Crime City/Round 6

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Area 1[edit]

Once an elevator starts lowering Gibson and/or Broady into view from the top of the screen, with an infinite amount of shots, another elevator will lower a Punk-B into view on the left side of the screen; once you have fired a shot at him to kill him, a Punk-A and a (pink-masked) Masked Burglar-A will appear in the windows of the building on the right side of the screen. Once you've fired off a shot at both of these criminals, to kill them, a Bottle Grenade Master and another (pink-masked) Masked Burglar-A will appear in the windows of the building on the left side of the screen - and once you have fired a shot at both of them to kill them, another Punk-A and Bottle Grenade Master will appear in the windows of the building on the right side of the screen. Once you have fired a shot at both of these to kill them, a third Punk-A and (pink-masked) Masked Burglar-A shall appear in the windows of the building on the left side of the screen; once you have fired a shot at both of them, to kill them, a third Bottle Grenade Master will appear in the window of the building on the right side of the screen. Once you have fired a shot at him to kill him, a third elevator will lower another Punk-B into view on the right side of the screen - and once you have fired a shot at him to kill him a fourth Bottle Grenade Master shall appear in the window of the building on the left side of the screen. Once you have fired a shot at him to kill him, an enormous helicopter will fly into view from the left side of the screen; once you have fired enough shots at it to destroy it (for 10000 points), a fourth (pink-masked) Masked Burglar-A and Punk-A shall appear in the window of the building on the right side of the screen. Once you have fired a shot at both of them to kill them, Gibson and/or Broady will reach the ground and you will proceed onward to Area 2.

Area 2[edit]

