Paparazzi! Tales of Tinseltown/Monday, Day 3

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  1. News 1 - Rob Estesheen DUI
  2. Vincenzo ad
  3. Carpentry show
  4. That's Astounding - Sharon rhubarb hint
  5. Shopping Channel
  6. Maharishi Yogurt - hint about burgers


  1. Mom

Places to Go, Photos to Shoot[edit]

  1. Go to Cheever's Cameras to learn where Maharishi Yogurt is, and what he's doing.
  2. Go to the Applefjord Mall and wait for Maharishi to thrown down the burger wrapper. Then, photograph him eating the burger. Sell the photo to Rocking Stone.



  1. Pubic Vote - Freddie hits at decency
  2. Movie ads
  3. Dart Channel
  4. Mail Channel
  5. Jackie Rae Gunn ad
  6. A Steamy Affair - hints about aliens wanting alkaline batteries


  1. Goldie - hint about where Katie might be (Rosy Conch is a motorcycle bar)

Places to Go, Photos to Shoot[edit]

  1. Go to Rosy Conch. Catch Katie smoking joint. (She puts it toward her lips twice. The second time she actually smokes it, so catch her then.) Sell photo to cops if your reputation needs boosting, sell it to Rocking Stone if not.
  2. Go to Blue Fug to hear that the feminazis take their clients to the Aroma Motel.