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After the cutscene, you'll be back at Nico's house. If you forgot to turn the water off in the cellar, George will have a terrible night because he had to help get the water out. After some talk about everything George found, you're off to do the dirty work once again while Nico lounges in her comfortable apartment.

World Map

Back to the police station, the most southern dot.

Police Station

Talk to Moue (our best friend) at the counter of the police station. He'll tell you everything about Marquet without any fuss, amazingly. It seems he is at the hospital, and is also know as "Marquet the Mole." Moue won't tell you why, however. I guess you have to bake some donuts for him. Anyway, once you have exhausted the conversation options, head back to the world map.

World Map

The new dot on the map, located below the northern black dot, is the hospital.


Try to open the door to the ambulance - George will almost faint. Open the clinic door, which is to the left of the ambulance. This is one happening muse- err... Hospital. Wow, this place is almost like Versailles! Gold walls, walls of glass, all kinds of plants, and extravagant chandeliers! Anyway, talk to the guy at the entrance dressed in white.

It seems respective doctors wear white bathrobe to work. Doctor Felix isn't very respective, though. He won't permit passage to Marquet, that son of a monkey's uncle! Additionally, Felix won't tell you who checked him in or anything. Basically, he's a complete waste of time.

Now it's time to talk to the receptionist. Her name is Elsa and she's a big help. If you want a funny response, tell her that you're Marquet's long lost brother. Of course, she won't believe you (George needs to work on his Irish accent). However, if you flash her the electrician card, she'll let you see him. Apparently, he wants to see the guy on the card.

This little card is becoming more useful by the second! Just your luck; it seems that Nurse Grendel -- the lady who looks over Marquet's room -- is a witch that runs a tight ship! She'll give you long directions that no one would ever remember. Talk about the clown and she'll comment on a bear in an old suit that comes to entertain the kids every Thursday.

With all this in mind, walk northwest of the desk to a new area. In here, you'll see a janitor making Versailles look even more prettier by polishing the floor. Talk to him to learn about Mr. Shiny, the superhero vacuum with super uber powers! The game stereotypes janitors here -- crazy, obsessive people who don't know anything. Sam fits this image perfectly.

You can unplug Mr. Shiny's power at the other hallway if you're a cruel person. Ha, that was fun! Anyway, walk into the room in the southwest part of the area to find Grendel. She's a big let down because she won't let George speak to Marquet, even though he came all the way from California. At least he's working his American accent now.

Back outside the ward, go over to Sam and try to open the door west of him. It seems that important contents are inside the door. So, if there is important stuff in the door than that means we must have to obtain it. Go over to the adjacent hallway to the west and unplug Mr. Shiny. When Sam gives the little man life again, walk over to the door and George will take a doctor's outfit out of the closet.

Hah, we were just laughing at Felix's white bathrobe and now we have to wear one. That's ironic, isn't it? At any rate, head back to Grendel's ward and her short term memory loss will kick in. She'll think you're a doctor and give you a blood pressure device. Exhaust all the options of conversation to find out where Marquet resides.

Try to go southeast to Marquet but Eric, a patient, will stop you. George will fluff off taking Eric's blood pressure but he'll still call you every time you try to get to Marquet. Too bad George doesn't know how to take someone's blood pressure! Couldn't he just wing it?

Bleh. Anyway, go back to the entrance and talk to Felix again. He doesn't recognize you, either, and thinks you're a prestigious doctor. So prestigious, in fact, that he allows Bunny, a new doctor, to follow you around and see what you do. Take this mission and walk back to the Ward.

Inside, arm Benoir (the Bunny dude) with the blood pressure device and tell him to use it on Eric. With Eric distracted, you can finally get through to Marquet's door. Talk to the guard, first, to find out that Marquet has anthrax. I guess it was "big" when this game first came out. Finally, go inside Marquet's room.

For an almost dead guy, Marquet sure spills the beans on everything. George, being the smooth talker he is, persuades Marquet with the help of the gem. You have to deliver the gem to "grand master," according to Marquet. After you learn a few more things, another Doctor will enter the room and tell you to kindly leave.

Outside, Benoir comes to the realization that the doctor was an imposter! Marquet eats it, and the officer breaks the door down with his spider-man powers. Inside, everything is dead or gone.

Nico's Apartment

Spill everything to Nico and she'll give you a funny remark about people disguising themselves as doctors. Well, George did it, too. Anyway, George brings up some new information - he states that the imposter had fish eyes. Whoa. Talk about everything else (besides the manuscript, of course) and opt to leave the apartment.

World Map

Crune Museum, now, which is the southwestern dot.

Crune Museum

After walking inside the museum, Goinfre will inform you that the museum will be closing soon. Boo! Now we're going the haunted, eery approach as apparently some kid died in the museum. Anyway, it's finally time to talk to the highly acclaimed Andre Lobineau.

This guys probably the most knowledgeable person you've come across in the entire game. He dates the Hashish-word (whatever it is) back to the eleventh century, and proceeds to bore everyone. He tells a story of the Assassins and basically how they operate. After this, talk about Montfaucon to learn where it's located.

Continue talking to Andre and he'll continue his intelligence streak. Though he doesn't know anything about Peagram, he does know that two people riding the same horse symbolizes the Knights Templar. George will tell him to drop by at Nico's if you press her option a couple times. He'll talk about the Knights Templar for five frickin' minutes, so just hang in there.

