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  • Neutral dpad: Use the D-pad to direct your tank in any one of four directions. Diagonals are not possible.
  • A button or B button: Press either button to fire in the direction your tank is currently facing.
  • Start button: Pauses the game.
  • Select button: Not used.



These are the tanks that the first and second players control. Player 1 controls the yellow tank, and player 2 controls the green tank simultaneously. Both tanks can only have one of their own shots on the screen at one time, and may not fire again until the shot hits an enemy or collides with a wall. Unless a force field is surrounding the tanks, preventing them from taking damage, they can be destroyed by one enemy bullet. If one player shoots another, it will prevent the other player from moving, although it will still be possible to turn and fire.

Normal Tank

This is the regular enemy tank. They move a bit slower than your tank, and their bullets travel at the same speed as yours (with no power-ups applied.) It takes one shot to destroy them.

Fast Tank

This is the fastest enemy tank. They can move at a substantially faster rate than your tank can travel. Their bullets, however, travel at normal speed. It takes one shot to destroy them.

Power Tank

This tank has the greatest offensive power. They move at the speed of normal tanks, but their bullets travel must faster, as fast as your tank can when you collect the star power up. It takes one shot to destroy them.

Armor Tank

This tank has the most defensive power. They can move and shoot at normal speeds. However, it takes four shots to destroy them. They start out green and gradually become gray until the fourth shot destroys them.


A power up will appear in one of sixteen locations randomly on the screen whenever a tank that flashes red is hit. You must touch them to collect them and activate their effects. Collecting each powerup gives 500 points to player.

Picking up the grenade power up instantly wipes out ever enemy presently on the screen, including Armor Tanks regardless of how many times you've hit them. You do not, however, get credit for destroying them during the end-stage bonus points.
The helmet power up grants you a temporary force field that makes you invulnerable to enemy shots, just like the one you begin every stage with.
The shovel power up turns the walls around your fortress from brick to stone. This makes it impossible for the enemy to penetrate the wall and destroy your fortress, ending the game prematurely. The effect, however, is only temporary, and will wear off eventually.
The star power up grants your tank with new offensive power each time you pick one up, up to three times. The first star allows you to fire your bullets as fast as the power tanks can. The second star allows you to fire up to two bullets on the screen at one time. And the third star allows your bullets to destroy the otherwise unbreakable stone walls. You carry this power with you to each new stage until you lose a life.
The tank power up grants you one extra life.
The timer power up temporarily freezes time, allowing you to harmlessly approach every tank and destroy them until the time freeze wears off.


There are a few different types of obstacles scattered around each stage. Knowing how to use them to your advantage is the key to your survival.

Bricks stop tanks and bullets, but they can be slowly chipped away by shooting at them. A block of bricks the size of the one presented here would take four shots from the same direction to destroy completely (Two when player's tank is upgraded to maximum level).
Your tank can drive over ice, but it will slide a little bit in the direction that it was traveling in when you let go of the D-pad while still standing on the ice. It also makes projectiles hardly visible.
Trees allow tanks and bullets to pass through unchecked. But they partially obscure the view beneath the tree tops making it hard to tell precisely where the enemy tanks are, and even harder to tell where their bullets are.
Steel walls completely stop tanks and bullets. Unlike bricks, they can not be destroyed, with the single exception of a player's tank who has collected three stars.
Tanks cannot traverse water, but bullets can safely fly across.

Tips and strategies

Projectile collision

File:B CityEvenSituation.PNG
  • Friendly and enemy projectiles will cancel eachother out when they collide in the air.
    • Try to avoid that situation with power tanks in medium-close range or closer, especially when your tank isn't upgraded.
    • Also avoid this situation in case of armored tanks, especially when your tank isn't upgraded or it can lead to a life loss. The more hits armored tank has left, the further the safer range is.

Avoid being cheap-shot by the enemy

File:B CityDangeroussituation.PNG
  • When tanks are positioned like in this picture, they are vulnerable to eachother's shots. Try moving sideways to avoid it.

Use bricks and steel walls in your advantage

File:B CityGoodSituation.PNG
  • When your tank is positioned so, you are in a great advantage. Not only can't enemy shoot at you, but you also have a free shot for the enemy tank.