Dokapon Kingdom/Story mode

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Everything is going fine in Dokapon Kingdom until one day monsters appear all over the Kingdom. They are stealing money and taking over towns. The King summons all interested adventurers to come and defeat the monsters to reclaim the lost money. The one who brings back the most money will win a very special prize: the hand of Princess Penny in marriage.

A kingdom in Crisis ~Rush to Dokopon Castle~[edit]

A keen head start
Be sure to get there as soon as you can. Reaching the top will give a bonus to your starting stat points so it is a huge boost to power early on.
  • Objective: Head to Dokapon Castle!
  • Requirements: Arrive there in 2 weeks.

This prologue is a tutorial and has its own map separate from the main game map that will be used for the remainder of the game. You are racing the other players to a cave at the top of the map with a 2 week time limit. If you don't get there in time you will be teleported to the kingdom and get a lower set of starting stats.