Warcraft: Orcs & Humans/Controls

From StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki

The mouse is the primary controller for Warcraft: Orcs & Humans: Mouse left click normally selects menu options, units, structures and their command icons when highlighted by the cursor, while Mouse right click normally deselects or cancels.

However, it can still be (extremely) useful to learn keyboard hotkeys, particularly for commanding Units and Structures, although these hotkeys may vary depending on context: for example, after selecting a unit and pressing  A  you can normally select a target for that unit to attack, but doing so with a Peasant or Peon commands them to build an advanced structure (when possible).

Hotkeys are normally highlighted in text labels, which serves as a quick reminder should you forget them.


Key Function
 S  Start a new game
 L  Load existing game
Key Function
 R  Replay introduction
 Q  Quit to DOS

Select Game Type[edit]

Key Function
 S  Single Player
 M  Modem Game
Key Function
 N  Network Game
 D  Direct-Link Game
 C  Cancel

Choose Campaign[edit]

Key Function
 O  Orc Campaign
 H  Human Campaign
 U  Custom(ize Your) Game
 R  Set Race
 A  Set Army
 O  Ok
Key Function
 M  Set Map
 F  Forest
 S  Swamp
 D  Dungeon
 R  Random
 C  Cancel

Modem Connection[edit]

Key Function
 D  Mode
 B  Baud
 P  Phone
 O  Ok
Key Function
 S  (Modem) Setup
 L  Clear
 I  Init
 H  Hangup
 D  Dial
 C  Cancel

Network Connection[edit]

Key Function
 N  Node
Key Function
 O  Ok
 C  Cancel

Direct-Link Game[edit]

Key Function
 B  Baud
Key Function
 O  Ok
 C  Cancel


 F10  after starting or loading a game pauses it and opens this menu.

Key Function
 S  Save Game
 1  -  7  Save Game 1-7
 O  Options
 G  Game Speed
 M  Music Vol
 S  SFX Vol
 U  Mouse Scroll
 K  Key Scroll
Key Function
 L  Load Game
 1  -  7  Load Game 1-7
 R  Restart scenario
 C  Continue
 Q  Quit
 M  Menu
 C  Cancel

After selecting a Save Game, you can type in an 18 character description before pressing  Enter  (don't, and it's labeled NO NAME): if you change your mind after selection, then press  Esc , not  C .


Key(s) Function
 F1  Help
 Shift   F2  -  F4  Save map position
 F2  -  F4  Recall saved map position
 F5  Display Mini Map
 F6  Display Unit Screen
Key(s) Function
 F7  Display Economy Screen
 F8  Display Score / Objectives
 F10  Menu
 F11  Save Game
 F12  Load Game

Some Options from the Warcraft menu can also be accessed without opening it and pausing the game.

Key(s) Function
 -  /  +  Slower / Faster Game Speed
 Ctrl  or  Alt   M  Toggle music on or off
 Ctrl  or  Alt   S  Toggle sound effects (SFX) on or off
Key(s) Function
 Ctrl  or  Alt   H  Help
 Ctrl  or  Alt   Esc  Disconnect in multiplayer
 Ctrl  or  Alt   X  Quit

Mouse left click when the cursor turns into a fat arrow on the edge of the screen, and the map will scroll in that direction.

Key(s) Function
 ↑   ↓  Scroll map
 G  Show building grids
 C  Center map on selected unit(s)
 Enter  Message prompt
Key(s) Function
Mouse right click Center map on cursor
 Ctrl  + Mouse left click (hold) Drag box to select up to four units for group
 Shift  + Mouse left click Add or remove selected unit to or from group


Icon(s) Key Command Icon(s) Key Command
Peasant Peon
 M  Move  M  Move
 S  Stop  S  Stop
 R  Repair  R  Repair
 H  Harvest Lumber/Mine Gold  H  Harvest Lumber/Mine Gold
 T  Return Goods to Town Hall  T  Return Goods to Town Hall
 Esc  Cancel  Esc  Cancel
 B  Build Basic Structure  B  Build Basic Structure
 F  Build Farm  F  Build Farm
 B  Build Barracks  B  Build Barracks
 L  Build Lumber Mill  L  Build Lumber Mill
 A  Build Advanced Structure  A  Build Advanced Structure
 U  Build Church  E  Build Temple
 B  Build Blacksmith  B  Build Blacksmith
 S  Build Stable(s)  K  Build Kennel
 T  Build Tower  T  Build Tower
 H  Rebuild the Town Hall  H  Rebuild the Town Hall
Footman, Knight, Scorpion and Water Elemental Grunt, Raider, Skeleton, Spider and Daemon
 M  Move  M  Move
Upgraded Shield Strength (750 Gold)Upgraded Shield Strength (1500 Gold)  S  Stop Upgraded Shield Strength (750 Gold)Upgraded Shield Strength (1500 Gold)  S  Stop
Upgraded Sword Strength (750 Gold)Upgraded Sword Strength (1500 Gold)  A  Attack Upgraded Axe Strength (750 Gold)Upgraded Axe Strength (1500 Gold)  A  Attack
Archer Spearman
 M  Move  M  Move
Upgraded Shield Strength (750 Gold)Upgraded Shield Strength (1500 Gold)  S  Stop Upgraded Shield Strength (750 Gold)Upgraded Shield Strength (1500 Gold)  S  Stop
Upgraded Arrow Strength (750 Gold)Upgraded Arrow Strength (1500 Gold)  A  Attack Upgraded Spear Strength (750 Gold)Upgraded Spear Strength (1500 Gold)  A  Attack
Cleric Necrolyte
 M  Move  M  Move
 S  Stop  S  Stop
 A  Attack  A  Attack
 H  Healing  R  Raise Dead
 F  Far Seeing  D  Dark Vision
 I  Invisibility  U  Unholy Armor
 M  Move  M  Move
 S  Stop  S  Stop
 A  Attack  A  Attack
Conjurer Warlock
 M  Move  M  Move
 S  Stop  S  Stop
 A  Attack  A  Attack
 O  Summon Scorpions  R  Summon Spiders
 R  Rain of Fire  P  Cloud of Poison
 W  Summon Water Elemental  D  Summon Daemon


Icon(s) Key Command Icon(s) Key Command
Town Hall
 P  Train Peasant  P  Train Peon
 R  Build Road  R  Build Road
 W  Build Wall  W  Build Wall
 F  Train Footman  U  Train Grunt
 A  Train Archer  S  Train Spearman
 K  Train Knight  R  Train Raider
 T  Build Catapult  T  Build Catapult
Lumber Mill
750 Gold1500 Gold  U  Upgrade Arrow Strength 750 Gold1500 Gold  U  Upgrade Spear Strength
Church Temple
 T  Train Cleric  T  Train Necrolyte
 H  Research Healing  R  Research Raise Dead
 F  Research Far Seeing  D  Research Dark Vision
 I  Research Invisibility  U  Research Unholy Armor
750 Gold1500 Gold  W  Upgrade Sword Strength 750 Gold1500 Gold  A  Upgrade Axe Strength
750 Gold1500 Gold  H  Upgrade Shield Strength 750 Gold1500 Gold  S  Upgrade Shield Strength
Stables Kennel
750 Gold1500 Gold  B  Breed Faster Horses 750 Gold1500 Gold  B  Breed Faster Wolves
 T  Train Conjurer  T  Train Warlock
 M  Research Minor Summoning  M  Research Minor Summoning
 R  Research Rain of Fire  P  Research Cloud of Poison
 A  Research Major Summoning  A  Research Major Summoning