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This is the final Boss Circuit on Timber's Island. Once you have defeated all four of the bosses from the various worlds, you will find that the giant pig's head in the south of the island (in the central area, where the elephant hangs around) has changed colour and now sits with it's mouth open. Change into plane mode and fly in.

General Tips

Wizpig is, appopriately enough, the hardest boss to beat. If you pass him, don't expect it to last. This race is not about getting ahead and staying ahead, this race is about inching up and passing him for just long enough to cross the finish line. There are no balloons and it is almost impossible to find a good "inside track" run. There are only three strategy skills that matter here:


It is very easy to go off course, or to miss a zipper here, so it is vital that you can control your steering. For this reason, I find it best to play as Pipsy. Having a low top speed (compared to a character like Krunch) is less important than being able to steer for this race.

Get the power up going across the zippers

This trick works for all the races, but it is almost essential against Wizpig. As you approach a zipper, take your finger off the accelerator, and then just press the button again (don't hold it down, just tap it) as you cross the zipper. The flames at the back of your car will be green instead of pink, and you'll get an extra boost. If you're holding down the accelerator at this point, then the boost will fade. If you lay off the accelerator until the flames go, then it will last slightly longer.

Starting boost

You can get an additional boost at the beginning of the race, if you tap the accelerator while the words "Get Ready" are fading. The more faded the words are, the bigger the boost. The biggest starting boost you can get has blue flames.

