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Monsters in Silent Hill

This is a list of enemies in the video game series Silent Hill.


Silent Hill 1

  • Air Screamers/Night Flutters - Pterodactyl-like demons.
  • Apparitions (Mumblers) - Partially visible, harmless ghost-like entities. They cause the radio to emit white noise and make squeaking noises before disappearing; cannot be killed.
  • Blood Sucker - Large, parasitic worms that have an obsession with drinking blood. Although not really an enemy that is faced, they can kill with one attack; it's best to find other methods to deal with them.
  • Claw Finger - A small, humanoid creature with clawed hands.
  • Demon Children (Stalkers) - Knife-wielding, toddler-like demon children. These were censored in the PAL version of the game (although they can still be found in the PAL version of the demo), and were replaced by Claw Finger. The groans they make as they attack Harry is actually the sound of a child's laughter electronically slowed down. Quite possibly referencing Harry's reason for being in Silent Hill; to find his young daughter.
  • Groaners/Worm Heads - Fast, canine-like scavengers that look like skinned dogs. They represent Alessa's fear of large dogs.
  • Giant Cockroaches - Fast, but fairly-weak, oversized bugs.
  • Hanged Scratcher - Strong, reptilian sewer dweller. Resembles an insect.
  • Invisible Demon Children (Invisible Stalkers) - A strange, and very dangerous, partially visible version of Demon Children.
  • Puppet Doctors/Zombie Doctors - Monstrous doctors wielding scalpels, possessed by some sort of parasite (can be seen wriggling on the back).
  • Puppet Nurses/Zombie Nurses - Monstrous nurse possessed by the same parasite as the doctors, attacking with syringes, and dressed in somewhat old-fashioned attire.
  • Rompers - Swift, vicious gorilla-like demons. The Rompers represent Alessa's fear of adults.

Silent Hill 2

  • Bobble Head Nurses - The nurses wear suggestive outfits, wield lead pipes and have heads that are devoid of any facial features and twitch rapidly. They represent Mary's hospitalization.
  • Doormen (Abstract Daddy/Table Daddy) - Bulky and strong fusion of man and wood. Mainly resembles a table with the image of an assault played out on top of it. Plays a significant role in the character of Angela Orosco. Refers to the fact Angela was sexually abused by her father.
  • Mandarins - Giant-armed monsters which hang from grating. Similar to the Closers found in Silent Hill 3.
  • Mannequins - Headless, armless living sewing dummies. These monsters consist of a mannequin's legs, upon which rest two more mannequin legs standing upright. The top pair of legs are used for striking while the bottom pair are used for walking. They tend to stand still and in plain sight until approached and then they start to attack. Another symbol of James' sexual frustration, as Pyramid Head is seen early on assaulting two of them.
  • Patient Demons - Skulking, human-like demons in fleshy strait-jackets. They attack by throwing up poisonous acid. When hit and on the ground, they squirm and mimic a fleeing roach. If not killed, they usually get back up and continue their attack. Believed to resemble vaginas in reference to James' suppressed sexual urges. They may also represent James' guilt and suffering because of their tendency to constantly thrash about, as if trying to 'escape' from their own flesh.

Silent Hill 3

  • Closer - Lumbering, giant-armed monster with great strength and reach. Its head is more or less a tube that leads to a mouth. If Heather gets too close, it defends itself by swinging it arms slowly, knocking head back. Large, boney spikes are hidden in their arms and cause a large amount of damage when used.
  • Split Heads - Dogs that have heads that split vertically in half. Will howl and quickly pursue Heather when they see her. Are attracted to beef jerky and the random bloody carcasses found in some areas in the game. The Split Heads are also bandaged and are reference to Heather's possible fear of hospitals.
  • Insane Cancer - Enormous, fleshy humanoid with great strength. Although usually moves slowly, shifting its weight back and forth, it will sometimes run at Heather and knock her down. Usually found sitting down or sleeping. Will "deflate" after dying.
  • Numb Body - Relatively featureless, bipedal creature; resembles a headless, featherless, wingless chicken. Said to resemble a fetus. Comes in two sizes. Called numb bodies due to the way they walk; stumbling. Make eerie moaning sounds when alive. Have a single, enormous eyeball as a head.
  • Pendulum - Two conjoined torsos on stilt-like legs, armed with blades. Can either walk around on its stilt-legs, or can fly by spinning. Makes a high-pitched sound like that of grinding metal.
  • Scraper - a humanoid wielding two large, rusty blades. Has a head that looks like many folded layers of flesh and quivers rapidly.
  • Slurper - Crawling, anteater-like creatures with great speed. Face is long and pointed, like that of a rat, and loud noises attract its attention. Will try to pin Heather down and dart up her skirt.
  • Nurses - Nurses all have the same bizarre, badly made-up face, and some also carry revolvers. Make panting sounds when alive and strange squishing sounds every time they walk. On their face, it appears they have either vomited up blood or have been feeding on a bloody carcass, as blood is spattered all around their mouth. Make realistic screaming sounds when hurt. If the perfume is equipped, supposedly, they attack in greater numbers. Their skin is nearly white.

