Serious Sam: The First Encounter/Hatshepsut Temple

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Revision as of 20:04, 16 May 2017 by Sigma 7 (talk | contribs) (First level.)
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Sam is dropped off outside of Hatsheput Temple, on the middle floor. There's initially no enemies, but they will appear as Sam either advances or explores. The first level is not much of a threat for any skilled, player, who can simply head to the end level.

From the start of the map, ascend the ramp. One enemy spawns. A second group also approaches, but get slain by lightning. On the upper level, you may decide to go for the rocket launcher secret (found on the roof of the lower level on the right), and the double shotgun secret (found in the corner behind the small pyramid), both of which give a significant early weapon.

In the upper floor, enter the pyramid from the side, and head to the main door. Kill the Gnarr that appears, and if playing on a higher difficulty, the Kleer that also approaches from behind.

The pool room has several items, but mostly serves as a breather room. +50 health is in the pool, and there's armor along the wall of the entrance.

The next room contains a shotgun, and picking it up will cause a mixture of enemies to approach from the exit door. Aim for the Kleer skeleton first, and mop the rest up. After eliminating them, one or two kleer skeletons will pop in and attack.

Speed Walkthough[edit]

  • Ascend the ramp. You can also jump onto the ramp's sides for a slight shortcut.
  • Switch to the knife, and enter the temple through normal means.
  • In the pool room, head directly to the door. Optionally grab the +50 health in the pool.
  • In the final room, get the shotgun. Reach the door by moving left of the monsters as they approach, killing only the enemies that directly block the path. (If you are too slow, the door will close and you will have to fight the monsters.)


  1. From the starting point, turn right. There's a second revolver between the pillars in plain view.
  2. From the starting point, ascend the ramp and turn right. Ascend onto the parapet, and use it to jump to the roof on the side of the temple. This leads to a rocket launcher.
  3. Similar to #2, ascend the ramp after the starting point, and turn left. Jump onto the parapet and onto the roof for some ammunition for the rocket launcher.
  4. On the upper floor, circle around the pyramid to the right. When you reach and touch the off-color wall, it reveals the double shotgun. Collecting it spawns a monster.
  5. From the starting position, descend the ramp and turn right. There's a door that can be touched to release Croteam Fans, and some rockets.
  6. From the starting position, descend the ramp and turn left. The door there needs to be blasted open with the rocket launcher. This frees "Croteam" and gives armor and rockets.
  7. Out in the desert is a small tree, which takes about a minute to reach from the starting position. As you approach, four major biomechanoids will spawn, although some may be inactive if you approach the tree from the side. When you reach the tree, there's +100 health, shells and rockets.

Serious Sam Revolution differences[edit]

The only significant difference is that it's more difficult to exit the pool.