Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland/Icy Plain

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Revision as of 16:16, 21 November 2012 by (talk) (I have added the location of a pirate treasure chest)

Pinkle has done her usual research, and this time warns of Blizzards and death by Freezing! Scary Prospects indeed, so Tingle will need his wits and that all important map more than usual. To find the Look-What-I-Found Kid, travel north from the landing point. Take the east exit, then the north exit to be on the screen with the Salon and the Kid himself. The Kid is disguised as a Snow People, around the northeast of the map, up some stairs. He'll let the map go for 2,000 which is a bargain! Tingle can put it to use right away, by mapping Snow Mother just southwest of where he bought the map.

At some point during your wanderings around the Icy Plain, there will be a crash of some kind and Tingle will have the good sense to collect the pieces! Travel up the stairs and past the blue Gelatines to the northeastern most section of Icy Plains. Here Tingle can meet Paul and the Old Gent, who were the participants in the loud crash. Show the Old Gent maps of the Second Continent to have him mark off their Balloon's flight path. He tells Tingle there is a handsome reward if he can collect the 5 missing pieces. The first I found was the Aero Wing, located just south of the Salon. Check out the Salon while Tingle is close by; Contracting a large bodyguard is my recommendation.

At the Salon the local Salonas will warn Tingle of the dangers of traveling through the Blizzard north of there without a map. Another will warn Tingle not to tangle with Polar Bears without a tough bodyguard backing him up. Yet another will warn Tingle that Oinkers in the Icy Plain are powerful Wizards!

Tingle should go visit those Oinker Wizards and find out what they are made of! Head southeast from the Salon, rumble the Penguin monsters (who are very similar in A.I./abilities as the Warrior Oinkers) and map the Icy Orb landmark.

South of the Oinker Camp, Judge tells you he really wants to repair the bridge to Gooey Swamp. How bad does Tingle want that bridge repaired? 2,222 rupees bad, thats how much! Now, lets check out the camp...

Inside the Camp there are 2 Wizards and 2 Warriors, but the Warriors are tougher than the ones Tingle has previously faced. The Wizards are really no threat, as they simply backpedal themselves into a corner after throwing one slow fireball. The Warriors are fairly tough, and if you happen to rumble both at once be prepared to lose a few hundred rupees. With all 4 Oinkers vanquished, their Oinker Totem will crumble, allowing Tingle to pick up the Gold Lame Socks! Er, YAY!

Continue west, back to the landing point. Again, Tingle should head north, this time able to map off Snow Girl on his map. With that landmark checked off, exit north.

Here Tingle will find a frozen lake, with a raging blizzard and many snow covered paths safe to walk on. In the center Tingle will find the Snow Father, who's face has been blown away by the Blizzard! Tingle can recover the piece of his face by digging them up from the small snow hills in the area. The Snow Eyes are located on the path to the west exit. The Hydro Crank can be found very close to the Snow Eyes. The Snow Hat can be found if you take the eastern path to the north, its actually visible when Tingle speaks with the Snow Father. Don't forget to mark the Snow Father off, he is a landmark!

The path now splits into 3 distinct arms. The far west leads, eventually, to a strange dead end with a suspicious patch of snow covered ground. Dig it up to find a cave with an Empty Bottle inside; SCORE! The east path leads northwards to an area clear of the Blizzard. Here Tingle can uncover the Snow Scarf! If you dig around in this area you can find Snow Dust, Triangle pieces, and the Snow Crystal; Tingle is very happy to find the Snow Crystal! Also if you dig around in this area in the north-east corner you will find a blue pirate chest. The middle path leads to another dead end. This one is inhabited by a skeleton with an interesting story to tell, and recipe #21! Misty Toadstool x3, Paralysis Lilies x2, Twisted Tusks x4 and Paralysis Claws x3. Doesn't sound like anything Tingle should eat...

