Black & White/Cheats

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Revision as of 14:06, 22 October 2008 by Tavy08 (talk | contribs) (Already mentioned.)

Edit Names of Your Villagers

If you search for the file names.txt in your Black directory, you will be able to edit this list of names that are allocated to your villagers. Make sure that you type how many names are in the list on the first line of the text file, so if you had 50 names in your list, the first line would read 50. Add the names of your friends, or the names of your enemies, it will add a new level of villager interaction.

Go into scripts directory in the game folder. There you can change lands names to different numbers (up to five), eg: if you want land 3 to come after land 1 change its name to land 2 and land 2 to land 3...

Sweet Prayer Power

For all the benevolent Gods, you can sacrifice without having it recorded on your statistics. It's quite simple. When you see that someone has died just pick up their skeleton and put it in the dish at the worship site. Your prayer power will go up and for some reason the skeleton screams as though it wasn't dead, but it works nonetheless.

Easter Eggs

During the game on April 1st (April Fools Day), Your monster will leave smiley face foot prints in the ground instead of their regular foot prints. You can change your computer's date to April 1st to cause this effect any day.

Vertigo For the Evil

Start the tutorial and wait for your conscience to stop talking. Continuously move the cursor in circles and your evil conscience's head will eventually start spinning.

Food/Wood Bug

When using a food or wood miracle, if you rapidly right click over a building, such as the main entrance to your village store, or the main building of the workshop, you will get almost 40,000 wood. This also works for a food miracle over the workshop. This works for both one shot miracles, and cast miracles.

Dungeon Keeper

This is not a cheat, but just a general comment on the game. When you first start the game and go through the tutorial, you should notice that the temple is covered with symbols from Dungeon Keeper 2.

Infinite Water Miracles

Use the following trick to get unlimited Water Miracles on the first level. At the place where there is the first silver reward, scroll on land one. After completing it, knock over the rock again and it will turn into a Water Miracle.

Alter time

Hold [Alt] and press 1 to slow down time or hold [Alt] and press 2 to speed up time.

Beach balls, bowling balls and bowling pins

Go to the God's Playground (press [F2] during a game) and exit out of the first tutorial by pressing [Esc]. Then zoom all the way out. Look for the small island off of the larger one. When you find it, zoom in on it. Rotate the camera so that you are looking at the small island and can see the large island in the distance. At the base of the small island you will see two beach balls, two bowling balls and some bowling pins with smiley faces on them.

Food Poisoning

On the second land's silver scroll challenge were you have to save the village after lethys poisons the towns food, remove all of the infected food from the village store and put it somewhere safe. Next, when you try to take over an enemy's village, place a small amount of the infected food in the village's store. Soon all of the people will be dead and you can populate it with your own villagers. Bring this food to every land that you go to by throwing it through the vortex's and you should have enough to do this to every village you come across if you use it wisely. This hint is not for the good god.

Cut the Trees

Cut the trees before... When you start whit your people or conquest another, took the trees (all of them), and get it into the storage, or else the enemy gods try to steal (and in fact they do it), when you use only your folks to cut the woods its very slow, but if you took the trees and store, its faster and a lot of wood will be provided.

Teach Your Creature Miracles

When you cast miracles put your creature near to show him how to create this miracle, when he learn it in 100%, he start to casting (I suggest "Miracle Wood", "Miracle Food", "Miracle Heal"), when he learn this tree miracles, send him to another village and he cast the miracles randomly gaining adepts for you (remember reward your creature, the more you reward, the more he cast miracles) I have gained an entire town only whit the creature :-)

Teach Your Creature Miracles 2

Teach your creature a lot of miracles. On the first stage do the silver scroll mission above the creshe. Do it in a good god fashion (i.e let the guy go when he tells you to) and you get a super heal miracle dispenser. If you teach this miracle to your creature and then get him to cast it (wait till he does it randomly and stroke him) you can get a lot of belief this way if your creature casts it in sick towns or non believing towns. It works best if you do not teach him normal heal. Also teach your creature wood, food and water miracles then at the start of levels love leash him to storage yard for food and wood or fields to let him water them. If your an evil god teach him things like fireball, lighting and so on so that when he attacks he is devastating but also teach him good things like wood heal etc so he helps your people too.

