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Pickle Park
The local authority won't allow any kind of advertising or promotion, so this park must succeed by reputation only.
Objective Have 1,400 Guests in the park at the end of October Year 3 with a park rating of at least 600.
Size 27,150 m² / 298,650 ft²
Expansion None
Rides None


It's another empty park needing a lot of guests at the end of the third year. It seems standard, except for one huge caveat: advertising is not allowed. That means that if the guest count isn't steadily rising, ads can't be used to catch up to the goal. You will have to build lots of rides and make sure guests leave satisfied to get your guest count up with little room to slack off. It's highly suggested to save often in this level.

Set research to maximum with Roller Coasters as getting a lot of roller coasters will be essential to bringing in more guests. All coasters bring in more guests than most flat rides, because they usually have higher stats and add more to the park value. Until then, pick one of the four coasters available and build a good coaster near the entrance. Then plop down a couple of flat rides and open the park. Add mechanics and handymen slowly as you go along to conserve money: one mechanic every two to three rides and one handyman every four or five patrol squares.

Since advertising is forbidden, keeping a high rating and getting more rides built are more imperative than before. Thankfully, there is plenty of room for coasters and with the hills, you can build even more underground if space does get small. As soon as you're making much bigger profits, pick more expensive coaster types and build bigger coasters to increase park value. Lay down more exciting, compact rides like Go Karts or Roto Drop to bring in guests by their ratings. Most importantly, keep paths clean and free of vandalism to have the rating stay in the 900s. If your park is very good, you should be able to net awards, which can also increase guest attendance.

No ads allowed!

Reach over 500 guests in the first year and over 1,000 in the second year. Don't be afraid to get another loan if you need more rides to improve attendance, because you cannot use advertising to catch up. Have multiple saves so you can fall to an earlier save if it's very clear you won't be able to make the mark.

Available Items[edit]

Researchable Items[edit]