Dokapon Kingdom/Gameplay

From StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki

Players spin a spinner and then move to any spot on the board that is reachable by moving that number of spaces. Players will have the freedom to choose the direction they want to go. Landing on an "empty" yellow space or another player will typically cause a battle, which plays out in rock-paper-scissors style, with the Attack option beating Counter, the Counter option beating Strike, and the Defend option resisting the Attack option. Multiple magics and stat changes play out both in battle and on the game board, while class-specific skills increase with player level.

Three starting classes are available to the new adventurer (warrior, thief, and magician), and following a pattern of leveling, eleven character classes are possible.

The game will always include at least two characters and the game allows one to four human players to participate. Human players may leave and be replaced by CPU opponents at any stage of the game, and vice-versa.

A key element of the game is hindering the progress of other players. Players can obstruct each other by hiring assassins, or bandits to cause harm to the player. They also have the option of stealing tax revenue and player-controlled cities. Due to the tension these events are likely to cause, Atlus has dubbed the game "friendship destroying" in their marketing materials.

The game is won by the player with the most money at the end. A unique system of upgrades makes sure no player gets too far behind to catch up and get ahead. The player who wins the story mode gets to marry the King's daughter.