Arcana Heart/Dieu Mort

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Arcade,PlayStation 2
  • The Cruel Executioner (Arcana of Death)

There once lived an executioner who loved chopping off heads so much that one day he beheaded himself out of sheer madness and curiosity. His services were sought after by Mike, who feels Dieu Mort’s dark expertise will be of use to Yoriko.


Arcana Heart[edit]

Name Input
Passive Effect Recover from being hit. + or +
Force Effect Physical attacks deal poison.
Force Effect Increased defense.
Poison ()
Evasion ()
Sacrifice ()
Mirror ()
Drain (near opponent)
Executioner ++

Arcana Heart 2[edit]

Suggoi! Arcana Heart 2[edit]

Arcana Heart 3[edit]

Passive Effect
Rancoeur or + (hold)
Special Attack
Empooisonner +
Dechirure or + • any direction
Super Attack
Sacrifons +
Miroir +
Invalider +
Extend Force
Arcana Blaze
Execution + or

Arcana Heart 3 Love Max!!!!!, 3 Love Max Six Stars!!!!!![edit]

Passive Effect
Rancoeur or + (hold)
Special Attack
Empooisonner +
Dechirure or + • any direction
Super Attack
Sacrifons +
Miroir +
Invalider +
Extend Force
Arcana Eclipse
Condanacion +
Arcana Blaze
Execution +