Batman (arcade)/Stage 6

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Be careful.

Time: 70 seconds (1:10)

Once Batman has reappeared on the screen and locked the Batmobile, you shall have to start walking to the right as a red-jacketed thug comes running towards you while wielding a knife; once you have punched him to kill him (killing them this way is worth 1440 points), you will have to collect a Batarang for fifteen shots of it. Two more red-jacketed thugs shall now come running towards you while wielding knives - and once you have thrown a Batarang at both of them to kill them you shall have to jump up to the top of a building's twelve-step staircase as two more red-jacketed thugs come running towards you while wielding knives from behind. Once you have turned back to the left and thrown a Batarang at both of these to kill them, you shall have to jump up to each of the building's three ledges in turn as two more red-jacketed thugs come running towards you while wielding knives; once you have thrown a Batarang at both of these to kill them, you must jump up to a metal veranda as two more red-jacketed thugs come running towards you while wielding knives. Once you have thrown a Batarang at both of these to kill them, a bald-headed gunner shall look out of the window to fire a shot at Batman - and once you have thrown a ninth Batarang at him to kill him, you will have to collect a Gas Grenade for fifteen shots of it - and once you have done so, you shall have to climb up a metal ladder to another metal veranda for twenty-four extra seconds. Batman will also die instantly if he should fall too far here.

One of the Joker's jack-in-the-boxes shall then open and cackle Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-HA!!! from the MSM-6295 as four gas bombs fly out of it; once it stops and you have thrown a Gas Grenade at it to destroy it, you will have to walk back to the left and throw another one at another of the Joker's jack-in-the-boxes to destroy it before it opens. You'll then have to jump back to the left onto a third metal veranda and up to the fourth ledge of the aforementioned building in turn, drop down onto the building's fifth ledge, jump up to its sixth ledge and throw a third Gas Grenade at a green-jacketed thug to kill him - and once you have done so, you will have to drop down onto the building's seventh ledge, jump up to both of its next two ledges in turn, and throw two more Gas Grenades at a brown-suited gangster to kill him. You'll now have to jump up to the building's tenth ledge for twenty-four more extra seconds.

Two more green-jacketed thugs and three gray-suited gangsters will now come walking towards you while throwing knives and gas bombs at you; once you have thrown a single Gas Grenade at both of the thugs to kill them (and two at each of the gangsters), you will have to collect another Batarang for fifteen more shots of it. You'll then have to jump up to the building's eleventh ledge and throw two Batarangs at two more brown-suited gangsters to kill them (and four more at a red-shirted gunner, who is only worth 400 points for the fourth hit when killed this way!) - and once you have done so, you will have to jump up to a fourth metal veranda, as a tenth red-jacketed thug comes running towards you, while wielding a knife. Once you've thrown a ninth Batarang at him to kill him, you must jump onto another building's rooftop and throw a Batarang at two more of the Joker's jack-in-the-boxes to destroy them before they open; once you have done so you will have to jump onto a third building's rooftop in order to receive twenty-four more extra seconds.

Two more green-jacketed thugs will then come walking towards you, while throwing knives at you; once you have thrown a Batarang at both of them to kill them, you'll have to collect another Batarang (for fifteen more shots of it). You'll then have to jump onto a fifth metal veranda as two brown-jacketed thugs come walking up towards you while firing shots at you - and once you have thrown a Batarang at both of them to kill them, a fourth brown-suited gangster shall emerge from a door. Once you've thrown two more Batarangs at him to kill him a fourth gray-suited gangster will come walking towards you while throwing gas bombs at you; once you have thrown two more Batarangs at him to kill him, you will have to drop down on a fifth of the Joker's jack-in-the-boxes to destroy it and land on a sixth metal veranda. You now have to drop down on an eleventh red-jacketed thug to kill him and land on seventh veranda - and once you have done it, you will have to drop down onto a sixth of the Joker's jack-in-the-boxes to destroy it and land on one of the Monarch Theatre's wall pillars. You will then have to jump back to the left onto another of the theatre's wall pillars, and collect a Bat-Symbol for an extra hit; once you've done so, you'll have to jump back to the left onto a third of the theatre's wall pillars and collect a second Bat-Symbol for another extra hit. You'll now have to jump back to the left onto a seventh of the Joker's jack-in-the-boxes to destroy it and land on a fourth of the theatre's wall pillars - and once you have done so you shall have to drop down onto the theatre's roof (which has three more brown-jacketed thugs on it). Once you have thrown a Batarang at each of them to kill them you shall have to drop down to the ground (which has two more brown-suited gangsters and two more gray-suited gangsters on it) for twenty-four more extra seconds (a movie named Sex, Lies, Videogames is also currently playing at the theatre).

Once you've thrown two more Batarangs at each of the gangsters to kill them, two more red-jacketed thugs and a fifth green-jacketed one will emerge from three of its six doors; by this point, you'll have run out of Batarangs, so once you have punched each of these to kill them, three more red-shirted gunners will come walking towards you while firing shots at you, and you must jump back up to the theatre's roof to avoid them. Once you've dropped down on or punched each of them four times to kill them (killing them this way is worth 300 points for the first three hits and 2400 for the fourth), you'll have to collect a third Batarang for fifteen more shots of it - and once you have done this, a swordsman shall jump down to the ground while throwing swords at you. Once you've thrown eight Batarangs at him to kill him (he is worth 50 points for the first seven hits, and 800 for the eighth, but you will have to wait until he gets back up after knocking him down before throwing each one for it to register) you'll have to continue walking to the right until coming to the Batmobile (which, assuming she was still in it when it got locked at the start of the stage, was driven there by Vicki Vale); once Batman reaches it, he'll say Shields open. from the MSM-6295 as he unlocks it, gets inside, and drives off the right side of the screen for a 2500-point bonus.

Note: The timer still goes while Batman unlocks, gets into, and drives off in the Batmobile, so if it runs out while he does so he shall immediately die.