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Finding Some Work[edit]

Rowdy's Bar[edit]

Find a job, kiddo.
Do this stuff, cause I ain't letting you leave Rowdy's without a clue:
  • Get the Camera off your desk.
  • Find some money in your office. Try the back room, maybe.
  • Use the TimeMinder over there for luck.
  • Find yourself a job lead.

As the opening cutscene ends, you begin the game in Rowdy's bar and are tasked with finding some work to pay off Boots' debt. There are a few things to take care of first, and Fatima won't let you leave the area until you do.

First, turn around and head up the ramp to Boots' office. Grab the Cordicam Digital Camera off your desk (you'll be using this soon). Click on the Broadband Scanner for some information you'll need later, then go to the back room door and pick the lock.

WORLD SKILL - Lockpicking

Boots has the ability to pick certain locks throughout the game. To do this, hold down  Ctrl  as you click on the desired object.

You can use either the keyboard or mouse, but the former is quicker. For each tumbler, hit  SPACE  once. If the tumbler doesn't drop immediately, look at the meter on the lockpick, which tells you how far off you are, on a scale of 1-5. Hit up or down that many times, and try again. If it still misses, try the other direction. By your third try, you'll always be either 2 or 4 spaces away from the right spot.

Certain locks will be beyond your skill to pick for the time being, but keep them in mind for later. You'll want to pick as many as possible regardless, as Boots gains a little experience from each successful attempt.

Inside, there is "Some Dough" ($20), an APE game console (which has no games now, but you can find some later), and a chest which you can't pick successfully yet. Grab the Dough and head back downstairs.

Quest Update
There's a Deanamo in Frank's Flophouse. Some guy hired her for a job. Maybe they need another hand.

There are a few NPCs here of interest. Marina and Mardoman, the folks at the table near the ramp, are with a resistance movement. Talk to Marina to begin a side questline. Valesta, the woman at the bar, mentions her friend Deanamo getting hired for a job, and that she might need a hand. Your lead currently resides in Frank's Flophouse.

Dim Jose, the guy at the table, wants to know if he should keep or sell his slag of MysTech (not sure if the answer has any significance). You can also play a minigame of "OX" on the game table opposite the bar (there is no reward for winning).

On your way out, use the TimeMinder to save your game.

Fountain Spiral[edit]

There's a floater named K'Conrad Khk hanging out near the Fountain Overlook. He's supposed to be the master informant in The Bricks. Funny how we've never heard of him.
Stop at Whackmaster Jack's and brush up on your fighting skills. Just my humble advice.

On your way out, you'll pass an Aewa ("floater") named K'jagra Khk, who eventually asks you to visit his cousin, K'Conrad. He'll be at the Fountain Overlook.

Continuing down, you'll encounter an Alley Goon named Ppaki, and he's not happy. A battle will immediately ensue; one you cannot win, as you'll be downed in a single hit before even having a chance to strike. Afterwards, Fatima "suggests" you visit Whackmaster Jack's for some training.

Introduction to Combat[edit]

Taking Photos
Certain quests require you to take photos of people or objects.  F11  brings up your camera's interface. You can look around freely with it, using the  ↑  and  ↓  keys to zoom in and out. Hit  Enter  to take a photo, which will fill one of your slots (use the and keys to scroll between slots). You only have 12 slots, so make sure to delete the photos ( Delete ) once you've been given credit for them.

Continuing along, grab the HealGrease Plus that Fatima points out in the hall. Don't use it now, but remember to press  F5  to access your inventory.

Reaching the fork, you can't take the path down just yet, so head up to the Fountain Spiral (the woman at the fork will give you directions). When you get there, turn around, look up, and take a photo of the Anachronox Symbol above the sign for the MysTech Museum sidequest.

Up the Spiral, you'll see another TimeMinder. Next it it is the entrance to Whackmaster Jack's Temple of Beating.

Whackmaster Jack's[edit]

Jack is the guy in red by the ring upstairs. Talk to him for a combat tutorial. During this, you'll recieve an Old Vistin Pistol, a LifeCursor Shield Upgrade (teaches Boots the skill "FatimaScreen"), and 2 HealGrease Plus. Afterwards, you have the option of taking two more tutorials by speaking to Jack again (the last one will give you 3 Bindlebags, one of which you'll be forced to use).

Once you're finished, talk to Stang (the guy with the bag on the ground next to him) for a Glodent. Also, photograph the two Brebulans (the aliens to the right of the door), and make sure to fit their whole bodies in the frame.

Nothing left to do here for now, so head back to the Spiral.

Fountain Spiral[edit]

Head up the Spiral to the next exit, with the sign for Frank's Flophouse. Get ready for your first real fight, with the same guy who beat you down before...

BOSS - Ppaki

You can't win this without using an item (on Normal difficulty or above, at least).

