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With STAG military at present, the Saints have to contend with the digital and dealing with Killbane at the same time. Unless you have upgraded your character through sidequests and the "Saints Book", the missions will get more harder from here on. Most importantly, find more Collectables and buy as many buildings as you can as it will give you an advantage. Not to mention the Gang area which is spread out in Steelport.

Live With Killbane[edit]

Follow the GPS to the diner. Shaundi will ally with you on this one. Once you reach the helicopter, you've got sixteen minutes to get to Killbane. First, follow the GPS to the first building so you can hack into the transmitter. The second is slightly harder. You have to contend with stairs and there's a sex doll for you to collect behind the second floor of the stairs. Up the third stairs is where you hack into another transmitter. The third is much more harder. Go down the stairs, taking care of the gunmen in blue before reaching the helicopter. Go to a van and try to shine a light on it. Get as close as you can so the bar can speed up but get too far away and you have to get in range again.

As clock is ticking and down and you complete the van light scan, go to another building where the news reporter Jane is. Of course there's a banter between you and Killbane. Take care of anymore gunmen but watch out for women that has the speed. You have a few seconds before she moves so co-ordinate your shooting until there's no one left. Go to Jane then go back to your helicopter. Go to the green can and the cutscene kicks in. Simply, the helicopter loses control as Shaundi is about to snipe. What an unlucky break!

Learning Computers[edit]

You learn from Kinzie that Matt is the one who hacked the helicopter. Pierce will team up with you on this one. As soon as the cutscene finishes, you have to go to the STAG headquarters again, where you abduct Matt before. This time, take down both Deckers and STAG, outside and inside before going to the elevator marked by the blue target.

The next part could be tricky but first, take down remaining Deckers and one speedy girl with a blade. Kinzie doesn't want you to use the tank but you and Pierce take it anyway, leaving her in disbelief. So she asks you to use the machine gun on the tires of the truck up ahead. It's best to shoot the tires early as it's hard to shoot it at different angles, marking the end of the mission.

Kinzie's Mission[edit]

There's some side missions that's part of the quest through Kinzie.

Blazing Trails[edit]

This is just a simple bike riding through the cyber space in a straight line. Go through the checkpoints and blue tanks until you finish the race. There's medium and hard as well.


This is go out guns blazing. You have a limited time (along with medium and hard), with limited weapons with unlimited ammo to take down the police and army, as well as either a Decker, Morning Star or Luchadors coming out in random times. It might be difficult, even if your looking for a combo. If you want to make it easy, order a Saints tank and park it outside the starting point. Use it to get combos easier and finish within the time limit more faster.

Guardian Angel[edit]

This is pretty much Pierce mission in reverse. You start with the sniper rifle. Take down Decker targets before going for the missile section. Be careful as the missiles can give a splash damage, affecting your ally as well.

Heli Assault[edit]

There's a total of six here in easy, medium and hard. Three for Kinzie and three for Pierce. Anyway, your job is to use a helicopter with missiles and machine gun to protect your ally. Your missiles don't have a homing target in Kinzie's compare to Pierce. Don't use missiles if the enemy's vehicle is close. Keep following your ally as the deal number slowly goes up. Most importantly, watch out for enemy helicopters. It could foil your mission completely. After your ally makes the last deal, the mission ends.

Stop the Download[edit]

You team up with Kinzie for the first time. Follow the GPS and go to three blue target areas where Kinzie has to hack through transmission to find the "chair". After the third one, follow the GPS and wait for the helicopter. Collect the sex doll before going on the helicopter. Once on top of the electric plant area, parachute down and follow the GPS, shooting down the Deckers until you reach a large circular area. Go and shoot at the same time, shutting down with the yellow target, four around the circular area before going to the middle for the last shutdown, ending the mission.

Deckers Die: Matt's Cyberworld[edit]

The title is a website but for the sake in keeping in line with the guide, this is the only change from the mission title. Anyway, this mission is more active than Mass Effect 3's Geth walkthrough in dealing with the weird world. There would be many stages to deal with. Simplifying it down you'll see first hand what you would encounter. First, you're a toilet. than a sex doll. Melee a few guys ahead. Keep going so you turn into a main figure with a laser gun. Shoot the enemies in the computer world but watch out for a similar figure that has speed like the Decker's girls in the real world. When you reach a small maze, you'll experience a bit of slowdown before reaching the first puzzle: text.

Follow in this order to pass this virtual blockade: Grab the torch, keep moving twice, look at unicorn, than kill the unicorn. The next part follows a similar pattern with the toilet and sex doll then the figure but the laser gun is intact. The second part is a loading area. So it's best to time your attacks while the sandglass comes out randomly. Then the next part is being a tank. If you're casual difficulty, you can take down one tank.

The last sequence is again, toilet, sex doll than figure. This time the controller will randomly invert itself so stay still when it happens while shooting around you. Once you finished shooting, the game freezes up but it's far from over so just press any button and don't restart the game as it's not really real!

Go to the boss section which can be lengthy. Start by shooting Matt's Boss. He'll start flying but you'll encounter a quick time event, taking his wings off. Continue the sequence a second time but shooting his head. By the third time, Kinzie is able to copy his warrior on to you. Take care of lots of mini soldiers before going for the finale. Once you drained its health, you have one more quick time event before getting the prize. Discount for car parts or upgrading your weapons? Upgrading weapons would be the best choice and the cutscene shows Matt going away while Killbane would be all alone. Perhaps not for long.

Stillwater Blues[edit]

Depending on the character and voice, Shaundi is no longer angry anymore when STAG captures her. So how are you going to save Shaundi, the next mission will be lengthy as the last mission.

My Name Is Cyrus Temple[edit]

Your character would be Cyrus Temple and will get into a banter with Pierce and Viola. You'll already start with a STAG vehicle. Drive carefully to avoid suspicion as one mistake could end the mission. Once you reach the aircraft area, drive in and take one of the planes. Fly to the STAG ship base to meet up with Kia. After the cutscene, you have to follow Kia without showing any weapons. The dialogue is quite humorous depending on voice choice (well, if you choose a zombie voice, would that give you away.

There will be a part where you choose two out of three items. A flying bike, satchel charges and an enhanced tank. The first two would do fine. In the cutscene, your disguise backfires as Cyrus in the communication tab tells Kia he's heading back, so you go and shoot, blocking Kia from coming out. Instantly, the STAG soldiers are after you since Kia and Cyrus orders them to shoot you.

To make a long story short, shoot your way to the tank area and clear out other tanks and two guys with shields before moving on. Continue on and unlock the jail area. Clear out more soldiers before freeing your allies. Then follow the blue target, continuously taking out soldiers until you reach the engine area where you have to shoot the red target. Don't sprint as your allies wouldn't be able to move as fast as you. Then go all the way to the transport area near the end to escape as going near four others would blow if you go near them. The cutscene shows the Saints thought that STAG is no longer a nuisance. But Kia decides to get the kid gloves off.

This is almost over as now the Saints HQ is in lockdown and a few more twists before you reach the finale, having nearly all storylines resolved.