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The Assembly Dojo is found in WarioWare inc after the tutorial has been completed. It is a set of challenges where you have to set the AI or win conditions of an example microgame to reach a specified result. Each microgame has everything done, except one AI detail and it is possible to examine everything before and after setting the AI to solve the puzzle.

Stick on Contact!
Make an object come to a stop when it touches another.
Edit the trigger for AI 2 of A. Set it to Contact->Touch->Another object->B
Drop Like a Rock!
Make the object fall when the down arrow appears.
Edit the trigger for AI 2 of Block. Set it to Art->Specific Art->Down arrow
Beep Beep Beep Ding!
Make the star appear at the same time the "ding" sounds.
Edit the trigger for AI 1 of Block. Set it to Time->Exactly->7-1
Touch Anywhere To...
Make the circle appear when the stage is tapped.
Edit the trigger for AI 2 of Circle. Set it to Tap->Anywhere on stage
Victory Confetti
Make it rain confetti when the game is won!
Edit the trigger for AI 2 of 2. Set it to Win/Loss->Win
Make the stage shake when an object hits the ground!
Edit the action for AI 2 of Block. Set the third action to Stage Effect->Shake
Swap Magic!
Swap the two objects' locations instantaneously.
Edit the action for AI 2 of A. Set the first action to Travel->Swap->B.
All or Nothing
Require all objects be tapped to win the game.
Edit the win conditions. Make a new condition. Add the three objects to it, with the switch being ON for each of them. Do not use more than one condition.
Roll Down the Hill
Make the ball roll when it reaches the bottom!
Edit the trigger for AI 2 of Ball. Set it to Contact->Touch->Location->Draw a box under the stage
Rocket Launch!
Make the rocket launch when the countdown reaches "0"!
Edit the trigger for AI 2 of Rocket. Set it to Art->When art finishes playing
Go on Green!
Make the ball go when the signal turns green.
Edit the trigger of AI 1 of Ball. Set it to Switch->Signal->Switch turns ON.
Go on Green 2
Make the car go when it's tapped AND the signal is green.
Edit the trigger of AI 1 of Car. Set the second condition to Switch->Signal->Switch is ON.
Deadly Spikes
Keep the disc from moving after it hits the spikes!
Edit the trigger of AI 2 of Disc. Set the second condition to Win/Loss->Not yet lost
Vanishing Magic
Make the object disappear from the stage when tapped!
Edit the action of AI 2 of !. Set it to Travel->Jump to->Location->Point->Drag it somewhere onto the edge border outside of the stage.
Perfect Fit!
Make the plus symbol fit snugly into the moving circle.
Edit the action of AI 2 of Plus. Set it to Travel->Jump to->Another object->Circle->Keep it positioned in the middle.
Pick Any One
Allow the game to be won even if only one object is tapped.
Set the win conditions. Create three conditions. Each for one of the objects, with the switch being on. Do not put them all in one condition.
Count to Four
Make the object disappear when tapped four times!
Set the trigger of AI 4 of Square. Set the second condition to Art->Specific art->1.
Don't touch!
Allow the game to be won if nothing is tapped.
Set the trigger of AI 2 of Button. Set it to Time->Exactly->End.
Once and Done
Make a button that can only be tapped once!
Set the trigger of AI 2 of Button. Set it to Switch->Button->Switch is OFF.
No Multi-Tapping!
Make a button that can't be tapped in rapid succession!
Set the action of AI 1 of Button. Set it to Art->Change->Pushed->Play once, Middle speed.
Mid Air Tap!
Can a seemingly invisible object be tapped?
Set the starting condition of Blank. Set it to Normal art->Location->Point->Drag it so that it appears flush with the ground.
Back and Forth
Make an object move back and forth.
Set the action of AI 1 of Ball. Set it to Travel->Roam->Reflect->Anywhere->Draw a one pixel thin rectangle in the valley->Normal speed.
Magnet and Ball
Make an object stick to the magnet when it gets close!
Set the action of AI 1 of Ball. Set it to Travel->Target->Magnet->Drag it to just under the magnet->Fastest speed.
On, Then Off
Require the light to be turned on and then off again to win.
Set the win conditions. Create one condition. Add Switch with its switch OFF. Add Light with its switch ON to the same condition.
Count to Eight
Make the object disappear after eight taps!
Set the trigger of AI 5 of 8. Set it to Switch->8->Switch is ON.
Round and Round
Complete the full animation.
Set the trigger of AI 5 of Part. Set the second trigger to Art->When art finishes playing.
One-in-Three Chance
Make the "!" apear one in three plays.
Set the trigger of AI 1 of Square. Set the second trigger to Time->Randomly->From 1-1 to 1-3.
Random Direction
Make the "C" point left, right, up or down with equal probability!
Set the trigger of AI 3 of Sign. Set the second trigger to Switch->Dummy-R->Switch is ON.
Right or Left
Set the arrow left or right with 50/50 probabilty!
Set the starting condition of Randomize. Set the art to Randomize->Location->Area->Anywhere->Draw a rectangle covering the visible part of the stage.
Shoo the Fly Away
Make the fly go away when the light is turned off!
Set the action of AI 2 of Light. Set the first action to Switch->Turn switch OFF.
Hit in Order
Make the ball pass over the numbers in order!
Set the action of AI 1 of Ball. Travel->Go straight->Current location->Specific direction->Up right->Normal speed.
Odd Man Out
Set the win conditions correctly!
Set the win conditions. Make a condition with CircleA ON, SquareA ON and CircleB OFF. Make another with CircleA ON, SquareA OFF and CircleB ON.