Once Gibson and/or Broady have reappeared on the screen (on the third step of a nine-step platform, made up of twelve crates), they will have to drop down to the platform's second and first steps and the ground in turn, and fire a shot at a Bottle Grenade Master to kill him; once you have done so, you will have to jump back onto the first three steps of the platform in turn, jump up and fire a shot at two more Bottle Grenade Masters in the windows of a building to kill them. You will then have to jump over to the platform's seventh step, drop down to its eighth and ninth ones and the ground in turn, jump up, and fire a shot at a fourth Bottle Grenade Master and a (pink-masked) Masked Burglar-A on the second step of a ten-step platform that is made up of seventeen more crates to kill them - and once you've done so the Masked Burglar-A will leave a bag of illegal drugs behind. Once you have jumped onto the first two steps of the platform in turn, you have to fire off a shot at a Punk-A and a Jail-Breaker (having a machine gun) upon its third and fifth steps as a Gangster (having an automatic gun) drops down to the ground behind you; once you have fired a shot at each of them to kill them, the Jail-Breaker shall leave another bag of illegal drugs behind. Once you jump up onto the platform's fourth step, drop down to its fifth one, and collect it, you will have to fire a shot at another Punk-A and (pink-masked) Masked Burglar-A on its seventh and eighth steps to kill them - and once you've done so you must jump up to its ninth and tenth steps in turn, jump up, then fire a shot at a fifth Bottle Grenade Master in the window of another building to kill him. Once you've done this, you will have to drop down to the platform's eleventh step and the ground in turn as you come to a Punk-B and a Punk-C drops down to the ground in front of you; once you've fired a shot at both of them to kill them, the Punk-C will leave a shotgun behind. Once you have collected it for 20 shots of it a Pistol Gangster shall emerge from a manhole - and once you have crouched down and fired off a shot at him to kill him, another Gangster (having an automatic gun) will walk into view from the left side of the screen. Once you have turned back to the right, and fired off a shot at him to kill him, he will leave a third bag of illegal drugs behind; once you have collected it, you will have to jump up onto the first two steps of a three-step platform made up of two oil drums and a twenty-eighth crate in turn, and fire a shot at a third Punk-B on the first step of another three-step platform made up of three more drums and a twenty-ninth crate to kill him. Once you have done so, you will have to jump over to the third step of the platform, drop down to the ground, and fire a shot at a third Masked Burglar-A and second Jail-Breaker having a machine gun to kill them - and once you've done so, the Jail-Breaker will leave a machine gun behind. Once you have collected it, for 40 shots of it, another Punk-A will drop down to the ground behind you; once you have turned back to the right and fired a shot at him, to kill him, he will leave a fourth bag of illegal drugs behind. Once you've collected this, you will have to jump over a barrel and fire a shot at a fourth Masked Burglar-A to kill him - and once you have done so, a third Gangster (having an automatic gun) and a sixth Bottle Grenade Master will come walking into view from the right side of the screen. Once you have turned back to the right and fired a shot at both of them to kill them, the Gangster shall leave fifth bag of illegal drugs behind; once you have jumped back over the barrel and collected it, you must jump back onto the barrel, jump up to the first two steps of a third three-step platform made up of two more barrels and thirtieth crate in turn, then jump up to fire a shot at two more Bottle Grenade Masters in the windows of a third building to kill them. You'll now have to jump onto the second step of a fourth three-step platform made up from three more barrels, drop down onto the second and third steps of a fifth three-step platform made up of four cinderblocks in turn, and fire a shot at a fourth Punk-B to kill him - and once you have done so he shall leave an energy drink behind. Once you've jumped onto both steps of a two-step platform made from five bricks in turn, dropped down onto the ground, and collected it, you must jump onto the first two steps of a sixth three-step platform made up of twelve more bricks in turn, fall down onto its third step and the ground in turn, and fire a shot at a third Punk-C, to kill him; once you've done so, you will have to jump onto the first two steps of a five-step platform made from thirteen more crates in turn as a Masked Burglar-A (having an automatic gun) falls to the ground behind you. Once you have turned back to the right and fired a shot at him to kill him, you must jump up and fire a shot at a ninth Bottle Grenade Master in the window of a fourth building to kill him - and once you've done so you will have to fire a shot at another Pistol Gangster and a third Jail-Breaker (having a machine gun) on the fourth and fifth steps of the platform to kill them. Once you have done this, the Pistol Gangster shall leave a pistol behind; once you have jumped onto the platform's third step, dropped down onto its fourth one and collected it for 50 shots of it, you have to drop down to the platform's fifth step, as a fourth Gangster having an automatic gun drops down to it in front of you. Once you've fired a shot at him to kill him, you shall have to drop down to the ground and fire a shot at a third Pistol Gangster and a fifth Masked Burglar-A on a fifth cinderblock to kill them - and once you've done it, that Masked Burglar-A will leave a clock behind. Once you have jumped onto the cinderblock and collected the clock, you will have to fire a shot at a fourth Jail-Breaker (having a machine gun) to kill him; once you've done so, he'll leave a protective vest behind. Once you have dropped down to the ground and collected it, your cop becomes invulnerable for a while, as two more Punk-A's and a fourth Pistol Gangster jump up to the first step of an insurmountable three-step platform made up of sixteen more crates - and once you've jumped up and fired a shot at each of them to kill them, a fifth Gangster (having an automatic gun) will walk into view from the right side of the screen. Once you've fired a shot at him to kill him, this round's boss, Tom (Brother) (whose appearance is identical to that of mayor Mike), shall walk into view from the left side of the screen while firing cannonballs at Gibson and Broady and jump onto the platform's third step; you will only be able to hit him by jumping up to fire at him while he is on its second one. Infinite amounts of additional Punk-A's, Gangsters (having an automatic gun), Pistol Gangsters, Bottle Grenade Masters, Masked Burglar-A's (again having an automatic gun) and Jail-Breakers (having a machine gun) will also drop down onto that insurmountable platform during this fight, so when they've jumped up to its first step you'll have to fire a shot at each of them to kill them as well - and if one of them leaves a pistol behind when you're running out of ammunition you shall have to jump up and collect it for 50 shots of it (some of them might also leave grenades behind, which you can jump up and collect to throw them at Tom, and an infinite amount of Mad Dog-containing barrels will also drop down to the ground during this fight!).

Once you have jumped up and fired enough shots at Tom to kill him, Mike will walk into view from the right side of the screen; you will then receive 100 points for every second you have remaining. The screen shall then cut to a shot of the "Daily Taito" newspaper (with the A in the company name being represented by their triangular logo introduced in 1988) with the headline "Succeeded in rescuring mayor!" (and as you can see from the image above, the spelling mistake is, again, accurate) - and the text "CONGRATULATIONS!" will then appear on the screen with the text "1ST PLAYER CLEAR ALL ROUND. BONUS 1000000 PTS" (if a second player had also started at the beginning, the text "2ND PLAYER CLEAR ALL ROUND. BONUS 1000000 PTS" will also appear) below it. You can now sit back and enjoy the ending which shows Gibson and Broady's custom black Porsche from Chase H.Q. driving to the left as a filmstrip of the game's characters scrolls up on its left side and their names appear to its right; after it has finished, the game will go into high-score mode. Your scores will most likely be the highest on the cabinet to date, so you should enter your initials at the top of the table with pride regardless of which way round they are positioned - however, if the arcade operator set the "Hi Score" dip switch setting (as the Taito B-System board didn't use NVRAM until Version 2.1 of Space Invaders DX in 1994) to "Scribble", the player who got the higher score will have a minute to write their name in a maximum of 300 shots by using the joystick to direct the crosshair cursor around the firing area, then pressing the Firing Button to fire shots into it. Once you have finished, or time runs out, the text "GAME OVER" will appear on the screen and the game will go back into attract mode.