Get Any Creature

There is a way to get any creature you want in your game. Go to My computer, then drive C: Then Program files, Then Lionhead studios ltd, Then Black & White, Then Data, Then Ctr, Then you will see a list of all the creatures in the game, to get any of these, you must switch places of one of the three started characters,(Ape, Cow, Tiger) by switching the name of one of them to the one you want. Then start up Black & White, Then when you make a new game and get the creature quest finished You will see the creature you want instead of the cow, or tiger or ape. Like Switching the BHorse.CBN file to the BCow.CBN file. That will switch places of both those creatures in the game.

Make Lots of Wood and Food

You can also make lots of wood and food, by activating a food or wood miracle and then tap gently on top of the door on the food storage in the town workshop. You will make lots of wood and food and you won't lose much mana.

Beat the other Gods

I figured a good way to beat the other Gods you are up against in B&W. Make sure you know how to use the practically infinite wood miracle... then make short work of the opposing God or Gods by burning down every available forest with fireballs... this is especially effective in the second and third worlds. If they can't find trees... they can't build... which means they're easily overtaken!

Get Skeletons Living in Your Village

If you want to get skeletons living in your village then you need two things: The teleport Miracle and to be able to kill people.

  • Step1: Kill someone (without using fireballs).
  • Step2: Allow the person to become a skeleton (unless you want a zombie).
  • Step3: Make two portals.
  • Step4: Drop the person in one portal.
  • Step5: When they come out they will go to sleep, let them heal themselves by sleeping and you will have a living skeleton.

If you want burnt humans then do the same thing as the skeleton but set fire to the human with a fireball and make sure they don't turn into a skeleton If you want an eternal fire then get loads of rocks in a pit and set fire to them, this will create a never ending white flame. Note: don't blow up the rocks, the burnt humans may not work sometimes.

Five Teddy Bears

To get five quite harmless yet fun to throw teddy bears, find the gold story scroll near the large crater near the Indian graveyard. Select it and do as the man says and after you finish the teddy bears will still be in the crater and available to toss about or arrange in any manner you wish.

More Bowling Balls and Bowling Pins

To find two very small bowling balls and ten downsized versions of the pins found on the small island just look near the bottom of the mountain with the Celtic Wonder on top. There should be a shallow ditch at the bottom side facing in towards the mainland where you will find the bowling balls and pins.

Another Toy Ball

To find another toy ball just go to the narrowest part of the mainland and look for a medium sized grey rock standing straight up with a very pointy tip. Hiding behind it is the toy ball.

The Angry Stone Heads of Doom

To find the two angry stone heads go to the hill near the crater talked about in how to get the five teddy bears that has a big forest atop it. If you're in the right spot you should be able to see the two angry stone heads very easily. Note that if destroying villages is your cup o' tea these stone heads are perfect for it (which is obviously why I call them the "Angry Stone Heads of Doom").

South Park Spoof

Leave the game running without taking any actions. Eventually, you will hear the advisers in a spoof of South Park.

Easy Miracles

You can teach your creature some miracles easily. Take either Food, Wood, Water, Lightning, Fireball, Teleport, or any other miracle you can use and use some/regrab it. Then put the rest back in the dish at the worship site. You will get the same amount of prayer power, so you can use it again.

Red Dice

In the god's playground look around for a brown spire and some brown rocks near the bottom of it. Break those brown rocks and under them you will find two red dice. anybody up for craps!


On Island 5 Nemisis has a wonder which while it stands your creature will be cursed. Do NOT destroy or harm the wonder or you will get a bug. Your creature will be forever cursed. When you take over the village let Nemisis destroy the wonder with a megablast. From then every night talk to the monk to stop the bug happening.

Quick Grow

If you want to make your creature grow really quick go to the second land and do the singing stones task. Tap the stones to produce songs. Tap twinkle twinkle little star by pressing rocks 11889986655331 in that order. Then it will turn into night. Get your creature to sleep in the pen and each night he will grow 3 meters taller. Repeat this task every day to make it turn into night and get the creature to the pen. Keep doing this and you can grow him full size in seven creature years instead of 40.