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Some units have special abilities that can potentially turn the tide of battles. The use of these abilities are tied to the unit's Power meter that recharges over time, with each ability draining a certain amount of Power.


Diffraction Shield[edit]

  • Costs 100 Power

The targeted unit's armor is significantly increased to the point where it can withstand several times as much damage before dying.

Ion Pulse[edit]

  • Costs 50 Power

The targeted unit takes more damage than normal for a while.


Apollos can heal friendly Cybers which is the only way to restore a damaged Cyber's health in the game. It only works on Cybers and Apollos can't repair themselves but they can repair each other.



The Fury erupts into an explosion, dealing massive damage to everything nearby. Does not differentiate between friend or foe. Furies controlled by the AI automatically use this ability upon death.



  • Costs 50 Power

The targeted Cyber will gradually lose health until it dies. Will spread to all nearby Cybers as well. Essentially a Cyber-only version of the Prophet's Plague ability.


  • Costs 100 Power

The Hades teleports itself to anywhere on the map at the cost of half of its current health.

Time Warp[edit]

  • Costs 100 Power

The targeted unit vanishes from the map for two minutes. After the time is up, the unit reappears.



Gradually restores the health of the targeted unit. Medics will automatically use this ability on nearby wounded friendlies.

Works on:

  • Infantry (includes Citizens and other Medics)
  • Cavalry
  • Siege weapons

Doesn't work on:

  • Heroes
  • Ships
  • Tanks
  • Aircraft
  • Cybers

Upgrading Medics to their higher epoch versions upgrades their healing speed as well. Strategist Heroes have a much stronger version of this ability.



  • Costs 50 Power

Transfers the targeted Cyber's ownership to the Poseidon's owner. Only works on Cybers.

Phase Cloak[edit]

All friendly units within three hexes of the Posedion are hidden from enemy sight. Poseidons can't hide themselves.



  • Costs 50 Power

Transfers the targeted unit's ownership to the Priest's owner; Power is deducted as soon as the conversion is successful. While converting, Priests can't do anything else or the process will be interrupted. Later epochs have research that enables the conversion of buildings (except Town Centers, Capitols and Wonders) and enemy Priests. Buildings take significantly longer to convert, although there appears to be a random factor to the speed of conversion.

If multiple Priests are converting the same target, only one will get the Power deduction. Using multiple Priests in such a way doesn't seem to speed up conversion.

This ability doesn't work in range of a University.


None of these abilities work in range of a Temple.


  • Costs 50 Power

The targeted location erupts into several massive fissures that deal constant damage to nearby buildings. Cannot be stopped until it stops by itself.


  • Costs 60 Power

The targeted structure immediately loses a large amount of hitpoints and catches on fire. This fire can spread onto nearby buildings, with all affected buildings losing health at a constant rate. Cannot be stopped until it stops by itself or the building is destroyed.


  • Costs 100 Power

Summons a controllable storm that deals massive damage to nearby enemy ships. The Prophet's owner can command this storm like an invulnerable unit. Can only be cast over water and cannot leave the water.


  • Costs 100 Power

Launches a large cloud of flies at the area around the targeted unit. A few seconds after casting, all units in the area have their health dropped to 1 HP. This action counts as an attack, provoking all affected units into attacking the Prophet.


  • Costs 100 Power

The affected unit starts losing health at a constant rate (signified by white rats running around the infected unit). The infection will progressively spread to all nearby units. Hospitals can combat the infection by healing the unit faster than it takes damage until the infection goes away.


  • Costs 100 Power

Targeted at a large empty area, this power causes the ground to rise into a mound that randomly launches boulders into the surrounding area. These boulders do massive damage to whatever they hit in a small radius. Cannot be cast onto building or terrain objects like trees.

Strategist Heroes[edit]


  • Costs 50 Power

All enemy units in the targeted area suffer a morale penalty and take extra damage for a while. Effective radius depends on how high was the hero upgraded in the Capitol.


Anti-Matter Storm[edit]

  • Costs 100 Power

Summons a controllable storm that severely damages all enemy aircraft near it. The Tempest's owner can command this storm like an invulnerable aircraft.


  • Costs 50 Power

The targeted unit takes damage depending on its weapon strength.