Eggerland Mystery/Rounds 61-70

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Password to Round 61: EM-PassWord-12.png

Rounds 61-65[edit]

Round 61[edit]

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  1. Push the Emerald Frame near Lolo two tiles left. Grab the Pink Frames. Shoot Snakey once and push the egg one tile right and one down. Push the Emerald Frame one tile left and two down, then all the way against the left Medusa.
  2. Push the next Emerald Frame up by one tile only. Get the two Pink Frames nearby.
  3. Cross the left bridge. Push the upper Emerald Frame all the way right and grab the Pink Frames.
  4. Backtrack and cross the other bridge. Refrain from pushing the Emerald Frame; instead, create a bridge to your left, so that you can walk around it, get the Pink Frames and reach the exit door.

Round 62[edit]

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  1. Get one Pink Frame straight above Lolo and leave the second one. Push the rightmost Emerald Frame down and the left one up. Grab three Pink Frames.
  2. Shoot away the first Skull and push the Emerald Frame next to it all the way left. Shoot away the next three Skulls and push the Emerald Frame to the left. Grab two Pink Frames. Push the remaining Pink Frame down and left.
  3. Get the two Pink Frames beyond the Gols first, and the one near Medusa and Skull last. Outrun the Skulls dashing to the exit.

Round 63[edit]

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  1. Get the Pink Frame near Lolo, push the Emerald Frame up two tiles, walk around it and replace it.
  2. Push the left Emerald Frame by two tiles, get the Pink Frame, push the Emerald Frame to the center and back in place. Repeat for the other side.
  3. Push the upper Emerald Frame up two tiles, shoot the Skull to Lolo's right once and push it in the corner. Shoot away the left Skull and grab the Pink Frame. Push the Emerald Frame up and lock that Skull away.
  4. Shoot away the upper-right Skull, grab the Pink Frame and use the magic shots to fight your way to the exit.

Round 64[edit]

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  1. Push the nearby Emerald Frame right above the Medusa. Get the Pink Frame and continue to the next Pink Frame. Push the Emerald Frame left and down. Move the other two Emerald Frames and block Medusa.
  2. Push the central Emerald Frame down. Arrange the four Emerald Frames so that they cover the Medusas from above and the external sides. Take one Pink Frame only in the process.
  3. Get the two pink frames either on the left or on the right, then the two on the other side, last the one closest to the blue door, then exit.

Round 65[edit]

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This room is shaped after a snake.

  1. Push the upper Emerald Frame almost all the way to the left, walk around it and push it back so that it blocks both Skulls near the blue door.
  2. Consider the Emerald Frame trio: push the central one down and the side ones strictly to the right. Get the Pink Frames.
  3. Consider Gol: shoot it away, then push the Emerald Frame down left and up until it covers Gol location, before it respawns.
  4. Push an Emerald Frame left and block the Skulls on the left.
  5. Shoot away the Snakey. Make your way to the last Pink Frame by moving the Emerald Frames mostly to the left, otherways you will be unable to leave. When you are done, shoot away Snakey again and walk to the exit door.

Bonus round 13[edit]

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EggerlandMystery password13.png

This bonus round is identical to the third one, but you should be more experienced. Therefore, it should be feasible.

Rounds 66-70[edit]

Round 66[edit]

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  1. Push the upper frame two tiles to the right, walk around it and grab three Pink Frames. Leave the last one where it is.
  2. Shoot away Alma and move an Emerald Frame where it will respawn.
  3. Take the three Pink Frames at the bottom. Shoot away the Skulls and push the Emerald Frames down, except for the last one: push it in front of Medusa.
  4. Get the bottom Pink Frame, shoot away the leftmost Skull and leave. Block the passage with an Emerald Frame. Get the last Pink Frame and exit from the blue door.

Round 67[edit]

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  1. Push the Emerald Frame from the right all the way to the left. In order to grab the Pink Frames "north" from the river, just push the Emerald Frames and shoot away the Snakeys. There is always one option only for moving the Emerald Frames.
  2. The tricky part comes with the water. First, shoot the leftmost Snakey and push the egg into the water. Use the egg to cross the water, but run to get the Pink Frame to the left and then cross back the water.
  3. Now the Arrow power is active. Once again, shoot the Snakey and push the egg into the water, but push the Emerald Frame on the Snakey's spot before riding the egg. Get the last Pink Frame and use the arrow power. In the meanwhile, Snakey reappeared "south" of the water. You can turn it into an egg and cross the water, then leave the room.

Round 68[edit]

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  1. Take the first four Pink Frames at the top. Walk all the way to the blue door. One by one, shoot the Skulls and move an Emerald Frame on their respawn spots. They will warp at the top of the room. Use the four Emerald Frames to lock the Skulls.
  2. Push an Emerald Frame in front of the two Gols so that it blocks them at the same time.
  3. Get the last Pink Frames and leave.

Round 69[edit]

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  1. Take the Pink Frames aligned vertically with Lolo. Push an Emerald Frame inside the inner room, then to the right. Shoot away the Gol and push the Emerald Frame between the right Pink Frame and the right Medusa.
  2. Repeat for the left Pink Frame, but make sure you leave the center room before Gol respawns.
  3. Shoot a Snakey and move the egg in front of a Medusa. Get to the exit door.

Round 70[edit]

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  1. Push the leftmost Emerald Frame against the external wall and down one tile.
  2. The Almas move inside two cross-shaped areas. Push the side Emerald Frames of the lower of such areas inside, so that the Alma moves now in a vertical three-tiles area. Walk all the way around, take the bottom-left Pink Frame and quickly move below the lowest Emerald Frame: Alma will roll into a ball into the closed passage. Push the lowest Emerald Frame so that Alma is trapped.
  3. Push the four Emerald Frames around the upper Alma, so that it is locked into a single tile. Take all the Pink Frames and leave.

Bonus round 14[edit]

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Bonus stage identical to the fourth one.

As usual, if you shoot all the enemies you can learn a part of the Special Password.