Silent Hill 4

  • Sniffer Dogs - In Silent Hill 4, the dog-like creatures have long, prehensile tongues rather like umbilical cords that they use to drain their prey of blood; the canines, themselves, are a reference to young Walter's fear of dogs after he visited a pet shop as a boy and was nearly bitten by one.
  • Ghosts (Victims) - Walter Sullivan's victims; they cannot by killed. For further information on SH4's ghosts, see List of Silent Hill characters. Victims attack in a similar fashion to what Walter used to kill them. They slowly float toward Henry and when he is vulnerable, will pierce their hands into his chest and attack his heart. Victims are one of the most dangerous enemies in Silent Hill 4. There are 21 Victims in all, but only 15 are fought by Henry as ghosts. Victims 07 and 08 appear as a two headed cloaked monster, which can be destroyed with normal means. Victim 11 is Walter Sullivan and is therefore not considered an actual Victim. He became the Victim of Assumption (the one who performs the ritual) by stabbing himself with a spoon. Just like Pyramid Head from Silent Hill 2, Walter will appear in many areas but cannot be killed until the end of the game(Henry can, however, knock him down and stomp on him in certain areas to temporarily stop him). Victim 15 is Joseph, the journalist who lived in room 302 before Henry. Joseph left notes in many places that provide hints for Henry. Henry encounters Joseph's ghost in "room 302 of the past". Victims 20 and 21 are to be Eileen and Henry, respectively. Victims that appear as ghosts possess the ability to hurt the player with screeching headaches simply by being around them. Victims are able to pass through walls which they use to their advantage to follow you throughout the whole game. Each Victim's strength, movement, appearance and frequency of showing up differs. Victims 16 ~ 19 met Henry before they were killed by Walter, and are much more powerful than the other ghosts. Although they are invincible, they can be knocked out by a powerful blow or shot down with a rare silver bullet. All of the ghosts can also be weakened by holy candles and saint medallions(which can also stop Henry from getting headaches from the ghosts). The only weapons capable of permanently putting them down are rare special swords. A victim will also try to get into Henry's apartment as a "haunting" during the second half of the game. Hauntings can be stopped by holy candles and saint medallions.
  • Greedy Worm - A large, fleshy creature seen burrowing through Walter's various Otherworlds, which can never die, nor is Henry ever threatened by it. Symbolic of his umbilical cord and the importance it carries in Walter's mind of being what formerly connected him to his mother, but it 'betrayed' him when it was severed, causing her to fall asleep.
  • Gum Head - Rotting, ape-like zombie. Some hold and use golf clubs as weapons. Come in "new" and "old" types. The New-Type Gum Head is generally stronger than the old-type.
  • Hummer - Small, strange, bat-like monster that softly buzzes.
  • Toadstools / Whitestools - Snake-like demon fungus that grows in tight groups. Resemble umbilical cords. Come in two varieties, Toadstools, which are purple, and Whitestools, which are appropriately white.
  • Leech (Tremors) - These are worms crawling on the floor, walls and roof. If you walk too close or one should fall on you from above you can take harm, but they are easily beaten with just one hit from any weapon and will then explode and die. The explosion is not big and is totally harmless. Can damage Henry if he walks over them, though the damage taken is minute at best.
  • Wall Men - Powerful monsters that emerge from the walls.
  • Wheelchair - An average-looking wheelchair that moves of its own will and cannot be killed. They are possessed by ghosts, giving Henry headaches when he nears them. The shadows of the wheelchairs look like people are sitting in them.
  • Patient - Monstrous hospital patients that usually carry weapons, just like the nurses in the previous games. Make burping noises when you hit them.

