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World 3-1[edit]

Bio Miracle map stage 3-1a.png
  • The third world that Upa must visit is a starry world of ice populated by water sprites known as Kappas, which resemble a cross between turtles and penguins. They slide back and forth across the ice, and don't directly attack Upa, but they can be a nuisance. In addition to the Kappa, Upa must also watch out for dangerous spikes on the surface of the ice.
  • The first item box that you encounter in this stage contains a much needed heart, but you'll have to be very careful while traveling a long distance with just two hearts. You'll have to remain on the highest level of platforms in order to reach it. If you fall down at any point, you will not be able to get back up to where the item box is stationed.
  • After jumping onto one moving ice platform, be careful jumping to the next stationary ice platform; it will plummet as soon as you land on it. The next platform is safe to jump on. Then use your rattle on the red doll and ride on top of it to reach the item box where you can finally obtain a third heart.
  • After collecting the heart, avoid taking damage by jumping on the spikes, and drop down and take the lower path. After landing on the ledge below the platform, rattle the Kappa that occupies the ledge, and ride him up to the platform beyond the spikes. Watch out for any flying blue dolls that come your way.
Bio Miracle map stage 3-1b.png
  • After knocking away a few enemies, you must leap over to a moving platform. From there, you must jump over to a second. This will take you to another long platform of ice occupied by a Kappa. Rattle it and ride on top of it to the next column.
  • It's not possible to reach the next platform by jumping from the column. If you wish to collect the jar of milk inside the next item box, drop down to the ledge on the bottom, rattle the Kappa that occupies it, and ride him up to the platform above.
World 3-1
  • You will reach another flame cannon which you can jump on top of to shoot a blast of flame at a few Kappa. Clear any others away as you approach the end of the stage. It may appear as though the room on the right is sealed behind a wall of ice, but Upa can actually jump through this sheets to safely arrive at the boss.
  • Boss: By this time, you shouldn't be surprised to see the large pink pig that has served as the boss so many times before. The strategy to defeat him here is no different than in the past: rattle the red dolls that he spits out at you, and push three of them into him. You'll have to stand on the left and wait for the dolls to approach you, but it should be easy enough to push them in the pig's direction.

World 3-2[edit]

Bio Miracle map stage 3-2a.png
  • You'll begin inside of a dark icy cave, in a room that resembles a face. After passing by some Kappas, you'll start getting attacked by flying fish. These fish fly across the screen in a wave motion. They fly fast, but you can rattle them and turn them into a floating platform. Use them to get past the more dangerous gaps.
  • The first two item boxes occur below an icy platform. They both contain apples, so you have to decide if 1000 points are worth the trouble of dropping down below the ice. A third apple appears in the lower box beyond the platform, but you can find a heart in the platform directly above it. This item is much more valuable, and you need to get up there in order to leap over the long stretch of spikes and avoid getting hurt.
  • Use a flying fish or a flying blue doll to climb up from the low rocky platform to the high icy platform up above. When you reach the vertically moving platform, jump over to it when it's on its way down, and then jump off to the low platform on the right when it's on its way up.
Bio Miracle map stage 3-2b.png
  • There's an extra life along the very bottom level of several icy platforms. Making your way on to the lowest level can be tricky and requires that you make a small hop from the middle of the ledge to the left. If done properly, you can crawl over to the box containing the extra. However, another extra can be found in the leftmost of four boxes near the ceiling. It can be very difficult to obtain. You need to use enemies to float yourself up to the boxes, and jump over to the left. While jumping, it's possible to hit two item boxes mid-jump, so you only need to inflate two enemies to get all four boxes. Use one of the Kappas, then scroll to the right and use the red doll that approaches you.
World 3-2
  • After making it over a long bed of spikes, you will arrive on a platform where it appears someone has carved a beautiful ice sculpture of Upa! In previous worlds, the end of the second stage has been a free pass to the third stage. However, starting with World 3, you must face off with a...
  • Boss: That's right, you'll have to do battle with another large pig. For this battle, it's safest to hang out on the middle icy platform to the left of the screen. Wait for the boss to spit out some red dolls, and rattle them after they bounce from the platform below you. Ride on top of the lowest floating doll, and push another doll into the boss. Alternatively, you can push an inflated enemy up through the ice in the middle of the boss' platform, but it's difficult to get an enemy to float below the ice, let alone push it up at just the right time.

World 3-3[edit]

  • This stage is a vertical climb. Remember that on the way up, you can jump through icy platforms, but you can't jump through rocky platforms. Additionally, you can cross over from the left side of the screen to the right side, and vice versa. You will encounter a new enemy in this stage: crabs. Crabs just waddle back and forth on a platform, and should be easier to deal with than the many Kappas that also occupy the stage.
  • The first few platforms are easy to navigate. If you like, you can use the Kappas to help you reach higher platforms than you can through jumping alone. When you reach the first platform with crabs, you will have to use them, or one of the many blue dolls that appear to reach the next set of platforms. Inflate one and ride it up to the top to continue.
  • When you reach the first two item boxes, stand on the lower one and hit the top one first. It contains a heart, and you'll need to push to the left in order to catch it. You will safely fall down to the ledge below. Then you can return to the previous ledge and get the bottle out of the lower box, even though you don't need it.
  • Continue climbing until you reach an enclosure. You can use one of the Kappas to get up and around the platforms, or you can cross over from the left side of the screen to the right, and jump up through the icy patch above you. The next section above requires that you jump up through the icy platform on the right, unless you can use the Kappa below to float over to the left side.
  • When you encounter three item boxes in a row, you will discover that the middle box is empty. This is the first such instance of an empty item box, and it's far from the last. Another empty item box will separate you from the inside of a platform enclosure which gives Upa access to platforms that he can jump onto and proceed upward.
  • You will reach a set of stairs that appear on either side of the screen. You must leap from the second or third step to the rising platform in the middle, and jump up to the platform above. Shortly after that, you will encounter a series of horizontally moving platforms. Make sure you know how far they move and time your jump from one to the next carefully.
World 3-3
  • Boss: A brand new boss awaits you at the top of this stage. A very large walrus will appear when the screen stops scrolling. At least one blue doll will fall from the ceiling every now and then, but you can increase that to two dolls if you clear away that Kappas from the other ledges. The walrus always walks from right to left, and will reappear on the right side whenever he reaches the edge of the screen. Every now and then, the walrus will stop, and then push himself forward on the ice, sliding twice before resuming his normal walk. He is invulnerable to attack when he is sliding, but you can hit him when he is walking. Allow the blue dolls to drop to the floor and attack them with your rattle so you can push them into the walrus when he is walking normally. You can push the enemies in either direction, it does not matter. But if they hit while he is sliding, they will bounce off and do no damage. If you hit him successfully five times, he will be defeated and two treasure chests will appear. One contains the extra life, while the other contains the fairies that transport you to the next world.