Persuading Andre into giving you the tripod doesn't work, so it's time to protect it the only way you really can. Go right of the tripod to an Egyptian looking tomb. This is called a sarcophagus. This is the really tricky part. You have to open the sarcophagus and get inside without Goinfre looking. This might seem easy, but he can hear and it takes an amazingly long amount of time for George to stuff himself inside a tomb.

Go over to the left of the windows. If you open the blinds, Goinfre will come over and close them. Wait until Goinfre is two-third to the right on the bottom half of the screen. When he starts walk over to the sarcophagus (north) pull the blinds. Immediately start walking in his direction over to the sarcophagus and stuff yourself inside the first chance you get. If you did this correctly, George will get inside right after Goinfre closes the blinds.

This takes a small bit of practice to accomplish, but you should get the hang of it after a little while. It's all about timing it correctly so Goinfre is walking to the sarcophagus. When you have that down, the walking and stuffing part is pretty easy. Once you stash yourself inside the sarcophagus, Goinfre will directly afterwards lock up.

Wow, it's dark. They gave the Museum a blue tint to it and called it night. Anyway, our best friends, Guido and Flap, decide to show up. They will walk up to the tripod and George will stupidly walk outside the tomb. When you first see the option to hide behind the totem pole please do so. If you don't, Guido and Flap will make mice meat out of you.

Once you hide behind the totem pole, the two gangsters will decide to leave. However, George, trying to be a hero (or impress Nico) pushes the totem pole in a last ditch attempt stop the two shady characters. Well, something drops on George and he falls to the ground. After that, someone bungee jumps from the ceiling and takes the tripod. Great.

Nico's Apartment

Again, George's smooth talking and American innocence persuades Rosso to let him go again. At Nico's Apartment, you shockingly find out that Nico stole the tripod! The one time that she actually does something and she doesn't tell you. What a wonderful girlfri- err... partner in crime.

Hah, Georgie. We should start calling her Nickie. Choose the gem option and George will put the gem on the tripod. Sort of anticlimatical because nothing happens. Oh well; George swipes both items, thinking it has to work in a certain location. After a small chat about Andre, you're off to the races again.

World Map

Time to play at the Montfaucon, which happens to be the most northeastern dot on the map.


It's... a clown. Before we engage in a heart-throbbing conversation with our entertainment, opt to talk to the officer ensconced on a chair by the cafe. Ha, what really did happen to duty? The officer likes to sit instead of help traffic, amazingly.

In the second option the officer thinks you are carrying illegal substances. But he doesn't have to make an arrest; it's just Plaster of Paris. Another funny quip is when George flashes the gem. It's either the gem's glass or George is a madman.

The tripod, sadly, yields no funny result. Go talk to the clown and George will start the conversation with: "Hey! You with the balls." Americans. Anyway, exhaust all of the clown's conversation options. He's an artiste, and not a juggler. Another funny excerpt in reference to juggler's being important in the past: "...Thank God we've go Chuckles the Jongler to throw his balls around."

Haha, that was pretty funny. I don't know how much information we'll get out of the clown, though, if we mock him. After a failing attempt to juggle three balls (not the ones you're thinking of), it's time to get a critique from Gendarme. After a short conversation, go back to the clown.

Try to juggle again and George will use his "secret weapon." The crowd will roar with laughter and the clown will turn into a mime. He'll also collect his balls (yes) and make a serious walk for it. Gendarme will also have an epiphany and decide to go somewhere. Probably the donut shop...

Now that the black manhole that the clown was standing is vacant, opt to open it with T-shaped tool that you have used so many times in the past.

Montfaucon Catacombs

Cross the plank of a bridge over to the eastern area of the catacombs. From here, you should see three arches and a boat. After toying with the boat, check all three arches. The most southern arch is in worse condition than the other two, according to George.

When you are hinted off like that, what do you think you have to do? Take out the trusty T-shaped tool and it's time for some baseball practice. Today, we practice batting. After bashing in the wall, George will discover a lever. Flip it and the door will open just a little ways. Not enough for George (who happens to be a skinny American) to get through, though.

Go over to the boat and George will automatically put the rope on the door. After cranking the wheel on the boat, it's time to enter the secret room. With the background, it would seem we are in a cave. Walk a little north to yellow light and it's showtime.

It would be great if we knew what the heck these five people are talking about. Gibberish after gibberish of people that we don't even know. However, little by little, the people seem to seep into your brain. And the end wraps things up that didn't make sense quite nicely. They will leave in the boat.

Walk down the stairs and to the area the people were talking in. Examine the circular area that they were standing on and George will read the Latin part. After that, place the tripod and gem on the stump in the middle (in that order) and the gem will make five awesome light rays. The rays hit letters on the circular area and make out "Marib." Coolio.

Nico's Apartment

George seems to have this all thought out; they killed Plantard because he was going to find the sword. Nico knows about Marib, which is a small village in Syria. How she knows it's a small village in Syria, I don't know. Maybe she's reading tons of books while you're out spying on bad guys and trying to kill gangsters?

World Map

It's time to blow this popsicle stand and explore the unknown. Go to the northeastern corner of this map to get to the world map. From here, go to the southeastern dot. This is Marib, Syria.