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Unit status screens[edit]

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Battle Commands[edit]

移動 – Movement. Moves the unit somewhere new on the map. Simple enough. After moving and before confirming another option, you’re given the option to adjust which way your unit is facing with the d-pad buttons. Hint: Don’t turn your back to the enemy.

攻撃 – Attack. Brings up the list of attacks you can use, which are shown in red if you can’t use them, and white if you can. From your starting position, the only usable attacks are map attacks. Please don’t.

精神 – Spirit Commands, or “Seishin”. Various skills that grant buffs and what-have-you to your units by consuming Seishin Points – or SP.

能力 – Status. Allows you to view a unit’s stats, including detailed screens for the unit itself, the pilot and its weapons.

修理 – Repair. Allows a unit with the ability to do so to heal an adjacent unit. The amount healed is based on the healer’s level.

補給 – Resupply. Allows a unit with the ability to do so to resupply another unit’s MG and ammo, at the cost of 10 of their morale. Unlike in normal SRW, this can be done after moving.

待機 – Wait. Allows a unit to end its turn after moving without taking any further action.

Mission Menu[edit]

フェイズ終了 – End Turn. Ends your turn and lets the enemy take theirs, rinse and repeat. If you haven’t moved all your units, it will tell you how many you have left to move, and ask you to confirm that you really want to end your turn without doing so.

検索 – Lookup. Allows you to check which units have specific spirit commands, skills, abilities or elemental properties.

部隊表 – Unit List. Lets you check what units you have on the field, and their stats. Units you’ve already moved will be greyed out, and alas unlike normal SRWs you can’t get it to remember what category you want the list sorted by. Pressing Start displays the list of enemy units instead.

作戦目的 – Mission Objectives. Allows you to check your mission objective, present victory and loss conditions, as well as viewing a map of the level.

システム – Options. Let’s you change various (mostly irrelevant) game options.

途中セーブ – Interrupt Save. Allows you to save your current progress through the level to a special “system data” slot, loadable from the Continue option on the main menu. Unlike a normal save, you can only have one of these at a time, and it’s not permanent – it’s more a “I’m gonna switch the console off and need to save” type of deal.


  • 戦闘終了後BGM - Allows you to select whether a unit's BGM keeps playing (継続) after battle, or cut back (切替) to the stage's BGM
  • 戦闘BGM - Allows you to choose whether to play a pilot's individual BGM (各操者) or a single BGM for all pilots (全操者)
  • 戦闘BGM選曲 - Allows you to choose a BGM to play for each pilot
  • クイックコマンド設定 - Allows you to select commands to map to the square button during missions. The top choice is for what you want to happen without a unit selected:
    • フェイズ終了 - End Turn
    • 検索 - Lookup
    • 部隊表 - Unit List
    • 作戦目的 – Mission Objectives
    • 途中セーブ – Interrupt Save
    • なし - None
  • And the bottom for when you have a unit selected:
    • 精神コマンド - Spirit Commands
    • 能力 - Status Screen
  • グリッド表示 - Turn the grid display on or off.
  • ユニット表示 - Choose whether to display units in their own colors (標準) or color them by whether they're enemies or allies (識別)
  • 操作切り替え – Chooses whether the d-pad moves the cursor according to the position of the screen (Aタイプ) or to the map grid (Bタイプ)
  • ピース移動速度 – Changes how fast units move across the map (Low/Normal/High speed)
  • ウィンドウアクション - Turns the animation on menu windows on or off.
  • インターミッション音声 - Turns the voiced explanations during intermission menus on or off.
  • インストールデータ使用: Indicates whether usage of the Install Data is currently set to On/Off. The game runs like ass if it’s not installed, so make sure this is On.

Intermission Menu[edit]

ステータス – Status. Lets you view the status of:

  • 操者一覧 – Your pilots,
  • 機体一覧 – Your units
  • 武器一覧 – And their weapons

カスタム – Customize. Lets you upgrade your units and pilots

  • 機体改造 – Lets you upgrade your units HP, MG and Armor (装甲値)
  • 武器改造 – Lets you upgrade your units weapons. Weapons with a star mark on the right can be “ranked up” into a more powerful form, though often requiring more magic or prana to use.
  • 操者育成 – Pilot upgrade. Allows you to equip your pilots with skills to help them in battle.

オプション – Library. Literally “options”, but doesn’t actually contain any options. Instead:

  • 用語録 – Encyclopedia. Contains a list of all the terminology you’ve encountered in the game so far, and their definitions.
  • 追想録 – CG Library. Lets you view all the CG images you’ve seen so far in the game.
  • 楽曲集 – Music Library. Allows you to listen to any of the BGM you’ve heard in the game.
  • シナリオチャート – Scenario Chart. Shows you the flowchart of all the stages you’ve played through in the game, and how they interlink. Beating the game will unlock empty placeholders for the stages you haven’t seen yet.

システム – Options. Literally “system”, but see above. These are the exact same options you get in the Options menu in-mission.

データ – Data. Allows you to Load (ロード) and Save (セーブ) your game. Remember, Save is the bottom option, which is entirely unhelpful.

次のマップへ – To Next Map. Moves the game on to the next stage. Make sure you save first!