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'''ATTENTION:''' I'm a nursing student and I do this for fun.  ''Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II'' is actually the first guide I've ever officially written ('officially' meaning nifty tweaks and pretty pictures displayed in a coherent fashion on a website).  I'm working out kinks as I go, so please be patientI also tend to disappear for periods of time due to school, so if progress comes to a grinding halt and you're wondering what happened to me, I'm busy having no life.
'''ATTENTION:''' I'm a nursing student and I do this for fun.  Don't bitch to me about how my information is incorrect or not good enough, or how I've otherwise done something wrong.  I seriously don't care, so don't waste your time whining.   

Due to the fact that I have a life outside the interwebz, I will say this: '''if you have a problem with something I'm doing, fix it yourself.'''  Don't bitch to me about how my information is incorrect or not good enough, or how I've otherwise done something wrong. I seriously don't care, so don't waste your time whining. 
That said, I have very simple rules for people editing my stuff.  These are things that do not fall outside the scope of basic courtesy, so if you're too autistic to understand them, God help you.

I have used HTML coding in very small amounts throughout the guide I'm writing, and my reason for doing so is to include formatting for which Wiki code doesn't have an equivalentHere are the HTML codes I use:
<u>DA RULEZ</u> <BR>
1. '''Ask me before you edit something.'''  You are not the author; I am.  You do not understand how the guide is or needs to be formatted in order to ensure maximum organization and ease of reading, I can guarantee that.  There's a very good reason why you're editing the existing guide instead of writing one yourself, amirite? <BR>
2. '''Do not edit the formatting.'''  Tweaking the gallery and adding captions is one thing; fucking up the text/screenshot alignment and putting in text boxes and shit that you don't even care to organize in a coherent fashion is something else entirely.  I put in alot of work to make this guide as easy to read and organized as I couldThe very least you can do is not fuck it up. <BR>
3. '''If you are not going to improve either the content or the formatting beyond its current layout, be honest with yourself and leave it the hell alone.'''

< hr > < /hr > : horizontal dividing lines that separate sections of text; mostly appear in the walkthrough to make spacing between mission objectives look cleaner <BR>
Kay?  It's that easy.  We're all adults here, so use your words.
< div style="text align: left;" > < /div > : left-aligned text; appears in ''Weapons and Ammo'' because it looks better than centered text 

If you come across HTML coding in my guide, LEAVE IT ALONE.  I wouldn't use it if I didn't have a legitimate reason to.  Yes, this is an offshoot of Wikipedia and everyone uses a common code and blah blah blah, but ''please'' exercise some basic courtesy.  At the very least, ask me if it's okay to tweak the formatting.  We're all adults here, so use your words.

<u>Guides I have written</u>
<u>Guides I have written</u>