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You start out the second Act somewhere along the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway in New York City. In order to get to the first battle, you must cross two lanes of active highway traffic. A set of street signs are set up above the lanes, with five posts to hang from. The first, third, and fifth are safe, but hanging from the second or fourth subjects you to oncoming traffic. You can typically jump safely over most of the vehicles, but you have to keep moving in order to remain safe. Once you reach the opposite side, the fifth post is particularly useful to hang from while you are attacked by the first group of enemies. This group will consist of two hockey mask brawlers and a tonfa wielding enemy. They are occasionally joined by a log swinging enemy if you allow the screen to scroll far enough to the right. Note that these enemies are, unfortunately, immune to the effects of the highway traffic, and they can walk amongst the vehicles without taking any damage.

Clear these enemies away, and you will be required to cross another two lanes of highway traffic. The conditions here are identical to the first two lanes. On the other side, you will again be attacked by two brawlers and a tonfa enemy. After you clear them, you will advance onto a sea-side walkway. Two brawlers will approach you. Further in, you will see one barrel near the bottom of the screen, followed shortly after by a barrel near the top. Around the time that you see this, motorcycle riders will begin driving toward you on their bikes. If you are lined up correctly, you can knock them off their bikes by attacking fairly early. Otherwise, they will continue to pester you as they drive back and forth across the screen. The Flying Neck Throw is also a very effective technique to use against them.

While the motorcyclists continue to appear, other enemies will attack. Two tonfa wielders appear among the barrels, followed by two wrestlers, one of which arrives from the left. After the second higher barrel is a signpost that you can hang from while you attack. However, you are slightly vulnerable to attacks from the motorcyclists if you haven't removed them as a threat. More enemies will continue to appear among barrels, including more brawlers and tonfa wielders. At a certain point, up to four motorcyclists will attack you simultaneously.

The motorcyclists will stop around the time you see a tonfa enemy squatting before a phone booth, and a wrestler leaning against it. At this time, the two boss enemies will scroll onto view. These two very large brutes are the men you have to defeat in order to advance to the next stage. Other enemies such as brawlers and wrestlers will appear to provide them with support. However, the two boss fighters can work in tandem, with one of them grabbing hold of you and shoving you across, forcing you to run headlong into the other fighter, where he clotheslines you. As with the sumo wrestler from the first act, you may wish to employ the Flying Neck Throw here as a safe method of taking each of the brutes down. Once one is left behind, it is considerably less of a threat to you, but no easier to beat if other enemies are still prowling about.