Looks like Tingle will need to head elsewhere to find the other pieces of Snow Father's face. Taking the west exit, west of Snow Father, there is a small cache of Pong Flowers and a dead end with Polar Bears. Boy are they strong! The area the Bears are guarding is actually a landmark, Giant Crystal! Mark it, rumble the bears if you like. You can dig up Downy Feathers here and the Airship piece, Vacuum Funnel, is located on the west side of the Giant Crystal. SCORE! With the third Airship piece in hand, Return Home.

Visiting the town, its no mystery who Tingle needs to chat up. The Guard's Wife is again in need, and of course there is cash in it for Tingle! After Chiko and Guard have their scene, talk to Chiko's Mother. The Dialog option "Family History" costs 900 rupees and states that Her Mother, Chiko's Grandmother, had the strongest powers. Her favourite meal is also Super Soup, which is recipe #23. The town Chef will sell Tingle the recipe for 5,000 rupees; however if Tingle cannot afford that for some reason simply mix Mini Apple x5, Rib Steak x3, and Tough Meat x3.

Back in the Steamy Marsh, head to the Shower Flower. Just south of it is the Cloud Lamp for the Airship. 4 down, 1 to go! In Gooey Swamp, head north of the Gooey Orb and notice the green twinkle in the pond. Hop in and the Number Plate is Tingle's! Now Tingle has all 5! Travel to the Icy Plains, and sell all 5 to the Old Gent. Each piece is valued at 5,000 rupees and as a reward, Tingle can ask for 22,000 rupees! Wow, what a score! With that added to Tinkle's coffers, Return Home.

Back in Town Tingle should spot the Airship touching down. After that scene proceed to throw 20,000 rupees into the Fountain. In addition to making the Fountain's animation flashier, a Fairy will appear! The Fairy will thank you for cleansing the Fountain, and in doing so reviving her. Chiko will wander into the scene and after a few life lessons from the Fairy, wander off. Go speak with Chiko's Mother; She will reward Tingle for allowing her daughter to see a real fairy. 32,000 sounds good to her, and to Tingle. Chiko apparently doesn't need the Fairy Doll after seeing a real one, so its now Tingles... and a Rupee Good!

Return Home and have Tingle whip up some Super Soup, if you havn't already. With the Soup occupying one of Tingle's many Bottles, return to Icy Plain post haste.

West of the landing point is the Graveyard. Snow Boy can be mapped right near the entrance. With the Super Soup in hand, find Chiko's Grandmother's grave in the second section of the graveyard. Throwing the soup on her grave will cause her to stir. She will explain to Tingle that valor and a loving heart is required to defeat the ghost. I guess Tingle is out on this one. In the northwestern most section of Icy Plains Tingle can map off Snow Pet. With that done, Return Home.

With both the knowledge of a true heart being required to vanquish the ghost and the Airship being landed in Town, speak with Guard. Paul will show up and escort Guard to Icy Plain's Graveyard. Tingle should follow suit and find his way there. Upon entering the graveyard Tingle will spot the Guard paralysised by what he insists is the cold. Push him to the end of this section of the Graveyard, he is simply a bit whim... cold. Once at the edge of this screen, Guard will offer his services as a bodyguard to Tingle. Accept and proceed to the far northwestern corner of Icy Plains.

There, once Tingle reaches the center of the area, a cutscene will rob Guard of his life. Bummer. Talk to Guard, then visit Chiko's Grandmother's grave. She will ask for a small payment for her expert services, and 1,000 rupees will do. Back where the Guard "died" a cutscene will cause him to go Berserk, clearly his power level is over 9,000. Rumble with a few sets of ghosts, Guard providing super excellent protection. After a cutscene, Guard will revert to his regular red self and thank Tingle. If Tingle has not managed to map Chiko's Grandmother's Grave, do so now. Return Home afterwards.

Guard will offer you a reward when Tingle enters town again. Ask for 20,000 rupees; Woo!

Offer 75,000 rupees to the Tower, and Tingle will gain access to Mt. Desma!