The Real Ghostbusters/Stage 7

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Once all three Ghostbusters (and Slimer, in the case of the one who beamed up any of the Green Ghost ghosts!) have reappeared on the screen, eight Type 5 enemies will appear (four on either side of the screen), then start walking towards you while laying bombs that explode into four projectiles; once you have fired enough shots at each of them to kill them they shall leave eight ghosts behind. Once you have beamed them all up, you will have to walk up, as you come to two Type 16 enemies who are spitting flames at you from their positions on a wall - and once you have fired enough shots at both of them to kill them (remember they shall not leave ghosts behind), you will have to walk to the right and up over two angry-looking spikes (while they have receded into the ground) as five Type 2 enemies come walking towards you from the left side of the screen while spitting projectiles at you. Once you've fired a shot at each of them to kill them, they will leave five more ghosts behind; once you have beamed them all up, you will have to walk to the left and up as you come to three vases, then fire enough shots at any one of them to destroy it (but not while your Ghostbuster is standing directly in front of it!).

You must then continue walking up as a Type 14 enemy comes walking down towards you from the top of the screen while extending his head towards you; once you have fired enough shots at him to kill him, he will leave a fourteenth ghost behind. Once you have beamed him up, five Type 10 enemies will come flying up towards you from the left side, right side and bottom of the screen while firing beams at you - and once you have fired a shot at each of them to kill them, they will leave five more ghosts behind. Once you have beamed them all up, you will have to continue walking up as you come to a third Type 16 enemy who is spitting flames at you from his position on another wall; once you have fired enough shots at him to kill him you will have to walk to the right over two more angry-looking spikes (again, while they have receded into the ground!) and up, as eight Type 20 enemies come walking down towards you from the top of the screen (while firing beams in five directions from their scythes at you). Once you've fired enough shots at each of these to kill them, they'll leave four more ghosts behind (one of which has an Aura Power powerup inside) - and once you have beamed them all up, a protective barrier will appear around your Ghostbuster for a short period of time. You will then have to continue walking up as a Type 17 enemy comes flying up towards you from the bottom of the screen; once you've fired enough shots at him to kill him (remember he'll change colour from red to peach when close to defeat), he will leave a twenty-fourth ghost behind. Once you've beamed him up, you will have to continue walking up as two more Type 14 enemies come walking down towards you from the top of the screen while extending their heads towards you - and once you've fired enough shots off at both of these to kill them, they'll leave two more ghosts behind. Once you have beamed both of them up, you will have to continue walking up as you come to three more Type 16 enemies who are spitting flames at you from their positions on a third wall; once you've fired enough shots at each of them to kill them, you will have to walk to the left and up over two more angry-looking spikes (once again, while they have receded into the ground) as eleven more Type 17 enemies come flying down (and up) towards you, from all four sides of the screen. Once you have fired enough shots at each of them to kill them, they'll leave eleven more ghosts behind - and once you've beamed them all up, you will have to continue walking up as you come to seventh Type 16 enemy who's spitting flames at you from his position on a fourth wall. Once you've fired enough shots at him to kill him you'll have to walk right and up as a fourth Type 14 enemy walks down toward you from the top of the screen while extending his head towards you; once you have fired enough shots at him to kill him, he'll leave a thirty-fifth ghost behind. Once you have beamed him up, you will have to continue walking up as you come to an eighth Type 16 enemy who is spitting flames at you from his position on a fifth wall - and once you've fired enough shots at him to kill him, you'll have to walk to the right and up over two more angry-looking spikes (yet again, while they've receded into the ground), as you come to a shield, then fire enough shots at it to destroy it (but again, not while your Ghostbuster is standing directly in front of it, as his shots shall merely pass over it!).

You will then have to continue walking up as you come to a Type 5 boss enemy and the game's "boss" theme starts to be heard from the Yamaha YM-2203 and YM-3812; the Type 5 boss enemy will attack by moving left and right in front of the Ghostbusters (while swinging his ball-and-chain around in a clockwise direction) until he is lined up with one of them, and bringing his ball-and-chain down on them (assuming they moved out of the way in time). Once you have fired enough shots at him to kill him for 30000 points, he will explode into eight red atoms (which can still kill the Ghostbusters if they hit them) - and once the atoms have flown off the sides of the screen a key will appear in front of the door. Once you have collected the key, the door shall explode; once all three Ghostbusters have walked through the hole where the door was, the text "STAGE CLEARED!!" shall appear on the screen for a seventh time. The "Ghost Storage" theme will then start to be heard from the Yamaha YM-2203 & YM-3812 for what is now a seventh time, as all three of the Ghostbusters walk up to it and deposit their beamed-up ghosts into it - and once they have done so they will proceed onward to the eighth stage.