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Starting the game[edit]

Start the game by running SKAPH from the DOS prompt. By default the game will use normal video and sound settings, which should be suitable on any modern computer or emulator, it will save games in C:\OPGAMES, and it will keep temporary data in C:\TEMP. See README.TXT for command-line options to change these settings.

An animation may play with the oP Group's logo, and then the title screen will appear. Press  Enter  to begin.

Service room[edit]

You will begin in the service room, which is where you can select a save slot, start a new game, continue an old one, or restart a previously visited level. Use the arrow keys to drive around. To the west is a platform for exiting to DOS, on the north wall are four screens representing save slots, and to the east is a platform for starting or continuing a game.

Drive up to one of the screens on the north and press  Space  to select it. (If some are empty, you will only be able to select the leftmost empty slot.) Then drive east onto the game platform, press  Space  and  Backspace  to scroll through the options, which include "Neu Beginnen", meaning "erase this save slot and begin a new game", "Letzer Gesicherter Standort", meaning "continue from the last save", and the names of any levels that have already been unlocked in the selected save. Press  Enter  when you find the option that you want.

When you start a new game, you will begin in a chapel in the "Michelangelo" level with no enemies around and be prompted to select a difficulty level (and a paygrade). Press  1  for an easy game,  2  for medium difficulty, and  3  for hard, where those are digit keys on the main keyboard, not on the numpad. Your choice will not affect any puzzles, but pressing  2  will remove some enemies from the maps, and pressing  1  will remove even more.

After looking over the game controls, you should be ready to play, starting with the "Michelangelo" sector.