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Budgets are your money. This article is about budget and having a good budget to let you be richer then ever.


Income sections will give you the money.


Taxes are the commander of income. Taxes affect the demands of the 3 zones. For example, the higher the taxes for industry, the industry demands get low. If you don't want air pollution, and lower the taxes for commercial, it lets more businesses in.

City ordinances

Legalizing gambling gives you $100/month(regardless of population) and leads to the "Casino" reward. However, both increase your crime rate.

Neighbor deals

Deals are the supporting cities helping you get more money. But don't get the other cities bankrupt.


Fares are only available in transportation.


Your Expenditures will reduce the amount of Simoleons (§) (simulation currency) you have in your bank.


Getting a loan can be advantageous, but you need to pay back the loan after 10 sim years.


Your transportation budget. It is split into two parts, mass transit and transportation. Transportation budget involves roads, railroads, subways, monorails, and highways. Too low will cause roads to become rough and hard to travel on (increasing commute times and property value) Too high is just a waste. Your mass transit budget only fluctuates a little, but hypothetically setting it too low will cause bus delays.

City ordinances

Most city ordinances will help with aspects of the game that are hard to control, such as air pollution. But they come at a cost to you set by population.

Government budget

This sets the budget for government buildings (mayor's house, city hall, statues, etc.)