One option is to use a Bindlebag - hit  3 ,  3 ,  SPACE  as soon as your turn begins.

Another option is using the FatimaScreen ability, then a HealGrease Plus if you're about to die. With luck, you can get the shield up before he hits you the first time.

Afterwards, you may notice a Green Mound in the corner (this will become relevant later on). For now, take the gravpath to the Casinox Area.

Following the Lead[edit]

Casinox Area[edit]

Quest Update
A floater named K'Conrad Khk is an information specialist. He hangs out at the Fountain Overlook, waiting to trade information.

Take the lift down and talk to Maria Black, standing by the TimeMinder. You won't get a quest note, but you can help her out. Go through the door down the hall and meet K'Conrad Khk, the cousin mentioned before. You're going to need some good information to give him before you'll get anything out of him, though.

Down the next lift, a NoxGuard asks if you've seen Marina - Answer "Nope. Never seen her". Continuing on, you can't go towards the Platform Area (but if you wait you can watch a guy running around on fire). Take a photo of the Anachronox Symbol and proceed into the Junkyard Area.

Junkyard Area[edit]

Enemies Alley Goons (2)
Ghalla's Creature Repair
Item Price
HealGrease $12
HealGrease Plus $50
HealGrease Complete $500
TimeMinder Tear $500

Go straight ahead (behind the blue sign) and get the envelope with $50 inside from the chest. Then enter Ghalla's through the door next to the TimeMinder. You can buy some items here, but it may be wiser to save your cash for now. Head up the ramp on the right, all the way to the back of the corridor to find your first TACO.

Back outside, continue down the road and fight off a couple of Alley Goons (there's a White Mound on the right). Photograph the two Brebulans and the Anachronox Symbol over the sign for the Tenements Area, and continue on.

Tenements Area[edit]

There's a mysterious guy shomewhere in the Bricks named "Eddie" who "know's things". You can never have enough contacts, so keep an eye out.

When you enter, turn around and photograph the Anachronox Symbol, then head to the right and photograph the Brebulan. If you head all the way down the stairs, there's a HealGrease at the bottom. You'll also find an NPC who tells you "Eddie knows". This will be important later.

Going back along the railing, if you look out along the opposite wall, you may notice (and hear) a little red creature. That's a Red Bipidri, and you'll want to photograph it as well.

Photo Issues
Certain photos can be harder to capture, depending on the content. The Red Bipidri here is particularly problematic. To make you've captured it successfully, save your game and pull up "path-to-game\anoxdata\SAVE\<user>\photos", then select the directory for this save (the autosave is #0; the normal saves are ordered from top to bottom). If the .dat file for the photo has a size of 0, it didn't work, and you'll need to try again. Try moving a little left or right (hold down  Shift  to walk slowly).

Head back up and take the elevator down, then go into Frank's Flophouse.

Frank's Flophouse[edit]

If you're injured, rent a room for $5 to recover. If not, head right and down the ramp to the same room (Room 06) and grab the TACO on the dresser. You can then head back upstairs and pick the locks of the other rooms.

Quest Updates
A guy named Grumpos hired Deanamo for a job she didn't finish. Now's your chance to make some dough. She said he lives across the street from Frank's.
Maybe Grumpos Matavastros will hire you to finish the job Deanamo didn't finish. She said she lives across the street from Frank's in building 5, left of the movie theater. Check the building directory. And try to act like a professional.

You'll find Deanamo in Room A, who's had an unfortunate accident during the job. During the cutscene, she'll point you in the direction of her employer - you'll find him in Building 5. You'll find Valesta's Bracelet in the room as well (Deanamo will ask you to take it back to her, but it's not necessary). Rooms B and E have NPCs to talk with, Room D has a HealGrease on the bed, and the lock to Room C is beyond your skill to pick right now.

Head back outside. Down the ramp is the entrance to Building 5.

Tenement Building 5[edit]

Note the directory on the wall to your right, browse the SenderNet station if you want, then head into the Section C elevator. Most of the rooms here aren't accessible, but the ones that are are worth checking out.

Accessible Rooms
Floor 2 / Apt. 5 You can't enter, but you can knock on the door to get a response from Simon Black. If you tell him that Maria is coming to kill him, he'll give you $25 (ask for any more, and you won't get it).
Floor 2 / Apt. 7 There's a HealGrease on the crates in the back of the room. Also notice the LifeCursor on the counter. Once again, this'll become important later.
Floor 3 / Apt. 11 A HealGrease Plus rests on a small table near the counter.
Floor 3 / Apt. 14 It may be a little harder to see in this darkened room, but there's a HealGrease Plus on the coffee table.

After exploring the other rooms, head up to Level 4, Room 19. In the ensuing cutscene, you'll meet Grumpos, who won't allow you to help him unless you find him his desired helmet.