark Samus as tribute. We hope she fulfills that vow!