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Ring introductions

  • "Faarooq is a former football All-American from Florida State University."
  • "He seems to be recruiting some of our younger talent."
  • "Here he comes, the leader of the Nation of Domination, Faarooq."
  • "The WWF in no way condones Faarooq's actions."
  • "Faarooq and his pack of thugs usually turn things into a handicap match."
  • "He has definitely brought the street-gang mentality to the WWF."


  • Regular Outfit: Black two-strap singlet.
  • Alternate Outfit (L2): Black pants, no shirt.


  • Taunt Pose 1: "Come get some" gesture.
  • Taunt Pose 2: Nation of Domination salute.
  • Taunt Phrase 1: "You stupid punk!"
  • Taunt Phrase 2: "Don't make me plant my foot in your ass!"


  • "You can't stop me from taking what I want, when I want."
  • "Faarooq is the man!"
  • "You know, there's nothin' like a good ass-kickin', and it's about time you had one."

Signature moves

Opponent standing:
(Standing) Bearhug - L,D,P
(Standing) Hiptoss - U,U,K
(Standing) Japanese Arm Drag - D,D,P
(Standing) Knee to Face - L,D,K
(Standing) Press Slam - D,D,L,TU
(Standing) Side Belly to Belly Suplex - L,U,K
(Standing) Short Arm Clothesline - U,D,P
(Standing) Shoulder Breaker - L,R,P
(Standing) Sidewalk Slam - L,R,K
(Standing) Spinebuster - U,D,K
(Standing) Spinning Neck Breaker - L,R,TU
(Standing) Choke Slam - L,L,U,P
(Standing) Vertical Suplex - L,U,TU
(Standing) @Dominator - U,U,U,TU+BL
(Tie Up) Hiptoss - K
(Tie Up) Chest Breaker - P
(Tie Up) Side Slam - TU
(Tie Up) Gut Wrench Power Bomb - L,K
(Tie Up) Side Belly to Belly Suplex - L,P
(Tie Up) Northern Lights Suplex - L,TU
(Tie Up) Sidewalk Slam - U,D,K
(Tie Up) Brainbuster - L,R,P
(Tie Up) Power Bomb - U,L,TU
(Behind) *Full Nelson - P/K/TU
(Behind) Atomic Drop - L,L,K/P
(Behind) Belly to Back Suplex - L,U,R,TU
(Running) Shoulder Tackle - K/TU
(Running) Clothesline - P
(Running) Boot to Face - K
(Running) Clothesline - P
(Running) Powerslam - TU
(Running) Sidewalk Slam - U,P

Opponent on ground:
(Standing) Stomp - K
(Standing) Falling Headbutt - D,K
(Standing) Axe Handle Smash - P
(Running) Knee Drop - K
(Running) Fist Drop - P
(Running) Headbutt - TU

Opponent on ground, Holds:
(Feet) *Knee to Inside Leg - L,L,K
(Feet) Elbow to Groin - L,R,K
(Feet) **Inverted STF - U,D,K
(Feet) **Boston Crab - L,D,R,K
(Head) *Arm Wrench - L,L,P
(Head) *Knee to Back - L,R,P
(Head) *Blatant Choke - U,D,P
(Head) **Camel Clutch - L,U,R,P

Opponent stunned in corner:
(Front) Boot Choke - K
(Front) Charging Shoulder - P/TU
(Front) Overhead Press - L,L,K 
(Front) Superplex - L,L,P
(Front) Top Rope Superplex - L,L,TU
(Running) Clothesline - P/K/TU

Player on turnbuckle
(Opp. on Ground) Fist Drop - P/K/TU
(Opp. on Ground) Knee Drop - K+BL
(Opp. on Ground) Driving Elbow - P+TU
(Opp. on Ground) Double Foot Stomp - U,L,P+K
(Opp. Standing) Axe Handle Smash - P/K/TU
(Opp. Standing) Forearm Smash - K+BL
(Opp. Standing) Clothesline - P+TU
(Opp. Standing) Shoulder Tackle - L,U,TU+BL