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For Windows users, press  Ctrl + Shift + C  to bring up the code console. Parameters are entered after the code, separated by single spaces.

Code Parameters Effect
constrainFloorElevation true or false Toggles free terrain adjustments on or off. If set to true, you can move terrain regardless of what's on top of it, and anything on top moves with the terrain.
disableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt on or off Toggles on or off items snapping to slots when holding  Alt .
enableLlamas on or off The message, "Llamas enabled." is displayed when turned on.
fadeObjects on or off Toggles object fading at close proximity on or off.
familyFunds [family last name]
[amount of money]
Add the amount of money specified to the family specified.
fps on or off Toggles the display of your framerate on or off in the upper right corner of the screen.
freerealestate N/A You don't have to pay anything for houses.
fullscreen on or off Toggle between full screen mode, or windowed mode.
help N/A Displays a list of all available commands.
hideHeadlineEffects on or off Hides on-screen meters and effects.
jokePlease N/A Displays a joke in the code console.
kaching N/A Gives you §1,000 when on your lot.
motherlode N/A Gives you §50,000 when on your lot.
moveobjects on or off In Buy mode or Build mode, this toggles the ability to move anything, including Sims.
quit N/A Quits the game.
resetSim [first name]
[last name]
Resets the specified Sim. The Sim will have neutral motives, no moodlets and is teleported back home.
slowMotionViz [level] Allows you to play the game in slow motion. Level can be from 0–8, with 0 being normal speed and 8 being the slowest.
testingcheatsenabled true or false Toggles Testing Cheats, which can be used by  Shift +Mouse left click on objects.
unlockOutfits on or off Turn this on before going into Create-A-Sim mode to unlock all outfits.