Bosses in Silent Hill

  • Alessa - Fully-powered Alessa fought in Silent Hill 1. For further information, see List of Silent Hill characters.
  • Cybil - Demon-possessed police officer fought in Silent Hill 1. For further information, see List of Silent Hill characters.
  • Doorman - Father of Angela in the form of a doorman (quite literally a creature with a body resembling a door) fought in Silent Hill 2.
  • Eddie - Gun-toting psychopath fought in Silent Hill 2. For further information, see List of Silent Hill characters.
  • Hangers - Rotting corpses sealed in metal frames fought in Silent Hill 2.
  • Larva - The larval form of the Moth fought in Silent Hill 1.
  • Leonard Wolf - Degenerated, former cult leader fought in Silent Hill 3. Father of Claudia Wolf, the new cult leader in Silent Hill 3. For further information, see List of Silent Hill characters.
  • The Lizard - A dragon-like creature conjured by Alessa from a memory of a children's fairytale fought in Silent Hill 1.
  • Maria/Mary - Maria in her true form (a demon conjured by James' guilt surrounding his wife), or the manifestation of James' memory of his wife (Maria Ending only), fought in Silent Hill 2. The boss fought is dependent on the ending. For further information, see List of Silent Hill characters.
  • Missionary - This is a scraper, Sent by Claudia Wolf to kill Harry Mason in Silent Hill 3. It is stronger than other scrapers.
  • Memory of Alessa - A shadow of Alessa Gillespie fought in Silent Hill 3. Greatly resembles a dark, bloody version of Heather.
  • The Moth - A monster moth conjured by Alessa from a memory of her insect collection fought in Silent Hill 1.
  • Pyramid Head - A lumbering, monstrous man who wields an impossibly large blade and wears a blood stained, triangular metal helmet. Often attributed to being a manifestation of James' desire to be punished for the guilt surrounding his wife and his repressed sexual urges. Appears in Silent Hill 2.
  • Split Worm - A giant, vile creature with a protective outer skin fought in Silent Hill 3.
  • Walter - Sadistic serial killer fought in Silent Hill 4. For further information, see List of Silent Hill characters.

Divine Creatures in Silent Hill

  • The God - The unnamed God worshiped by the Silent Hill cult was, according to scripture, born from two humans and brought an end to the suffering of ancient man by taking away eternal life from humankind. She created two or more other gods to serve her, but died soon after, before She could create "Paradise". In Silent Hill 3, Claudia Wolf invoked the power of the God, but was soon killed by Heather. It has been further explained that the appearance of the God changes depending on the person who invokes his or her appearance, because the God only exists within the Otherworld, which in term has its appearance and rules determined by the "Incubus" of whomever looses it upon the world. This is why Walter Sullivan's God in Silent Hill 4 looked very much like himself in a fetal state and sounded inhuman, bound by cords to the room he occupied -- that was the greatest wish and desire of Walter, himself, to be reunited within the womb of his apartment-mother.
  • Lobsel Vith - Was the yellow god born from the God to watch over mankind. Lobsel Vith does not appear in any of the games as far as known.
  • Xuchilibara - The red god, created alongside Lobsel Vith to guide humanity to paradise.
  • Samael - The Incubus harbored within Alessa Gillespie that acts as the destructive hand of God, killed by Harry in Silent Hill 1. It is speculated whether or not Samael exists, or is just a lie told to Harry by Dahlia so she could trick him into helping her. Why she believed telling him this would get him to help her is anyone's guess, since Harry does not appear to be heavily versed in religion and demonology. In any case, it appears Dahlia was in fact telling the truth, the mark that appears throughout Silent Hill is that of Samael's, NOT the mark of Metatron. The Mark of Samael is a triangle within a twin circle that is filled with symbols - the mark we see in the games - whilst Metatron is a series of interconnected circles and lines that bear no resemblance to the mark we actually see.