Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway/Lost

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Third-person view while in cover

You start this chapter staring at Hartsock's outstretched hand. You can enable the tutorials here, or skip them if you prefer. Your first order of business is to look up. You'll see your first objective appear once you gain control of Baker. It is simply to exit the hospital. Crouch under the obstacle ahead, so that you can promptly get blown up. Or close to it. This is to introduce you to the "red is bad" system of health. If you've played any shooters over the past couple of years, this should be very familiar to you. The more red you see, the closer you are to death. Sprint down the hallway so that you don't get really blown up. Follow Hartsock into the next room and take cover in the white circle when he tells you to. Here you will be introduced to the ubiquitous red circle of suppression. Lay down some fire on the Germans opposite from you to get them fully suppressed (when the circle turns grey). Once you do, Hartsock will promptly jump into your line of fire in order to flank and kill them. Once he does, go the same way he did. You'll pass your first checkpoint here.

Two soon to be ex-Germans

Proceed down the hallway towards the open doorway. You'll see a German pass. You can kill him right there or let him pass if you want to ambush the Germans in the next room. Take cover on the left side of the doorway and kill the Germans in the hallway ahead. Hartsock will move into the room to the right as more Germans enter. Let him get them suppressed so that you can flank them down the hallway. USE COVER!! Keep your head down below the windows or the Germans will happily kill you. Move far enough up so that you can get an good shot at them and take them out. Proceed down the green lit hallway and watch for the Kraut flambe. Proceed down the hallway as the hospital looses power. Hartsock will take cover by an open doorway. Do the same on the opposite side of the door way and lean around to take out the Germans in the room. Once you kill them, two more will enter. Sprint into the room and take cover next to Hartsock. The game will instruct you on the brittle nature of light cover. Take the advice and put some bullets into the German's wooden shield. Proceed past Hartsock into the operating theater where Baker will proceed to get killed. Or maybe not. You'll have to keep playing to find out.