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Episode 1-1: Standard Procedure

Overview: Lacerations and foreign objects in upper right brachium. Requires removal of the foreign objects and suturing of any wounds.
Time Limit: 5:00

  • Suture any lacerations
  • Extract fragments of glass from under the patient's skin

Episode 1-2: Learning the Ropes

Overview: Tumor confirmed at the surface of the stomach. It should be removed before it becomes malignant.
Time Limit: 5:00

  • Excise and remove the tumor in the patient's distol stomach

Episode 1-3: A Farewell

Overview: Multiple tumors confirmed in the pancreas. They may lead to a loss of stamina, so immediate removal is highly recommended.
Time Limit: 5:00

  • Excise and remove all tumors from the patient's pancreas

Episode 1-5: Singing the Blues

Overview: Polyp clusters confirmed in the trachea. Due to internal hemorrhaging, a hemostatic laser procedure is necessary.
Time Limit: 5:00

  • Drain the overflowing blood
  • Locate the source of the patient's distress
  • Use the laser to remove it

Episode 1-6: A Real Doctor

Overview: Multiple tumors confirmed in the small intestine, resulting in several other inflammations. Immediate removal is required.
Time Limit: 5:00

  • Treat the inflamed epithelium in his small intestine
  • Excise and remove all tumors in the area

Episode 1-8: Life or Death

Overview: Patient suffered cardiac arrest as a result of a car accident. Multiple lacerations of the epithelium in the abdomen.
Time Limit: 5:00

  • ...F-First we need a pulse...We have to get a pulse.