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  • Boots: Whitendon
    • Weapons:
      • Stargent HandCannon
    • MysTech:
      • Cyan mound
    • Other:
      • HG
      • HGC

Do as the man says: Go into the building with the TimeMinder and talk to the Burgomaster.

Break into the room on the right upstairs for a Rapid Wristlet.

OK, time to get your detective on. Note that as you wander around, most everyone thinks you're a guy named Peter. Write down what they have to say about Peter's relationship with Laurie; the answers are random, and they'll only tell you once.

Head up the ramp to the left and talk to Fritz to learn how long Peter and Laurie have been together.

Eventually there will be a ramp on your right up to a house with a Cyan mound in front (grab a beetle). This seems to be the crime scene. Break into the room in back for a HealGrease.

Go back out the front door and notice the drag lines on the ground. Follow them back down. At the foot of the ramp, make a short detour to the right to grab the Stargent HandCannon (Great, ranged). Continue following the drag marks to a tree. Take a photo of the drag marks in front of the tree.

FYI, the door to your right is a shop.

Go up the ramp by the tree. At the kid in red, turn left. Talk to Nikki to learn what Peter gave Laurie as a present, then turn around and photograph the scratches on the roof.

Go back past the kid in red and left, which takes you back to the entrance. This time take the low road next to the ramp you took before. This takes you to the Fairweather Inn. Take a photo of the tracks in front of the broken fence.

Step into the tavern and talk to the guy on the left to find out about Peter and Laurie's first kiss. Go upstairs and break into the closet at the end of the hall for an HGC.

Show your photos to the Burgomaster, then head back out. If Laurie isn't standing out front, go up and talk to Fritz again; that should make her show up. Convince her that Peter does still love her by giving her the answers you got earlier.

Go grab another Cyan bug. When you're done with everything in town, talk to the innkeeper for a cutscene.

Commiteon Provisional Base[edit]

Talk to the soldier on the right, then click on the TimeMinder for a TimeMinder Tear.

Head left and up behind the generator (the steaming machine) for a Field Issue Shieldcell (344/216/128, prot. Winky).

Continue through and around to the right and talk to Sergeant Major Sargent. He sends you to talk to 1st Lieutenant Bibere, and gives you his field code (SCOWL).

Continue along and find Bibere hiding under a tank on the left. He tells you about some beer in his foot locker in the officer's barracks, and sends you to Captain Militaratus (WRATH).

Continue around back to the entrance. Militaratus is on the right. He sends you to Major Tweedy (SPITE). He mentions problems with the generator and sends you to Colonel Irdgaff (ANGER).

Continue around, and into the tent in the center. Irdgaff points you at Command Sergeant Major Heten (GROWL). He complains about the generator alarm.

Go back to the generator and RageMight the control panel. Run back to where Heten used to be and click on the tactical map. In the lower left is the code of the day (CAGE). Click on the KeyNote sitting on the desk, type in CAGE, and get the perimeter fence code (65712).

Go back to the entrance and use the code to get out.

Dessicatus Surface[edit]

OK, now strip all the equipment from your other characters, equip Paco, and prepare to destroy all who dare oppose you, MUAHAHAHAHAAAAA. No, wait, Paco's a hero. So, the same thing, really, only more heroically.

There's an HGC behind the tent. There's an HG+ after the bridge.

Abandoned Base[edit]

Avoid the lasers and go inside. Past the hover mines, on the doorsill, is a Cobalt Crawler. Go back, down the other path, and through the door on the left.

There are several generators in the base, such as the one on the left in this room. RageMighting them disables the turret they're connected to (if any; what does this one do?). But the turrets are easy to dodge, so there's no need.

The next hallway has an automatic turret; run through when it's retracted and go right.

Between two bunks downstairs in the barracks is a Wristbands of Whacking. Also, pet the little time minder for another tear.

At the big green hallway, go through the door in front of you instead.

Under the truck in the Garage is a chest with Phantomfist, Paco's only ranged weapon (Good, ranged).

Head up to the security station. The panel on the far left gives you Cyclic Sensor Array (Democratus, Excellent, ranged). If you equip the first one on Democratus, you can grab a second one.

Open the elevator, run back to the green hallway and go down it to the elevator. Don't worry about getting shot. Continue for a cutscene.

Now comes the solo mission for your third character.

White Caves[edit]

You might want to equip a Circlet of Safety to protect from Freeze.

Near first TimeMinder look for FreezeMeNot Loop next to the rocks on the left.

After the fight with 3 Snow Suckers, watch for a Cobalt Crawler in a group of rocks on the left side of the path.

After the map change, open the chest for a Supershot (Aerial Trigger).

After the Grumpy Bunny fight, get ready for the boss.

Boss: Wimpa[edit]

Hmm, isn't that Boots' face in one of the piles of bodies? I guess Peter and Laurie won't be getting back together after all.

You don't need the Circlet of Safety for this boss. FatimaScreen doesn't work here, nor do any MysTech status effects, but FlashBlind does.

You get FreezeCubist MysTech as booty.

Whitendon, Take 2[edit]

Don't talk to the Burgomaster until you're done with Whitendon.

Grab another Cyan bug, and talk to the parents of the missing boy for a HealGrease and a Circlet of Safety.

Talk to Squinty George, the balding hunter wandering around town, to turn your Wimpa Pelt into a Wimpa Peltcell (432/216/96, prot. Freeze).

Talk to Laurie in front of the Inn for a Cobalt Crawler.

Grab another Cyan bug, then go back and talk to the Burgomaster to leave the planet.