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There are 11 forms: 7 lightsaber forms and 4 Force forms. All Jedi classes are granted the following four forms, although at varying levels:

Level Jedi Guardian Jedi Sentinel Jedi Consular
11 Determination (Shii-Cho) Determination (Shii-Cho) Determination (Shii-Cho)
12 Contention (Makashi) Resilience (Soresu) Force Channel
13 Resilience (Soresu) Force Channel Contention (Makashi)
14 Force Channel Contention (Makashi) Resilience (Soresu)

Main player characters then learn three of the remaining forms from the Jedi Masters they encounter, for a total of seven forms. The three remaining Force forms can only be learned by Jedi Consulars, Jedi Masters and Sith Lords, while the remaining lightsaber forms can only be learned by the other classes.

Lightsaber forms

Determination (Shii-Cho)

The Determination Form, also known as Shii-Cho or Form I, is a defensive style that is ideal when heavily outnumbered. This Form has the following effects:

  • Defense vs Current Target: -3

(Note that Defense bonuses are cumulative, so this form provides a net +0 Defense against your current target, but +3 Defense against enemies that are not your target).

Contention (Makashi)

The Contention Form, also known as Makashi or Form II, was specifically developed to combat other lightsaber users. This form has the following effects:

  • Attack Modifier: +3 (only if target is wielding a lightsaber)

Resilience (Soresu)

The Resilience Form, also known as Soresu or Form III, is a defensive style developed by the Jedi specifically to counter blaster weapons. This form has the following effects:

Aggression (Ataru)

The Aggression Form, also known as Ataru or Form IV, is best against a single opponent and is especially weak against blaster fire. This form has the following effects:

  • Defense vs Current Target: +5

(Note that Defense bonuses are cumulative, so this form provides a net +3 Defense against your current target, but -2 Defense against enemies that are not your target).

Perseverance (Shien)

The Perseverance Form, also called Shien or Form V, is an aggressive form that does not sacrifice protection from blaster fire. It is most effective when facing blaster-wielding opponents or when outnumbered and least effective against a single foe. Using this form has the following effects:

(Note that improveents to Attack Modifier also aid in Blaster Bolt Deflection, so this form has a net Blaster Bolt Deflection bonus of +4).

Moderation (Niman)

The Moderation Form, also known as Niman or Form VI, is strong in all situations, but has no dramatic strengths. This form has the following effects:

(Note that improvements to Attack Modifier also aid in Blaster Bolt Deflection, so this form has a net Blaster Bolt Deflection bonus of +2).

Ferocity (Juyo)

The ferocity Form, also known as Juyo or Form VII, is a very precarious fighting style that is best against single powerful opponents. This form has the following effects:

  • Defense vs Current Target: +2
  • Attacks per round: +1

(Note that Defense bonuses are cumulative, so this form provides a net -2 Defense against your current target).

(Note that the Critical Hit attack Modifier increases the likelihood that a critical threat will result in extra damage).

Force forms

Force Channel

The Force Channel Form involves standard meditation techniques that all Jedi learn through their training. The effects of this Force Form are:

Force Affinity

The Force Affinity Form is an advanced meditation state that allows one to focus the power of the Force more rapidly. The effect of this Force Form is:

  • FP regenerate during combat (though at a somewhat reduced rate when compared to the non-combat regeneration rate).

Force Potency

The Force Potency Form is favored by Dark Jedi as it involves drawing more power from the Force. The effects of this Force Form are:

Force Mastery

The Force Mastery Form increases the potency of most Force Powers, but drains the Jedi rapidly and leaves them vulnerable to counterattack by other Force users. The effects of this Force Form are:

  • Force Power Duration: +50%
  • Opponents' Saves vs Force Powers: -2
  • Saves vs Force Powers: -4
  • FP Cost: +20%